
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Jacob._.merc

    Senegal bichir with delhezi bichir

    I currently own 2 bichirs in separate tanks. The Senegal is 5 1/2 inches while the delhezi is 4 inches. Would the Senegal be able to eat him?
  2. Feesh4life2000


    I have a little bichir in a 10 gallon grow out tank (don’t worry 125 gallon is on stand by) and he just started freaking out he swims frantically around the tank jumping and swimming into things and then he just sits still for a little while and starts doing it again when he sits still he looks...
  3. AquaScape

    Current Stock-list! 12/22/17

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo ea. Or 10/$70.oo 3" $30.oo ea. 4”-5” $40.oo ea. Or 4/$140.oo 5"-6" $75.oo ea. Caribe(Pygocentrus notatus) 5”-6”...
  4. Jacob._.merc

    Dragon goby with senegal bichir or africans

    I am looking to get a dragon goby for a 40 gallon tank. The tank already contains two peacocks and 2 mbunas a blood parrot and a callychthys cat. I also have a Senegal bichir, about 6 inches in a 20 gallon. Which would it be better with?
  5. N

    Delhezi and senegal ?

    Hi. I know someone already asking this. But i want to ask do they make a good tank mate? I already have a 14 cm senegal. I am planning to add 7 cm delhezi. Can my senegal swallow it or it should be okay? Thanks
  6. Jacob._.merc

    Malawi eyebiter with other cichlids

    I am looking to get another eyebiter for my 40 gallon aquarium. I had one before but she died unexpectedly. I have residence already in the tank and I have another wit a really mean cobalt zebra. The fish are - 1 dragon blood peacock 5 inches - 1 blue peacock 3 inches - 1 mbuna (not sure what...
  7. V

    Bichir death

    Hello, im new to the forum and relatively new to the aquarium hobby (tank since beggining of may 2017). My most recent addition was a bichir and he just passed away today. I just want to learn why and get some oppinions on future care. Some background, the main inhabitants are a mix of cichlids...
  8. N

    Can a Redtail shark eat this?

    Hi. Can i ask you guys for advice? I want to keep a red fin shark in a 65x40x40 cm tank with a senegal bichir? Can i give the shark hikari carnivore sinking pellet with a frozen shrimp and blood worm sometimes? Does this fish can work out together ? Thanks
  9. T

    I need some help with my Bichir!

    So I have recently adopted three baby bichirs from school. They were doing fine, but my one Senegal has formed a massive lump on his belly that has been there for a few weeks. Some days its a little larger, but it has been growing, and it's still their even when I starve. He is eating and is...
  10. Ricardo quezada

    Fish suggestions 150gal

    I don't know what to keep in a 150 gal tank. I like arowanas and alligator gars but I knwo they can not be housed in any aquarium because they would be i humane and cruel. I'd rather stay away from cichlids. I was think about freshwater rays or some other oddball fish. I would like some kind of...
  11. xDestro

    Will this stock work in a 75?

    Since pet smart isn't having any Sales on 125 gallons I want to redo my 75.. Mainly the stock. Stock I'll keep: • 9" syno Notatus • 7"-8" delhezi • 4"-6" Senegal • 4"-5" eb acara • maybe 3" leaf fish Stock I want to add: • palmas palmas • retropinnus •Moke? IDK size on these guys so any info...
  12. Ricardo quezada

    Inactive barred bichir

    Is there a way to make them more active? They just stay at the bottom of the tank and don't do much. They are juveniles about an inch in length. Water conditions are fine. Living with plecos and feeder guppies. TEMPORARY HOUSING . Eventually moving to soemthing large with other predator fish. I...
  13. B

    Cichlid Compatibility in 120G (JackD, GT/RT, Geo, Pictus, Bichir)

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to make an upgrade to approx 120G tank (48x30x24) I was hoping if I could get an idea of the type of cichlids I could keep in this setup. Iv got a few in mind which I am fond of, but am not sure if its worth risking if they will kill each other. Of course I...
  14. V

    My albino polypterus is covered in slime PLEASE HELP

    I am unfortunately having some serious issues with my polypterus that I thought would have caused his death by now but he doesn’t appear to be getting any worse or better... He is 4in long, first one to be introduced to a brand new cycled monster tank. Now his tank mates are: 1 silver arowana 2...
  15. xDestro

    125 stocking

    Well instead of doing a 20gal bonsai tree tank I decided to get a 125 on black Friday for around $300 (assuming they have them on sale) It will replace my 75.. The fish I will keep from the 75: • large eb acara •large syno Notatus • 5"+ Senegal bichir • 6"+ delhezi bichir • 2" leaf fish What I...
  16. J

    Ornate Bichir

    Hi everyone. I wish to enquire something. I have had my ornate bichir for quite a while now and earlier after I got back from work, I realised that there was a lump underneath my ornate bichir mouth. it is worrying me a lot as I am unsure of it. Yesterday night before I went to sleep, I...
  17. clm08k

    Polys in a public aquarium setting

    I explored the Georgia Aquarium today and didn’t see any polys. I don’t remember seeing polys at the Shedd either. Both are fantastic aquariums obviously and have various freshwater specimens such as Australian lungfish, gars, and stingrays. Why the lack of polys though? Is it because they...
  18. Jacob._.merc

    Weird stuff on bichir head

    Some one help please. I have a Senegal bichir and hes about 5 and a half inches but recently I noticed this weird dust looking stuff on his head and his color has gotten a lot darker than normal. Is this normal or a parasite?
  19. L

    Bichir and Peacock eel tank set up?

    I have a dinosaur bichir and a peacock eel in a temporary tank right now, they are both about 3". I'm sure this has been asked before but what would be some good tank mates for a 200 gallon tank? some mid-high swimmer fish that don't hide much and some cleaner fish? and what other bottom...
  20. T

    Turtle/ Bichir cohab questions

    I have a 125 gallon with 2 diamondback terrapins, 3 blue acaras, 3 electric blue jacks, 1 pleco and 1 convict. All cohab really well and arent aggressive at all. My terrapins won't eat or chase ANYTHING live and are super docile, we can't even get them to eat bloodworms lol. What we are...