
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. TexasAroGuy

    Young Aro fin rot

    First time posting here. I've been looking around the site and haven't been convinced on the method to get rid of the rot and not effect the catfish. I have a 5in silver aro in with a 8in ripsaw catfish and noticed some fin rot starting to grow on the edges of the aro. He's in a 100 gallon...
  2. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Opinions on these tank stocking ideas

    I have a 200 litre 45UK gallon aquarium I will divide it into 3 compartments a 20gallon area, 15 gallon area and a 10 gallon area I was thinking the following but open to more unusual ideas 20 gallon (option 1) X2 keyhole cichlids/rams don't know X15 cardinal tetras X2 angelfish (Peru altum)...
  3. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Is this a platinum iridescent shark?

    Brought 2 ID sharks 2day both looked normal coloured however 1 changed when put in the tank i don't think it's albino as it's eyes look normal is this a platinum ID shark?
  4. N

    How to feed bottom dwellers?

    I have a goonch and tigrinus that will only eat if food is dropped right in front of them. Do you have recommendations for a tool (i was thinking a metal pole with a clamp of the end or something) that i can use to reach the bottom with food? Thanks - Nick
  5. adamjavaguy

    Id this catfish please

  6. A

    Aqua Alex's South American Aquarium Blog Thread,

    This is going to be the thread where I will post everything and anything about my somewhat South American community aquarium. I will provide updates, videos, pictures and more. I think you will enjoy seeing my tank. This has always been a dream of mine to own MY very own 6' aquarium and with my...
  7. AG458

    Black Ear Shark Catfish Twitching?

    So this morning, I noticed my black ear shark catfish was twitching while swimming. He wasn't going crazy or anything; he was swimming very slowly, and every now and then he would make some jerky movements that were definitely not normal. His mouth would open whenever he twitched; it almost...
  8. S

    New Tank, rescue Eel tankmates advice

    So after a lot of financial distress over the past couple of years I am finally at a stable and comfortable point. I have bought a 125 gallon tank and it's currently cycling and will be for around the next few weeks. I got a peacock Eel from a friend who bought it on impulse and had neither the...
  9. xDestro

    Gulper tried eating another gulper?

    I have 2 4-5 inch gulpers in a 55 and I just saw 1 latched onto the other ones side. I tapped on the glass and he stopped but I was just wondering if this was normal? It's been a week since iv fed them so they are due to be fed but iv never seen this happen in the few months iv had them.
  10. AG458

    Black Ear Pangasius Going Nuts?

    So I've had my black ear pangasius for a little while now, and he is starting to gain confidence as a member of my tank. However, at random times, he'll go absolutely nuts for no reason. He will swim from one side of my tank to the other at lightning speed. He'll hit the glass so hard I can hear...
  11. AG458

    Black Ear Pangasius Information?

    Hi guys- So I recently purchased a beautiful pangasius catfish that was simply labeled "black ear pangasius." I checked one of my fish books and found the iridescent pangasius, which he kind of looks like. However, the iridescent pangasius lacks the black spot behind the gills that my catfish...
  12. MidnightRyuu

    FTS | Approx. 16in Iridescent Shark | $50 or best offer | Phoenixville,Pa | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Approx. 16in Iridescent Shark What are your prices?: 50 or best offer Where are you located?: Phoenixville,Pa Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Beautiful Iridescent Shark that I sadly have to find a new home...
  13. M

    Where can i find garnet sand?

    I have been scouring the internet for red or garnet sand for my bichirs and eels.I haven't been able to find it and I wanted to help bring out my bichirs colors by switching my substrate from white sand to either red,black or brown sand.What is also a good 'size or grit' of sand for bichirs?
  14. M

    Time to Max Size in Africans (mostly)

    Hello! I was curious if anyone could shed some light on the following... Typical time to reach max size for blue dolphin cichlid? Typical time to reach max size for yellow lab? Typical time to reach full size for red top zebra? Typical time to reach full size for red empress? Typical time...
  15. blackbullhead

    Field guide to South American fishes

    Hey all, For any of you that keep South American fish, there is a massive field guide coming out for identifying fish from the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas regions. This should be a major upgrade from books focusing on only the commonly-imported aquarium fish. Really, nothing this in-depth has...
  16. C

    Catfish with BGK?

    Hi! It's my first time owning a monster fish species and I may have got a little too carried away at the fish shop and bought 2 BGK and a catfish (Clarias Batrachus) at once. The bgk and catfish are all around 3 inches. They were fine for the first few days each doing their own thing but today...
  17. C

    Maelys the flash zebra catfish (Brachyplatystoma juruense) growout thread

    I'm back! And trying my best to pick up where I left off. :) In keeping with my tradition of naming my fish after Game of Thrones characters, and in honor of how much yellow this fish is beginning to display, I decided to name him after the fabled leader of the Golden Company: Maelys the...
  18. munchie

    FS | 8.5in tigrinus | $150 | orange county, ca | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 8.5in tigrinus What are your prices?: 150 Where are you located?: orange county, ca Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: selling my tigrinus. asking $150 FIRMED. NO PAYMENTS OR TRADES. NOT IN RUSH TO SELL SO...
  19. Vandyfan13

    Rock and a hard place

    I'm getting a 75 gallon tank Thursday and I'm not sure what to put in it. It will eventually be the sump in my tank I'm completely at the end of summer. (7ft x 3ft x 2ft tall) I don't really have any filtration on me but could I use it as a grow out for a Motoro and Ripshaw Catfish? Opinions?
  20. xDestro

    Couple gulper questions

    Had them a little over a week now, can't get shrimp until this weekend but how long should I go with them not eating ( assuming they don't eat this weekend ) before I just get feeders? I have 6 neon tetras in there they still havnt ate, so could I get more or do you think they'd eventually...