
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. blackbullhead

    Monster Pseudos

    Lots of posts of TSNs on here, so I thought I'd share a couple photos of some great looking P. tigrinum. I came across these at an aquarium exporter in Peru where they had been recently collected from the Rio Nanay. The largest was about 40 inches, while the smaller two were 30 - 35.
  2. Vandyfan13

    Opinions please

    Have the opportunity to build a pretty big tank with a custom stand. 300+ gallons. 7' by 3' any suggestions on where to put overflows for sump and other recommendations you would like done or would do to yours if you could? I should mention it will be glass too. The sump I'm building will be a...
  3. xDestro

    Gulper question

    Recently got 2 gulpers cats 3 days ago and all they do is chill under the sponge filter together. Iv been keeping the lights off to see if they'll move around a bit but they don't really. I havnt tried feeding them I'll be getting shrimp this weekend but I was just wondering if this is normal? I...
  4. xDestro

    Getting gulpers! Few tank questions

    I had to pull the trigger and order 2 gulpers from my LFS before the tank was %100 setup. I couldn't let them get away again. The tank. •the 55 gallon tank has been up and running for around 8 months now, originally on a canister and a sponge filter but canister **** out and now it's on 2...
  5. xDestro

    Gulper catfish

    Kinsley decided I want a gulper catfish.. or 2 but iv seen a couple threads on here a out them not eating when you first get them, the last thing I want to do is have a $90 fish die, I saw a vid on youtube of a guy force feeding his.. is this recommended if it won't eat? Also feeding them, could...
  6. Dgmannn412

    Wierd tsn

    So my tsn is deformed. It has a rounded head. It's not flat like a coal shovel it's round like a spade or a snow scoop. It has grown from an inch long to 13 inches in 3 1/2 months however it's head is domed. Will it flatten out over time or will it stay like this?
  7. itrebebag99

    Bottom Dwellers on sand?

    Any concerns with keeping bullheads on sand? I was planning using pool filtration sand with my black bullheads, but I am concerned with them ingesting the sand when feeding on pellets off the bottom. Also, they are quite messy, so would having sand instead of a bare bottom increase maintenance?
  8. xDestro

    Dwarf giraffe catfish question

    I ordered a dwarf giraffe catfish from WetSpot tropicals!! Super excited when I saw it up for sale, I even lowered my stock and changed my tank around to soot him better. My question is I have a maybe 4 inch zig zag eel in the tank, he's always out and never really hiding so could he become...
  9. xDestro

    To good to be true? This ebay seller is selling a...
  10. Mr. Ritter

    How To Train Your Pleco - A Beginner's Guide to Training Fish

    Hello everybody and welcome! Have you ever wondered if or wanted your plecos to do more than rasp glass, eat food, sleep, and poop? Well, maybe not, but its certainly not out of reach for them to do so! I'm Zach, and I've always loved catfish and believed that their is a definite degree of...
  11. moe214

    Trachy trachy

    Well just got my trachy trachy like half hour ago lol, so no valuable experience yet, say he's about 8" +\- and very girthy. Have already seen the way @koltsixx says they use their head to bulldoze through others to get what they want I will say. He pushed my 14" curupira out of the way...
  12. xDestro

    Lima shovelnose not eating?

    Picked up around a 4 inch lima the other day and I havnt seen him eat at all, I feed mostly sinking shrimp pellets and frozen bloodworms, the guy at the pet store said they eat anything they can get their mouth around, all he does is chill on a log and that's what he did for about 3 months at...
  13. Ras

    Dorados, p13 and Lince feeding.

    here is a short video of my tank as it is now.
  14. xDestro

    Jaguar vs gulper catfish

    I'm wanting to redo my 55, I was thinking about completely starting over and doing my first planted tank (lightly planted) and was debating on either 1 gulper catfish or get a jaguar catfish and maybe an acara and firemouth so what do you think? Also have any of you ever ordered from...
  15. xDestro

    Synodontis vs eel?

    Woke up this morning to my 6 inch bichir trying to eat my baby banjo cat. He's already eating my clown loach so I was pretty pissed, cat was okay so I went and took him back to LFS, there I saw synodontis notatus. He was big ( maybe 7-8 inches) and active. Long story short I got him! ( like to...
  16. C

    Armored Catfish

    Does anybody know if you can buy the armored catfish(callichthys) in the U.S.?
  17. Vandyfan13

    What do you recommend first?

    Building a tank around 320 gallons. sorry American haha Will have a 75 gallon K1 Fluidized Sump. Anyway I am going the Motoro Ray route, but I'm also getting a ripshaw catfish which I've heard grow slower then stingrays. Which should I buy first to make it safest. At the smaller size I would...
  18. xDestro

    Fw eel help

    I got a peacock eel about a week ago and I haven't seen or been able to get it to eat, it just kinda chills behind the intake for my filter, today I did a water change and it seemed to stress it out a bit and it came out and I noticed it was pretty damn skinny, I feed sinking shrimp pellets and...
  19. dassalmon

    FTS | 14" Megladoras Irwini | $150 or trade | NE Philadelphia | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 14" Megladoras Irwini What are your prices?: 150 or trade Where are you located?: NE Philadelphia Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Have a good sized (14") and very healthy megladoras irwini (prehistoric...
  20. xDestro

    Pictus with bichir?

    Got my 75 setup and will be getting a senegal bichir, a peacock eel and a zig zag eel soon. I want a larger schooling fish so I was thinking clown loaches but they will eventually outgrow the tank, bala sharks also came to mind but I'm not sure how fast they would outgrow the tank, then I came...