
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Kingrancher2011

    Slobbering catfish???

    So thinking about getting a brachyplatystoma platynemum catfish anyone here ever own one and know there growth rate? Eating habits?
  2. koizilla714

    How much would a 6" Tiger shovelnose catfish cost in California

    Hi guys, just wondering if a 6" tiger shovelnose catfish for $18 is a fair price? Thank you in advance
  3. Hendre

    African Biotope tank - general help needed (plants, filter and fish)

    Good afternoon ladies and gents of MFK In a month I will be setting up my first large tank (250L 4ft long) and need a few tidbits of help.:confused: I plan on building my tank around a few small, flat stones and medium pieces of driftwood at the back to leave plenty of swim space and rear...
  4. Hendre

    African Biotope tank - general help needed (plants, filter and fish)

    Good afternoon ladies and gents of MFK In a month I will be setting up my first large tank (250L 4ft long) and need a few tidbits of help.:confused: I plan on building my tank around a few small, flat stones and medium pieces of driftwood at the back to leave plenty of swim space and rear...
  5. Alchemist

    The journey of the ohrid eel ( INTERESTING )

    The eels from lake Ohrid travelled for millenniums a mysterious journey from Lake Ohrid to the Saragasso Sea. In the second half of the 20th century two dams were built on the Macedonian part of Drim river and four dams were built on the Albanian part. This video shows the migration of the...
  6. ubomb623

    FS 55 gallon tank, big birchirs, eclipse cat. Libertyville IL

    Selling my 55 gallon full set-up. First must sell fish, have 2 large delhezi birchirs, and one large eclipse catfish. After they are gone, selling the 55 gallon set up, comes with stand, fluval 306 filter, and ac110 filter, lights, everything you need. Asking $50/each birchir, $20 for...
  7. Kingrancher2011

    Rare Dorado Catfish

    So I picked up a 8" Dorado catfish today don't know to much about them besides they get big saw her at the pet store had to get it. So anyone here ever oven one?
  8. E

    South American Cichlids Brooklyn

    I am getting rid of my tanks and the fish need to go first no matter what. Here's what I have: Midas Parrotfish Flowerhorn Vieja Catfish None are babies, they are medium sized fish, not small. Give me an offer. You don't have to buy all of course.
  9. Kingrancher2011

    Baby Tigrinus???

    So i'm getting some baby Tigrinus and I heard there very hard to keep when there baby's. I'm getting 3 of them for a awesome deal. So I wanna be successful and don't wanna lose the little guys any advise to keeping them alive and are they fast growers when there babies and slow down once they...
  10. Kingrancher2011

    Goonch or tigrinus

    So I'm either thinking about getting a Goonch or a Tigrinus I can get either or for $200 never had either so just wanna get some advise what do you think I should get? One vs the other? Thanks
  11. MidnightRyuu

    Catfish Lover

    Anyone know any other catfish that aren't really expensive that I can get?I already have Kori cats,featherfins,ghost cats,striped and spotted raphaels, upside down cats,an iridescent shark,farowella catfish,and a bumblebee cat.I know I have a lot already but I really love catfish as the title...
  12. swomley93

    red tail catfish feeding question

    Hey, I have a 4 inch red tail cat and I have been feeding blood worms and shrimp, about one frozen cube a day or 2 small pieces of shrimp, should I be feeding more? Or less ? Or what are some of your alls opinions, I'm aware of the size and requirements. Thanks!
  13. Kangadrew

    Ultimate DIY Fish Room - Nearly 100K Gallons in Total!

    Well, once I get enough money I plan to design a massive private aquarium, that will house lots of large, custom tanks and my freshwater collection I already have. I plan on constructing a building around the room, which will be pretty huge, so I'm really packing on the dough here ($250K budget...
  14. Jonathan_G

    Pseudoplatystoma punctifer

    Hi guys... so i juat got this shovelnose from a friend, i actually got it because i think its a P.punctifer, according to the stripes and pattern... please confrim my ID... thankss
  15. Fishpony

    Ripsaw catfish shedding slime?

    Hey, I recently purchase a ripsaw catfish from my lfs and placed him into my tank. I watched him/her eat pellets while at the store, and it was in a tank with koi and Chinese Banded high-fin barbs. I drip acclimated him into my tank and he hasn't eaten and I always keep the lights off unless...
  16. I

    What Catfish Should I get

    I have a 55 gallon tank and looking to add a cool catfish to it, any suggestions?
  17. B

    Largest Fish that can be kept in a 240l (64 us gallon) tank for life?

    Hi guys, as the title says, I am wondering what the largest fish would be that could be kept in a 64 gallon tank for life? I like big fish but obviously this size of tank prohibits the keeping of any true monster fish. I guess anything large would have to be solitary, are we talking maybe a...
  18. catfishtimmy

    Wild Yellow Bullhead Catfish

    Yellow bullheads from small creek, only two I have ever seen with this color and spots
  19. M

    Asian Red-Tailed Catfish Maybe?

    I recently got a rtc from my lps. It was labeled as a rtc but the man didnt know anything about him or how big he would get. I googled him but every picture i see is rtc with white stripes down the side and mine is just a black cat with a lightly tinted red tail. Does anyone know if his is a...
  20. V

    Save the Date! The All-Aquarium Catfish Convention 2016

    Save the Date! The All-Aquarium Catfish Convention 2016 will be hosted by the Potomac Valley Aquarium Society October 13-16, 2016 in Herndon, Virginia at the Hyatt Dulles Hotel. Please note: We are now a 4-day convention! There will be a fantastic schedule of programs on Thursday evening...