
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Pred-Finatic

    Hello From Toronto

    Hey everyone, Just as the title says; I'm from Toronto. New to the forum, but not to aquatic husbandry. I've been in the game for over 12 years, and kept everything from common community fish to exotic monsters. Took a break from the hobby in 2014, and decided it's time to step back into the...
  2. F

    FS: Festae, Albino ARTC - Pick Up Only North/Central NJ

    10-12"+ Alpha Male Festae about 3 years old, has bred multiple times - $125 I have a few other males in the 5-8" range - $50ea Take all festaes for $150 12" Albino Asian Red Tail Catfish (also quite a few years old) - $100 Will be selling my 7' 270g tank with stand and advanced filtration /...
  3. aXio

    aX!o - Platystacus cotylephorus [Video]

    Here is a short video of one of my newest additions. Hope you guys enjoy =) Platystacus cotylephorus / Whiptail Banjo Catfish
  4. Fishpony

    900 gallon monster pond stocklist

    Hello all, My father and I are building a pond, which is 10 ft in length, 3 ft deep, 4 ft wide. We are currently in the planning stage but we have the area it will be in. We plan for 1 foot of the pond to be in ground and 2 feet of it above ground. We are trying to keep it as cheap as possible...
  5. C

    eeltail and salmon tail with oscars?

    so I've recently acquired a 200 gallon tank and obviously I'm thinking about what fish i should add. since i live in australia, elated catfish and salmon tail catfish are pretty common and available at most fish stores near me. I'm interested in getting a couple oscars, but i would also like to...
  6. M@T!@$

    Vancouver Aquarium Displays

    headed over to Vancouver aquarium today, took some shots of their best looking displays (didn't include the shark tank as it isn't the biggest/best looking) Sadly did not include photos of the touch tank as I was having too much fun petting the cownose Rays :) Enjoy
  7. J

    Redtail missing fin

    I bought two redtail catfish online (I do not have a LFS near me that has big fish) and they came today. They are little, so will be in my growout tank until they can hold their own in my pond. I have noticed an issue though. One of the catfish is missing a pectoral fin. It isn't torn, it just...
  8. Kaliedoscope

    What kind of predator for a 7" tank?

    I'm in the market for a large predator, but need opinions on what to get. The purpose of this fish will be to cull, and ideally it would be able to quickly eat a 4-5" CA cichlid when full grown. I am moving in a 230ish gallon tank for this fish, 7'x2' footprint by 3' tall. The obvious choice...
  9. Jonathan_G

    Brachyplatystoma part 2

    So if some of you remember from my post months ago, im trying to find and keep all brachyplatystoma species, so far, i got all except the B.vaillanti, which somehow never showed up in my country (importer oredered vaillantis a couple of times but different species show up. Even a filamentosum...
  10. Wyattshaw99

    Huge black upside down catfish

    So I got this guy yesterday he's around 18in or so was just wondering what are some good tank mates for him and how much bigger will he get and does anyone know how much a fish this size is potentially worth?
  11. moe214

    C. Fowleri vs C. Apurensis

    Just curious. What're the differences between these two fish as far as IDing goes, and then general information such as temperament, Max size etc. I've tried to do some research but get conflicting or unclear info, and they are interesting catfish and I'd like to add to my knowledge. Any...
  12. O

    RTC setup

    Hi guys, I would like to keep a redtail catfish. I have two options with this - my plan right now is a 12' intex pool, RTC, TSN, 3 silver aros, and then a few filler fish (4 oscars, 4 plecos, 3 silver dollars, 2 jags). Would this stocking list work? Can pbass and stingrays be successfully...
  13. S

    Pond Temp. Control Help!

    I have a small stream that runs through my property in Georgia, USA (temps here change seasonally from 30-90 degrees farenheit). I have dug a hole and built a dam, creating a pond which i intend to use to house a small group of channel catfish. It isnt very large, only about 4,500 gallons. I ran...
  14. christopher shivdat

    11-12 inch tigrinus need to sell quick 400$

    Hi in selling one of my tigs I he is eating live black worms/smelt fish and occasionally massivore pellets 400$ for s 11-12 ihch tigrinus
  15. koizilla714

    Someone please ID this fish

    Please help me id this fish,Is it a Megalodoras or oxydoras? Thanks
  16. Jonathan_G

    B. vaillanti (?)

    Guys can you confirmthis cat's species? He was labeled as vaillanti at the lfs.... Thanks
  17. F

    Weekly stock list. Mar 7 2016

    Kelberi Peacock bass 6" $78 Zebrina Pike 10" $550 Meleniae Xingu Peacock bass 10" $300 Albino knife 14-15" $260 Azul peacock bass 6" $78 Red Pike 10-12" $120 Short body Giant Gourami 8-9" $150 Short body red tail catfish 10" $450 Flag tail 4-5" $38 Flag tail 6-7" $78 Flag tail 10" $200 Albino...
  18. R

    Green terror terror

    So I have a Green Terror who's being a terror. First some back ground. I had (lost one fire mouth) 2 green terrors, a Texas, hybrid Jack Dempsey, and a fire mouth, recently deceased... Have had them since they were all about 2 inches long and in a 75 gallon tank. Recently moved them in with my...
  19. Lil' Jenny

    Stocking Questions and Advice

    I currently have a 120 gal glass aquarium dimensions are 48x18x30. With no plans on upgrading anytime soon. Currently featuring an 8.5" Sailfin Pleco, 8" Senegal Bichir, 5.5" Striped Raphael Catfish, and 5" Pictus Catfish My boyfriend and I would like to add a few more fish but we don't want...
  20. O

    15,000 Gallons of Fun - Stocking

    I posted a thread a few pages back, well I figured there should be a new thread since there's a new plan. Plan A is to build a 26x13x6 tank for 15,000 gallons, or Plan B which is a 38x13x6 tank for 22,000 gallons. I would prefer to go with Plan B - the stock is important, but it can change if...