central american

  1. S

    Central and south mericn fish in Canada

    Does anyone know where to order or any good fish stores that sell central/american cichlids?. Looking to get back in the game and get a pair of dovii or umbee or festae pair. Was going to travel to toronto to see if they had anything but I thought I'd ask the forum first.
  2. C

    Jack Dempsey Sexing and pair

    I was wondering if this a a male and female jack Dempsey. Trying to get a pair going.
  3. C

    Texas cichlid sexing

    I have a electric blue Texas cichlid around 5 inches and was wondering if anyone knows the sex.
  4. C

    Mixing cichlids!?!?

    Has anyone had success with mixing Central/South American and African cichlids? I know many are purist and only have fish from the same regions and some same exact lakes...BUT if water parameters are ok and feeding is fine has anyone done this successfully?
  5. HybridFinatic

    Hardiest Central American cichlid?

    From your experience, what is the hardiest medium-large Central American cichlid you know of or have kept? I’m talking rock solid. A fish Resilient to diseases compared to others. A fish that is stronger than the others.
  6. Lawton C

    Finally going to get it.....

    After 4 years of this hobby, I think I'm finally ready to get a tank bigger than 75g:). I'm looking at something in the 180-250 range for my living room. I'm cycling a 60 gallon for a pair of sajica and other fish atm. I have alwyas loved SA/CA cichlids and want to do a community including these...
  7. C

    Jaguar Pair

    is my jaguar cichlids pair. I just got them so their stressed right now but they don’t stop following each other.
  8. C

    Jaguar sexing

    i have around a 7 inch jaguar cichlid. When I vented it, it looked like this oO. Any guesses?
  9. C

    Identifying sex on 6 inch red devil

    Hi guys I recently put this red devil in my 125 was wondering if you could help sex it, thanks
  10. C

    Flowerhorn Quality Comparison

    which flowerhorn should I breed or which has a higher quality. Around 5 inches
  11. C

    Flowerhorn Grade?

    i have a 5 inch flowerhorn. Wondering if anyone will tell me what grade they think he is.
  12. C

    Flowerhorn Kok

    I was wondering if my flowerhorn will end up with a big Kok or just a average one. He’s around 5-6 inches
  13. C

    Flowerhorn Kok

    I was wondering if anybody can tell if my flowerhorn will end up with a big kok or not. He’s around 5-6 inches
  14. T

    Hybrid new world cichlids--sterile male offspring

    I've a question about hybrids. And, if this has been covered in another thread, forgive me, I didn't find it in my searches. Ok, so, the way I understand it (and, please correct me if I'm wrong) is, that in hybrids, blood parrots, for example, the males are sterile, but if you were to breed a...
  15. V

    Amphilophus Lyonsi

    I recently picked up some 1” lyonsi and having difficulty getting them to eat. I was wondering from those who have or have had them, what they use? I know they feed on plant seeds, plants and insects in the wild, any foods that replicates that? I currently use New Life Spectrum, Southern...
  16. C

    Texas cichlid sexing

    i was wondering if my Texas is a male or female. Also is my Texas getting a hump on its head or is that a normal head shape. Really wanting a male. Heard the hump is a good sign of male.
  17. C

    Can a Salvini and Jack Dempsey produce a hybrid together?

    My salvini just layed her eggs with a jack Dempsey and I was wondering if it’s possible for the jack to fertilize the eggs.
  18. C

    Green terror sexing

    what gender is this fish?
  19. C

    Dovii Sexing

    i just bought three doviis and was wondering if any of y’all can tell what sex they are. The first one is the first dovii, the second and fourth pic is the second dovii, and the third and fifth pics are the last dovii.
  20. C

    How to get rid of ich

    how can I get rid of ich. My dovii has it.