central american

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. C

    Salvani sexing

    male or female? Only around 2-3 inches
  2. C

    Green terror sexing

    I was wondering if you can tell if this is a boy or gir terror.
  3. C

    Jaguar cichlid male or female

    Can anyone tell if this jag is a male or female yet?
  4. C

    Amphilophus Labiatus sp.Zapatera Isle

    1 inch 4 weeks old Red Devil galore gonne have to feed some of them to the Umbee
  5. E

    Greetings fellow fish folk.

    I currently tend to a single Texas cichlid. Hoping to upgrade and get a few more in the future. I enjoy learning all i can about this hobby.
  6. C

    AMPHILOPHUS LABIATUS sp. Lago Nicaragua

    Labiatus with 5 day old fry SUNSET SHERBET & CHICKEN-ON-A-CHAIN
  7. C

    Whats your top 5 AGGRESSIVE MONSTER Cichlids?

    this a little fun video of some of my current and past actual stock except the monster Dovii my pic but he was a the zoo in a million gallon tank naw just kidding but my guess no less than 50,000 gallons probably closer to 100,000. These tank up there in aggression let me know what's your...
  8. F

    Stocking a 150g (5x2x2)

    Hi guys, I currently have a 55g but I am looking to get a new 150g 5x2x2, looking to stock American cichlids so any stocking ideas are appreciated, thanks in advance
  9. C

    Is this a true Hogaboomorum?

    Got this fish a couple years ago from a coworker who had it (along with an oscar and jack dempsey) dumped on him by a friend that moved away. He looks like a hoga but it just doesnt make sense that the guy (who had them all in a 20g) would have such an uncommon fish. Pics are all within weeks of...
  10. joegriggs

    Longfin/Veil Tailed Chili Red Oscar

    I've managed to pick up a really nice specimen "chili" red Oscar, and it's the veil tailed/long finned variant. I'll get some pictures up as soon as he/she arrives tomorrow. For any potential plans that I may have in the future for breeding, I was wondering if I could get some of my fellow MFK...
  11. PDRed302

    The insanity continues... My 345 SA/CA re-build thread

    Hello fellow Monster Fish Keepers! It's been a while since I've posted much on the forum, other than lurking a little for the last month or so :rolleyes: My family and I recently moved into a new house and while its been nothing short of a pain in the butt, it has been very rewarding! With the...
  12. K

    Electric Blue Jack Dempsy

    Can a EBJD live with a sengal Birchir? I have a cycled 55 gallon and I would get both at tiny sizes.
  13. Truetommy

    cichlid ID

    I just got back from the fish store and picked up two intresting looking cichlids. They were losted as green hornets, however I havent been able to find any information on them. One of the workers at the stores said they were related to severums, if any one knows any info on this fish it would...
  14. SeymourAndHisCat

    Stocking Suggestions South American

    Hello, I have a 50 gallon tank with Fluval 405 (100 US gallon) canister filter Current fish; 1x Banded cichlid (Golden Severum) 8-8.5 inches 1x Torpedo Barb (Roseilene Shark) 4 inches 1x Electric Blue Crayfish 1x Some sort of Geophagus 4 inches, sold under Red headed tapjos, however looking at...
  15. Truetommy

    SA/CA cichlid stocking

    I just recently picked up a ~100 gallon tank. the dimensions are 5' long 18"deep and 20" tall. I currently have 1 convict, 1 Jd, 1 Texas, and 1 Firemouth (all juvinial) in a 55 gallon that i plan on putting in the 100 gallon. Are there any other aggressive cichlids i could keep with these guys...