
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    Does this Fire Eel look healthy?

    Hello, A little over one month ago I purchased a Fire Eel. I've put all sorts of food in the tank but I have never seen him eat. I'm getting worried he'll starve to death. I've asked before how to tell if he's eating when I'm not looking. Most of the responses were "see if he looks too skinny"...
  2. R

    How to know if Fire Eel is eating?

    Hello, About 3 weeks ago I purchased a 6-8" Fire Eel. I am concerned because I have never seen him eat. I've provided a number of foods (listed below) but have not actually seen him consume anything. Is there a way to determine if he is actually eating? Food I've provided: - frozen Blood...
  3. Mbielek

    How often should I be feeding a cichlid/silver tank?

    My tank setup right now is a 75g including two blood parrots (between 3-4 inches), one green terror (4 inches), and three silvers around the diameter of 4 inches. I've been feeding blood worms/brine shrimp once a day, and pellets maybe twice. Some days I go completely without feeding, especially...
  4. spencer0t

    Clown knife

    I just purchased a clown knife what should I feed him he's about 4 inches
  5. The Dave

    How To Make A very Simple Brine Shrimp Hatchery

    In this professionally filmed, and produced short film, I introduce the viewer to a simple and inexpensive brine shrimp hatchery. For those of you who are not familiar with this creature, newborn brine shrimp are an essential, easy to raise, and very nutritious live food item for newborn fish...
  6. The Dave

    How To Make A Very Simple Brineshrimp Hatchery

    In this professionally filmed, and produced short film, I introduce the viewer to a simple and inexpensive brine shrimp hatchery. For those of you who are not familiar with this creature, newborn brine shrimp are an essential, easy to raise, and very nutritious live food item for newborn fish...
  7. The Dave

    How To Culture And Feed Microworms To Your Fish

    One of the best ways to improve the growth rate of newborn fish is to give them ample supplies of healthy live foods. Microworms are a great choice for feeding small fry. These roundworms are a free-living (non-parasitic) nematode that is also known as the sour paste nematode. They are very easy...
  8. The Dave

    How To Culture And Feed Microworms To Your Fish

    One of the best ways to improve the growth rate of newborn fish is to give them ample supplies of healthy live foods. Microworms are a great choice for feeding small fry. These roundworms are a free-living (non-parasitic) nematode that is also known as the sour paste nematode. They are very easy...
  9. The Dave

    How to Culture And Feed Vinegar Eels To Your Fish

    One of the easiest ways to improve the growth rate of newborn fish is to give them ample supplies of healthy live foods. However, most live food cultures can be difficult to keep going over the long run. One exception is the vinegar eel. These creatures are incredibly easy to raise and feed to...
  10. The Dave

    A very beautiful video of the underappreciated pink Ramshorn snail

    The ramshorn snail is often seen as an aquarium pest that people want to avoid. However, they only pose a problem in an aquarium that is unbalanced. When the aquarist adds too much food to the tank, the ramshorn snails take advantage of the abundance and breed at an alarming rate. Population...
  11. The Dave

    An Incredible Video Of My Rosetail Betta Feeding On Mosquito Larvae

    Has anyone here ever fed their mosquito larvae to their Betta ? They love it, and it's fun to watch them chasing the larvae all around the tank. I put out several containers of water in a shady area near my home every year to allow mosquitos to lay their eggs in the water. I check it everyday...
  12. The Dave

    My Incredibly Beautiful Electric Blue Jack Dempsey ( ebjd )

    This is the largest fish in my fish room, he is also the meanest fish I have ever owned. He will not tolerate any other creature in his tank. Even snails fall victim to his wrath. So, he lives alone! However, he is incredibly smart and beautiful. When he passes I will probably cry, and he will...
  13. The Dave

    The Strange And Beautiful Mystery Snails ( everything you need to know and more )

    This high definition video will teach you everything you need to know about keeping, feeding, and breeding mystery snails. It is professionally filmed and narrated, and covers all aspects of this wonderful creature. Give this video a look and you will gain a whole new appreciation for the "...
  14. The Dave

    The Ramshorn Snail Friend Or Foe

    The ramshorn snail is often seen as an aquarium pest that people want to avoid. However, they only pose a problem in an aquarium that is unbalanced. When the aquarist adds too much food to the tank, the ramshorn snails take advantage of the abundance and breed at an alarming rate. Population...
  15. The Dave

    Hand feeding My Electric Blue Jack Dempsey ( ebjd )

    I thought that it would be fun, though a bit scary, to hand-feed worms to my 8 inch long Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. He is everyone's favorite fish, but he's a bit of a bully. So, he lives in a tank by himself because he eats anything that goes in with him. It's a great video that I am sure you...
  16. The Dave

    My Polypterus Hunting For Nightcrawlers. High Quality Video.

    In this professionally produced, high definition video, we will see the species Polypterus delhezi in action feeding on nightcrawlers. This is one of the best polypterus videos on the internet. These are incredibly intelligent and beautiful fish. Highly recommended. Enjoy ...
  17. M

    I think its a Motoro, but the spots. ID please.

    Hello all, I have purchased this guy for $175 from a LFS, the storeowner couldnt tell me which kind of ray it is but said he has had him there for almost 2 weeks. I have had him now for 5 days, the ray is eating bloodworms and slivers of shrimp. The ray is only about 5 inches across, eats well...
  18. B

    Multiple bulges on stomach after eating?

    Is this normal or a sign of overfeeding? It disappears after they poo a day later or so. I'm not sure if the "stomach bulge" while feeding is an overall swelling of the body that already happened before the multiple bulges happen?
  19. R

    Diy gelatin fish food

    So I've been thinking about making my own fish food for awhile and finally i just went for it. I used the basic guidelines and recipes online to come up with my own probably worst version lol. I added the garlic, probiotics, paprika, few approved herbs, and a bunch of veggies and all that but i...
  20. N

    Green Terror hitting Aquarium Lid

    I have been Keeping central and south american cichlid species, large species since i was around 8 and i am now twenty i have always wanted a large show quality Green Terror i have purchased them at small sizes but never had any luck before them getting killed so last May i finally caved and...