
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. The Dave

    Feeding My Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

    Does anyone else hand-feed their fish ?
  2. VettesAndAros

    Arowana stopped eating after I put in the Oscar

    My silver Arowana was eating perfectly fine (hikari pellets, frozen bloodworms, etc) Then I put in a tiger Oscar and now the aro refuses everything I give him. It's been 2 days and the Oscar is out competing my aro for food and the Oscar spits a lot of food out. The aro jumped and lost some...
  3. PatrickMW36


    So I currently have 2 Pickerel both 6in. Ive had them for about a month and they are now regularly feeding. these fish are ambush predators. at first they were skittish when feeding. hanging back and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Now they will chase down their food. Ive been...
  4. F

    Rope fish feeding?

    Hey, so I've had a rope fish for about 3 weeks now. He's in a 39 gallon tank with the following: 4 Angel fish 2 Blue Rainbows 2 Electric Blue Rams 2 African Butterflies 2 Green Cory Cats 2 Assassin Snails 1 Bristlenose Pleco and 10 Diamond Tetras And then the ropefish itself. Now everyones...
  5. R

    Fire eel.. not well?

    Hi all Very new to all of this, up until last week we only had guppys and tetras and life was easy whilst our ghost shrimp ate all the algae. So we were offered a lovely 170litre tank, which we adore. We've got some live planted plants in it, plenty of sand for borrowing and there's a good few...
  6. senegalrb

    Need help with my new delhezi

    Hello i just bought a new bichir. I previously bought a senegal bichir that was 2 inches last febuary 2016 and now its about 8 inches, so i thought i would buy another one and i saw a really cheap delhezi and had to get him. So anyway my question is, my delhezi is about 2 inches, how long will i...
  7. Hendre

    Bunch of jack dempsey questions

    as the title suggests i have a few questions about jack dempseys. here we go. 1- is a 65 gal suibtable for a pair? 2-is a boyu fef 230 suitable for a single/ pair dempsey?if not is there a suitable budget filter? 3-best food for dempseys 4-can a dempsey tank be planted? 5- any tips for these...
  8. freshfishin727

    Male marbled motoro taking a shot like a man

    Check it out dropped the shot glass full of worms by accident and the ray was super happy
  9. Hendre

    How many Guppy's needed to feed preds?

    Good morning mfk. In the future I am getting a 250 L tank in which I want to keep 3 African bushfish, 2 African butterfly fish and 5/6 upside down synodontis. I would like to breed Guppy's to feed as a treat to the bush and butterfly fish once a week. (Maybe 2 a fish) The question is how adult...
  10. Angelphish

    Angelfish Breeding

    I caught one of my Angelfish laying eggs today. This wasn't her first time, but it was here first time not eating them. About a minute later I see my Leopard Angel come to fertilize them (I'm going out on a limb and guessing this one is a male), and surprisingly, he didn't eat the eggs either...
  11. swomley93

    feeding and water quality

    I fed my catfish hot dogs last night and woke up to a cloudy tank, pera meters are good nitrates are a little high so I did a water change and then I noticed Ithat was still cloudy has anyone had this happen before with specifically hot dogs?
  12. dwsdarius

    What to feed Baby Jardini Arowana

    Hello everyone; I've had my jardini arowana for about 5 months now, he's grown from 2 inches to 4 inches in this period! My main problem and concern is that this fish is stubborn when it comes to feeding! It refuses everything except crickets! I've tried multiple types of floating pellets, raw...
  13. Longfindragon

    Baby rtc feeding?

    I have a baby rtc (about 3inch) and I was wondering what's the safest way to minimize the growth rate without compromising health. I have him in a 65g now and have been feeding him blood worms and cut up raw frozen prawns. Is it safe to feed him every second day or 2 days on 1 off? I know his...
  14. swomley93

    juvenile alligator gar

    Hello, I have a 4 inch alligator gar that I have had for 5 days now, I am aware of their size and requirements and what it entails to keep this monster. My question is their eating habits, coloration, and characteristics. I keep about 5 small guppy in the tank normally and I really don't...
  15. M

    Crazy Parachromis Dovii Waste!!??

    Hi everyone, new member and first thread. First I will give you the layout: 75 gallon bare bottom aquarium, Single 20" T5 (minimal makeshift lighting), powered by a Sunsun hw 505b canister. The inhabitants are nine Dovii grow-outs ranging from 2 to 3 inches. Now I'm not sure if this is an actual...
  16. swomley93

    juvinile Alligator Gar isn't eating alot

    Hello all, I have a 3 inch Alligator Gar , and I bought him 2 days ago, and I have seen him eat 2 guppys so far (possibly 3 I can't find the other one so I assume he ate it) the guppys were about 1/4 inch+-. I'm wondering if that's enough or not enough food, and I keep on being paranoid about...
  17. swomley93

    juvinile Alligator Gar isn't eating alot

    Hello all, I have a 3 inch Alligator Gar , and I bought him 2 days ago, and I have seen him eat 2 guppys so far (possibly 3 I can't find the other one so I assume he ate it) the guppys were about 1/4 inch+-. I'm wondering if that's enough or not enough food, and I keep on being paranoid about...
  18. T

    Fire eel feeding

    I'm sure this has been posted a million times but I have a fire eel and have had him for about 2 years and he's grown significantly but I still can't get him to eat anything but blood worms and live ghost shrimp, I'm trying to breed my own shrimp but that's not going great and I don't really...
  19. D

    scared BGK missing out on food

    I acquired a 10" BGK about a week ago and it seems he's terrified of me to the extent that he's missing out on feeding times. In the shop, he was eating flake, but I've introduced him to bloodworms and red pellets - the problem is that every time I open the tank lid, he immediately lies down...
  20. Akeno071

    How much should i be feeding my fire eels? - Mastacembelus erythrotaenia

    Hello, I have 2 Fire eels, of which are length 7" each. These fish have recently come to consume 6-8 cubes of frozen bloodworm in a single night. Is this the normal amount, or are we overfeeding them? Here an videos of them feeding. Thanks.