fire eel

  1. A

    Fire Eel resting at the top of the tank and has white "scratches"

    Anyone know what this is? All of the sudden my eel has this huge white patch that looks like fin rot. Yesterday he was swimming completely fine and had no scratches on him, today he's chilling at the top of the water and this huge white "scratch" at the end of his tail. I'm assuming its a...
  2. A

    Whats on my fire eel?

    I have recently purchased a fire eel, he is about 6” long and I have had him for about 2 weeks, he is in a tank with a betta, 2 cory cats, a pleco and a snail, I had a molly and some fry but got rid of them today since they produce so much waste. I just noticed something on its side, it looks...
  3. S

    Fire Eel

    Hey guys, I have a fire eel now for about 2 plus years and he’s about 14-16 inches. Recently I moved the tank around and put a PVC pipe in there for him because I felt he was getting too big for his self made cave under some rocks I have. Recently I’ve noticed that he lays in there upside. At...
  4. M

    Baby fire eel NEED HELP!

    Does my fire eel have ick? I had a black sail fin molly in there but he had white spots on him and he didn’t make it but that was about two weeks ago and I’ve been watching all of my fish everyday since that happened and it’s the first day I’ve seen this on my eel I’m not sure if it’s ick or...
  5. Jtank

    Fire eel bump

    Hey I just purchased a fire eel but didn’t notice it had a pimple like bump on its body. Any ideas what it could be?
  6. 6erikar9

    Iridescent Shark and Fire Eel Interaction Question

    Hey all, I purchased a fire eel and an iridescent shark from my LFS. The shark isn't very active, and when it's still on the bottom for a long time the eel nudges it gently and it starts swimming again. I figured I'd QT them together because they came from the same store, and they're both young...
  7. P

    Fire Eel Tank

    I know for sure adult fire eels need a very large tank. But I currently have 2 - 4” Senegal bichirs, a 3” black ghost knife, and a 9”fire eel in a 75 gallon tank. He seems to be growing quite slow. There was a 9” tire track in there with them but he became aggressive toward my fire eel so he was...
  8. Balake2424

    Ich ?or cloudy slime coat? or bacterial infection? Or fungal? Please help

    So I’ve got multiple different answers on what this is I just need someone who’s positive because I treated for ich and it does nothing at all but it sure looks like it . water temperature is 86 now I’ve added salt and ich x and this morning no sign of it disappearing no other fish has it in the...
  9. Balake2424

    What the hell is this ?

    I got 2 fire eels 3 days ago one is perfect and the other has these white spots kinda like ich but I’m not sure if it is can anyone help me ? Water seems great I only used the test strips to test it though, and I’m not sure how reliable they are. I really want this to go away it stresses me out...
  10. Serpentine

    Stocking A Monster Tank

    We are about to build a 750 gallon monster tank. It will be 10 feet long, 4 feet deep and 30 inches high as planned. Acrylic if we can swing it. Glass is too heavy and the risk of breakage spooks us. I could use a bit of help with part of the stocking. We already have most of the fish...
  11. Z

    Fire eel safety?

    Hi all, long time lurker first time Poster! I'm recently finishing building my 180g acryllic and 75 gallon sump, she's beautiful! As of now I will be stocking with a few clown loaches, some angel fish, a very passive frontosa, an Oscar, ornate bichir and of course a fire eel at only 10 inches...
  12. T

    Fire Eel SOS HELP!!!

    I bought a 3-4" fire eel a month ago. I have a 30 Gal tank with 2 black molly, 2 dwarf gourami, 1 pleco, 1 african dwarf frog, 1 cory catfish, 1 male betta, and my fire eel (All fish are small right now). I don't have any sand on the bottom but I do have small gravel (I was gonna get sand soon)...
  13. J

    Fire eel blotch on tail

    My new fire eel has a blotch on its tail. I don't know if its new or was already there. Recently did a water change. Haven't seen it eat yet. Only had it a week. What do you think?
  14. T

    Hide ideas for my new 400g

    Hey guys! So I just recently moved and set up my 400gallon tank in my new home. It’s 8 foot wide 2 foot 3 deep and 2 foot tall.. and succefully moved all my fish from the 120gal... I dropped a bichir but he’s fine :o . I transferred the canister with them and slowly acclimated them so the tank...
  15. Miks786

    Tire Track Vs Fire Eel

    Hey MFK I was wondering, Can i keep a tire track eel and fire eel together? (Both of the same size) Which of the 2 are faster growers? Easier to keep? TIA ;)
  16. GiantFishKeeper101

    Colour morph on fire eel QUESTION

    Not mine but my friend. Can fire eel morph their colour late stage? I know certain catfish can morph from normal to leucistic or xanthic. But this eel morph from normal to xanthic and back to normal. Can anyone explain why???
  17. Miks786

    Fire eel care???

    Hey guys I’m looking at getting a fire eel tomorrow... Any tips for me? Are they hard to pellet train? Growth rate on them?
  18. Miks786

    Fire eel info

    hey guys what’s the growth rate of a fire eel if fed the right diet? Would a good sized fire eel be safe with a RTC? And what’s the best diet for growth? Really would love to keep one but not sure
  19. L

    BGK and pleco tankmates

    Hi guys. This is my first post.. I have a 615liter I think it's about 160g. I started it as a community tank with 2 bgks(one about 25cm and the other about 20cm at the moment), one pleco(about 30cm) and a couple of other community fish like black neons, neons, glowlight tetras, a few glowfish...
  20. B

    Possible 125 Gallon Project...

    I've been thinking about it lately and I think I want to put together my first "monster" tank. I think the jump from 55 to 125 (6ft) isn't too crazy and greatly widens my stocking selections. To narrow it down I'd like to stock SA/CA cichlids. Filtration: I'm trying to decide between a Fluval...