fire eel

  1. T

    Worried about my large fire eel, looking for advice

    Hey everyone I don’t post often and I really should but I’m looking everywhere for advice and this is a likely spot. I’ve got 4 spiny eels right now one 15 inch tire track eel one 5 inch zig zag eel one 10 inch Borneo python eel and my beloved 16 inch fire eel I’ve raised from a baby. He has...
  2. N

    Xanthic/Gold Fire Eel

    Has anyone seen one of these recently? Would love to own one.
  3. E

    Stocking concerns with 265 gallon setup

    i will be buying a 265 gallon tank along with a 55 gallon DIY sump filter. My question will be with stocking the 265 display tank. My absolute must have fish is a fire eel I was thinking for tank mates on doing 1x tiger Oscar 1x gold saum 2x red sevrum 8x silver dollars Any issues you think I...
  4. M

    Fire Eels

    I'm investigating keeping fire eels and would like to learn from people that work with them, everything that I need to know. What size of tank? I Intend to keep them longterm. I read that they refuse to eat if not kept in brackish water but what I've read they inhabit freshwater habitats. What...
  5. Davidiator

    FTS | Fire Eel | $1 | Post Falls, Idaho | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Fire Eel What are your prices?: 1 Where are you located?: Post Falls, Idaho Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: I have a beautiful fire eel that is about 6", I am not set on a price so shoot me a number, It is in...
  6. P

    180 gallon stocking

    Hey everyone very new to monster fish keepers looking forward to keeping some monster fish! I’m having trouble settling on stocking my new 180 gallon tank and would love some pointers. I’ve been in love with bichirs for quite some time but am concerned about mixing ornates with either delhezi...
  7. R

    Thoughts on Fire Eel tank change

    Hello Everyone! I have a beautiful Fire Eel currently housed in a 125g planted tank. He's around 18 in. I'm doing some tank re-arrangements to maximize my fish room. I have a 135g cube tank (36 W x 36 L x 24 H) available. I am briefly considering putting my eel into this tank. It's not very...
  8. Davidiator

    Stocking 75 Gallon Tank

    Hi i would like to get ideas on how to stock my 75 gallon tank... it is cycled and i would like to keep my Fire Eel and Hi-Fin Plecostomus in the tank with whatever you come up with. Thanks :)
  9. C

    Arowana and fire eel?

    has anyone had any luck keeping a silver arowana with a fire eel? Want to put them together in my 225 gallon
  10. H

    When can my Fire Eel eat shrimp?

    I got a fire eel that was 4 inches and he grew to six. I've been hand feeding it frozen blood worms with nitrite gloves and I'm wondering when it can eat shrimp. (Even the tiny ones)
  11. R

    White Spots on Fire Eel?

    Hello, I've noticed numerous white spots on my 10-12" fire eel. I can't tell if it's ich or some disease, or if it's just the eels natural paterns developing. I tend to over-worry about this guy, so this could be nothing. But I wanted to ask to be safe. Pictures attached. Anyone know what...
  12. Josh's Fish

    18" Black Ghost Knifefish tries pairing with a 25" Fire Eel (Photos)

    Bit of a weird one haha, for a brief moment, my male Knifefish thought my (also male) Fire Eel was a larger female Knifefish and tried to pair with it. I'm not all clued up with the exact pairing ritual of Black Ghost Knifefish, but I'd say it might of been something like this lol. Was a bit...
  13. Josh's Fish

    Primitive Fish Riparium Update - April

    Hi, thought I'd do an update since I haven't posted in a while. Is a long one, but have cool pictures to trick you in to thinking it's not boring haha The tank is 7ft long x 4ft wide x 2ft deep (1400 litres) with a 16 inch tall sliding glass door riparium section. The riparium plants are...
  14. Josh's Fish

    Feeding video for HUGE (18 inch) Black Ghost Knifefish and other Ancient Fish

    Thought I'd share a video of feeding the Knifefish, Lungfish, Gars, Eels, African Arowana and Bichirs some carnivore pellets. Enjoy! :) Tank is 7x4x2ft
  15. R

    Does this Fire Eel look healthy?

    Hello, A little over one month ago I purchased a Fire Eel. I've put all sorts of food in the tank but I have never seen him eat. I'm getting worried he'll starve to death. I've asked before how to tell if he's eating when I'm not looking. Most of the responses were "see if he looks too skinny"...
  16. R

    How to know if Fire Eel is eating?

    Hello, About 3 weeks ago I purchased a 6-8" Fire Eel. I am concerned because I have never seen him eat. I've provided a number of foods (listed below) but have not actually seen him consume anything. Is there a way to determine if he is actually eating? Food I've provided: - frozen Blood...
  17. R

    Giant Gourami w/ 2 Kissing Gourami & 1 Fire Eel?

    Hello, I'm planning far ahead for a monster tank I'd like to set up in the next year or so. My intention for the tank (300+g) is to house a Giant Gourami (I love the size of those things). I currently have a Fire Eel (6-7 inch) and two Kissing Gourami (juvies) in other tanks. Those three will...
  18. R

    Fire eel Australia

    Hi everyone I'm a long time lurker and I have always enjoyed the discussions. I have a question so I joined today. We have a 2.5 metre tank (8 feet) x 80cm x 60cm. We've got a varied tank full of interesting fish which we intend to grow to a good size. We have 8 spiny eels but my...
  19. R

    Can I keep Fire Eel with tetras?

    Hello All, I recently put a 6-8 inch Fire Eel in my 125g community tank. Most of the fish in there are large enough to not be threatened by the Fire Eel, even when it's full grown. However I would like to also keep a school of cardinal and lemon tetras (both species will max out at 2 inches)...
  20. B

    How much should I feed my fire eel?

    I bought a fire eel recently I've had him for about a month and he's eating dozen blood worms fine about a cube a day is that enough food for him or should I be feeding him more?