
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. E


    he's pale and barely moving and just laying at the bottom in one spot. he doesn't want to eat and he usually has the biggest appetite. and apparently earlier this morning he smashed out the top of the tank, thankfully my friend was in the room and got him back in the tank quickly. any advise...
  2. P

    Best deal?

    Every now and then us fish keepers luck up on "to good to be true" deals. What's some great deal that you guys have lucked up on?
  3. J

    Butti for sale!

    Located in Mass. No sure on the sex. Probably about 8 inches. Hes not as aggressive as I thought he'd be. Hes only with a feather fin cat and a pleco and he doesnt even notice they are there. Not sure how he'd be with another aggressive type fish though. Make an offer and im always open to trades!
  4. P

    Anyone ever used this??

    Has anyone ever used HTH Pool Filter Sand? How'd it work? Any problems?
  5. S

    Big Piraya piranha eating everything up!

    Here is Big Moby eating like a champ that he is! Enjoy!
  6. Truetommy

    Blood Parrot and Texas Breeding

    I have recently noticed my Blood Parrot (female ~6") and Texas cichlid(male ~7") burrowing a cave under a rock, however when I looked into my tank this morning there were at least 300 fry swimming with them. I took out the fry and put them into a 10 gallon for now. Anyone know what these guys be...
  7. F

    125g Stock Ideas Help!

    Hello I recently picked up a 125gallon and need help with stock ideas. I definelty want a poly but I'm not sure what kind. I don't want to upgrade too too much most likely nothing more than another 100 gallons. So I don't want anything that gets CRAZY huge but I do want one that will reach a...
  8. S

    New to the Forum - Looking For Invertebrates

    Hello people of MonsterFishKeeprs, my name is Cavan Smith and I am completely new to this forum. I am far more interested in salt water reefing than I am about fresh water fish. I've been looking for some invertebrates such as: menospongia aurea Smenospongia echina Verongula rigida I'm very...
  9. PufferCorps

    Remembering 14K

    One in a million. 14K passed away only a few weeks after his rescue from complications, due to Quality Pets recommended starvation diet at Walmart. Puffers DON'T eat flakes.
  10. W

    Aquarium Stocking Question

    Hello, I'm quit familiar with this cite but I just made an account so sorry if this is in the wrong section. I recently purchased a 75 gallon aquarium. I was wondering if I could house a yellow perch, and/or Grass Pickerel in the tank? Would they be able to thrive together? If not which would...
  11. Larryfish

    Fishing as a hobby

    Hi. I was just wondering how the majority of you feel about fishing as a hobby. Catch and release. ? I just wanted to get some input as to weather or not you think it's okay
  12. G

    Mystery Cichlid Help Identify

    Hello, new to this site but anyways I picked up a cichlid of some sort at the local fish store since it looked cool and no one knew what it was so I took the little bud home and he's thriving! If someone can help me identify him that would be great!
  13. S

    Big fishes that are ok with small fishes...

    Hey guys, so getting back into the hobby. I have a 360 gallon that I'm looking to start putting fish into. I really want to keep a set of a 100-200 small schooling fishes (possible gold tetras) and other small bottom feeders and maybe some shrimps. What I wanted to know was... which BIG fish...
  14. S

    30 gallon stocking

    I have a 125 gallon tank that is stocked with american cichlids and now i want to stock my 30 gallon tank. I am thinking of around 5 african mbunas and few cory cats but is there any other type of species or community possible apart from tetras. Is it possible to keep more than 5 africans in my...
  15. S

    My clown loach is injured pls help !!!

    earlier today my clown loach seemed to have what looked like a punctured eye or a bubbled eye (right one).I had to go to work so i left him like that.when i returned to home i found that he banged with the lava rocks due to nervousness and injured himself around the head region badly. I...
  16. S


    Hey! I was at my LFS and saw this super cool fish and forgot to ask about it, I'm dying to know what it was. It had -white body -long, gar like body/snout(?) -inch or two long -in a 5 gallon planted tank -with other fish so I assume not aggressive If anyone has a clue what this fish is, LET...
  17. S

    New Tank Mates

    Hello I've got a 4-5in green phantom pleco who is now by himself due to the passing of my peacock bass :(. I have a 55g and a 20g long and want to put the pleco in one of them with other fish along with him. I want something cool and unique. I like planted tanks but down want to get anything to...
  18. S

    Cichlid tank mate

    Hello, first off let me start by saying that I know the conditions aren't ideal. But it's a better life then previously for now. I have acquired an African cichlid (supposively) and it's only like an inch or two long and the previous owner said it barely has grown for months. Anyway for now...
  19. jlieskovan

    Fish Transportation questions

    Hey guys, its been a while. I have been busy with college, i am about to graduate in around 4 weeks. The downside to this is that i am moving from my bay area apartment where i have my 55g with a 5" Odoe Pike. I will be going from the Bay Area to the central valley, around 4 hour drive. What is...
  20. AshKetchum

    FS | Fish tank, Fish and ALL equipment | $700 | Hawthorne, New Jersey | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Fish tank, Fish and ALL equipment What are your prices?: 700 Where are you located?: Hawthorne, New Jersey Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: I have a 60 gallon fish tank that has 4 or 5 pieces of driftwood, 2...