
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    ID please

    Is it a kirin parrot or shortbody flowerhorn?
  2. H

    New here

    Hi! My names Hayley and I'm new here! This is the first forum I have joined so I'm pretty excited to post and ask lots of questions! A little about me: I currently have 3 tanks set up! From biggest to smallest, 55 gallon with 2 Blood parrots,1 Electric Blue Acara, 1 Firemouth cichlid, and 1 yoyo...
  3. Grinch

    Do fish feel pain?

    Whether or not fish feel pain is the subject of debate in the scientific community. Since the answer to this debate is of great importance to us as fish keepers, especially those of us that treat our fish as "wet pets", I decided to share what I know about the academic debate. I have tried to...
  4. Charles E Washington

    My Blue Magnam Flowerhorn is starting to spawn..

    Hi ...:)
  5. munchie

    FS | 8.5in tigrinus | $150 | orange county, ca | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 8.5in tigrinus What are your prices?: 150 Where are you located?: orange county, ca Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: selling my tigrinus. asking $150 FIRMED. NO PAYMENTS OR TRADES. NOT IN RUSH TO SELL SO...
  6. S


  7. S

    Electric Blue Jack Dempsey baby

  8. S


  9. A

    Opinions on new piranha setup

    New to the world of piranha and this is my first large tank. Just would like some opinions. Plan on getting 3 rb piranha. Only thing I have so far is 70 gallon tank with stand and will be purchasing everything else soon. Here's what I plan on getting so far: Fluval 406 filter 2 aqueon 150watt...
  10. B

    40 gallon tank . What fish?

    Got a 40 gallon feeder. Need help finding fish for it. Preferably one fish that's pretty big. I've had a cichlid tank before so I'm not a begginer. I'd prefer to not have substrate like sand or gravel so I don't have to vacuum the bottom. I have family that has had plenty of fish before so I...
  11. F


    Hi guys! Sorry, I'm a noobies in here. I am wondering if anyone have a good idea where to get jardini arowana or are giving them away. Thank you!
  12. J

    Flowerhorn types

    I'm thinking about buying a flowerhorn but i have no idea what kind... there is a bunch of options but i cant tell the difference between some of them. For example a lot of websites list flowerhorns as just flowerhorns but others list them as red dragon. I cant tell them apart weather or not...
  13. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  14. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  15. The Dave

    A Guppy Having Babies

    This amazing high definition video takes an up close look at the miracle of birth. You will see a gravid female guppy ( technically it's a female Orchid Endler ) giving birth to her 37 babies. There is lots of information, supported by video clips, that I am sure will amaze even the most jaded...
  16. T

    Better tank size?

    Buying a tank tomorrow, need help. Better buy? 6 x 2 x 2 (all in feet) 6 (length) x 2 (width) x 2.5 (height)
  17. A

    What kind of peacock bass is this?? It is about 10-12 inches and some prople said kelberis some mono

    Please help me who ever is 10+ years in studying bass
  18. koizilla714

    House my fish for 3 days

    Hello guys, so we will be having our house fumigated this month and i don't wanna risk my fishes dying. Will someone keep them for 3 days during the fumigation process? I live in Santa Ana 92704 so if someone who has extra tanks and near me please contact me at 714-6865656 for more information...
  19. J

    Identify this fish

    Bought it told it was a red terror. But not i have doubts
  20. B

    Can Bichirs eat plain cooked fish/squid?

    I've read people feeding them cooked mussels and cooked shrimp...does anyone with research or experience know if why or why not it's okay?