
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. greenerinks

    Exotic FH ID pls

    Hi MFK pros, can anyone help me Id these? Just curious what strain of FH they are. These are some of the nicer ones available here in my local market. Thanks!
  2. M

    flowerhorn sperm collection for breeding

    hi guys! :) so im new in this flowerhorn obsession and while browsing on how to breed flowerhorns iv come across the artificial insemenation thats really interesting. im hoping anyone here could teach me how to collect the sperms from the male flowerhorn :) thanks alot guys ^.^ happy fish...
  3. Tsdamian

    Rate my kamfa

    What's everyone's opinion?
  4. Fishpony

    900 gallon monster pond stocklist

    Hello all, My father and I are building a pond, which is 10 ft in length, 3 ft deep, 4 ft wide. We are currently in the planning stage but we have the area it will be in. We plan for 1 foot of the pond to be in ground and 2 feet of it above ground. We are trying to keep it as cheap as possible...
  5. F1FlowerHornA1

    Check my 7 inch flowerhorn! monster kok

    Bought at 2 inches and is now about 8 months old. Destroys anything I put in the tank. Give em a rate !
  6. S

    Will my Kamfa Flowerhorn grow a 'kok'?

    Do you think my kamfa flowerhorn will grow a kok? Also, do you think my flowerhorn is a male or female? I got him/her 5 days ago and it's my first time having a flowerhorn. I need a little help please. The last photo are of parents. Thank you monsterfishkeepers :)
  7. I

    Flowerhorn and eel?

    Hey everybody, just wondering if anybody has successfully kept a flowerhorn with a fire eel or tire track eel? I know how ridiculously aggressive a FH can be, so I figured the chances are pretty slim but i figured id ask.
  8. J

    Flowerhorn not eating and losing colour

    We have a Flowerhorn which is about 8 months old. We have a tank thats 2 feet by 1 foot with a filter. He ate about 14 pellets each meal and had 3 meals a day. He was very close to us until we went on holiday for a week during which someone else took care of it. About 2 days after we left...
  9. ECW

    What's up MFK? It's been a long time!

    Just got back into fish keeping after a long hiatus with life. Had a kid. Lol. Well, just saying hi and wanted to share my new flowerhorn after my last one passed a month ago. What do you guys think? This is the day I bought him from the lfs. He has since gotten a little outbreak of ich... Still...
  10. Z

    What type of flowerhorn is that

    What type of flowerhorn is this and do you know if it's male or female ? He/ she was laid on glass to measure growth and picture purposes
  11. P

    Can anyone identify my Flowerhorn?

    I know it's a male and has a hard kok type....but I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's Kamfa, King Kamfa, some other cross? Any theory welcome, Thank you! :)
  12. F

    New stock update 3/26/16

    10" Jardini $150 6" Jardini $95 10" Tigrinus catfish $250 (special price !) 7" indo Datnoid $150 9-10" Enderlicheri Polyuterus $95 8" Silver Arowana $65 5" Silver Arowana $25 5' Short Body Geophagus $45 6" Frontosa $45 High Quality Kamfa 3" $288
  13. C

    odd couple

    First, I would like to state that I had absolutely no intentions of breeding any of my cichlids.... I have a 215 gallon tank with 2 Oscars, a green terror, a flowerhorn, a Texas cichlid, a channel catfish (which I know will outgrow the tank but we have a friend with a pond), and a...
  14. C

    odd couple

    First, I would like to state that I had absolutely no intentions of breeding any of my cichlids.... I have a 215 gallon tank with 2 Oscars, a green terror, a flowerhorn, a Texas cichlid, a channel catfish (which I know will outgrow the tank but we have a friend with a pond), and a...
  15. I

    Should I be worried?

    I came home to see what looks like white stringy poop. He is behaving normally and still eating though.
  16. L.Z.

    Short Body Flowerhorns

    Selling both my Short Body Flowerhorns Both From Thailand, Both are great eaters! Loves Pellets Both have beautiful colors! Big one is over 6 inches, close to 4 inches wide! Big head! Over a year old. Had him since a baby. I have pictures to prove Main Colors: White, Red, nice pearls with Gold...
  17. I

    Flower Horn ZH AA? Fader? 19cm

    Hi people (: i got this fh like a year from now, it haves like one year and a half of lifetime, some time ago i started to worry about the white coloration on his fins, today i found this is a fader, could you please rate this babe? Im sorry about the quality of the photos, i have a regular...
  18. I

    Any tips on maintenance with aggressive fish?

    This is a pretty funny problem for me actually. My flowerhorn keeps attacking my hands when I'm cleaning the tank. He's only 5 inches right now so it doesn't hurt, but I'm sure as he grows it might. What do you guys do to distract them? Should I throw a bunch of food in? Maybe wear rubber...
  19. B

    My Flowerhorn :) Can you tell what strain or type it is ?

    Hey All, :) This is my flowerhorn which I'm having it has a great personality and I love its colors any idea what particular strain or type it is ?
  20. Angelphish

    Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more...