
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. weston

    Breeding flowerhorn

    Hi so my idea is this, if I were to get some of the not so desirable looking flowerhorn that come from every batch "still coming from good breeding lines" could they produce fry with show quality features such as large koks, bright patterns, and short face/body's like the grandparents? My pair...
  2. 5Spot Junkie


    Had some fun playing with the YouTube editor for the first time. Zeus is my hybrid (H. Fasciatus x H. Frempongi) male. He's the only one I have left. Beginning is his parents with their larvae in the corner (only batch from them, Female killed male). He's in every vid. He's currently 10-11"...
  3. OK PLAY3R

    Looking For New Tank With New Stock

    I'm purchasing a 125 gal, or a 75 gal depending on what fish I may get. Relocating a 7 inch JD, 5 inch BRP, and a young 4 inch flower horn into the tank Should I put some silver dollars in as dither? I could purchase these two Severum that are about 5 inches. I have a Severum but its in a 25...
  4. M

    Possible tankmates for female flowerhorn

    Hey guys I've got a 4 inch female flowerhorn, she's growing like crazy and is in a 75. She's got a big black patch on her dorsal and no sign of of any hump so I'm assuming and hoping it's a female so it will fit in the 75 long term. Anyway was wondering if I should just keep her alone or if...
  5. E

    South American Cichlids Brooklyn

    I am getting rid of my tanks and the fish need to go first no matter what. Here's what I have: Midas Parrotfish Flowerhorn Vieja Catfish None are babies, they are medium sized fish, not small. Give me an offer. You don't have to buy all of course.
  6. S

    First time breeding aggressive FH

    Hey guys, i've recently bought a female to pair up with my male and I'm trying to breed them. The male were always pretty agressive towards any other fish, always kept alone. I introduced her in the same tank with a DIY divider, he was trying to bite her thought it at day one, but within 24...
  7. Bubble girl

    FH update

    Today my flower horn is officially 4 years old so I decided to do another update. He is eating better, and seems less aggressive he used to be in a 80 gallon with my dads tiger oscar at first they didn't fight then later they started to, recently I had to put him back in the tank he is the same...
  8. P

    When does Faders normally start fading?

    I am raising some Fader frys. I was wondering if any members had raise some frys before to know when do they start fading? When can you tell if it's a good potential or not?
  9. gregkarr09

    Flowerhorn in cincinnati?

    Anyone know where I can find quality flowerhorn's in the Cincinnati area? I know of bluegrass cichlids but they don't appear to be open or respond to emails and phone calls. If anyone knows of a place please let me know. I am also in the market for a 75 gal tank and stand set up, (filter and...
  10. Shadman_Zawad

    My monsterkok king SRD!

    Hello meet my monsterkok king srd 'kerry king'! He's cost me about 50 dollars and hes just 5.5 inches! Please leave your valuable comments about how my fish is!:D
  11. Bubble girl

    Flowerhorn update

    IMy flowerhorn is getting better so im posting this for people.to see Also so.people dont think im dead The pictures make him seen a bit duller in.color then he really is the pink in the pictire is actually a really nice red Also any one know what zz fh this is
  12. Alex562

    Petco Flowerhorn $12.99

    Hey Guys, I picked up this Flowerhorn from the Petco by Lakewood Mall for $12.99. The guy that is in the fish section ordered them for me. He also ordered me a Jaguar and Red Terror. Its pretty cool they have access to these cichlids. Can someone help identify if its Make or Female and what type...
  13. T

    Flowerhorn Kamfa 9.9

    Hi Friends, I need guidance from you all. I would like to know what is kamfa 9.9? what is the features of that. How to identify kamfa 9.9 and what are the varieties used for getting kamfa 9.9. Please advice me. Im planning to buy kamfa 9.9. Before that I would like to about that. Please...
  14. Bubble girl

    Help flower horn species

    I have no idea what type of flowerjorn mine is so..I could use some help
  15. G

    breeding flowerhorn

    i have a pair of golden boy malua...male is 5 inch plus and female is 4 inch. she is going to lay eggs soon the problem is when i put the male with the female the male will chase the female...but after a while the female will comeback to him. so should i seperate them with a divider until her...
  16. V

    Flowerhorn fading or stressed ?

    I've had my flowerhorn for a few months now ,about 4 to 5 months .his body region becomes dark with few blotches of normal scales and fins but generally dark in color .recently he's been a little scared but he is eating and swimming properly .water conditions are tested and pristine .he's the...