
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Adrianrios1085


    SRD IMPORTED FROM THAILAND 4in Kamfa upon request 80$ each for SRD Message me if interested 626 203 3120
  2. Daniel36

    Flowerhorn advice

    Just wanted to post some pictures of my very first step in the hobby of fish keeping, had this guy for about 6 months now and I couldn’t be happier. He’s always eager to see me (probably thinking he’ll get some food). I keep him mostly on pellets (platinum head haunches) and the occasional...
  3. P

    Flowerhorn aquarium?

    Hello everyone, right now I am currently taking care of a zz flowerhorn. I am quite eager to know what coloured substrate and background is best to be suited for her, I have been told it can effect her colours so I'm just making sure before I purchase my new gravel.
  4. A

    Flowerhorn Identification

    Hello fellow fish keepers, I'm quite curious to know the identification/type of Flowerhorn I currently possess as of right now. My LFS has provided me with information stating that she's a female and is around 6 months in the making, I bought her roughly 4 months ago which leads her to be around...
  5. B

    Flowerhorn Fry

    Hi there! I just got 4 super red dragon flowerhorn fry, maybe a few weeks old. I am wondering what to feed them? I have tried: frozen brine shrimp mixed with garlic and vitamins crushed NLS cichlid pellets Tropical flakes First Bites They go after it, but it looks as though they spit it out...
  6. J

    Whats your opinion on this Magma FH

    This is my FH was sold as Magma. Was just wanting to see what everyone's opinion was. He is right at the 4" mark. Just noticed he has the shape of a heart on his cheek! Thought that was pretty cool!
  7. J

    Flowerhorn ID sold as Magma

    I'm new to the forum. But I just wanted to get you guys opinion! I bought this at my local fish store. It was sold as Magma! Just wanted to know if that's what it is! Right at 4" from Head to top of tail!
  8. F

    My new flowerhorn ‘kamfa’

    Hey guys, picked up this guy after going off flowerhorns for a really long time after my last fh passed away due to Hex. I kept myself away from the temptation to ever buy a flowerhorn(my soul fish) and switched to Arowanas but well, destiny had other plans and I got drawn into another FH! My...
  9. LimaShovelnoseSaltwater92

    Gulper cat and flowerhorn- smart or insane?

    Ok, I’ve noticed a lot of people putting flowerhorns in with smaller types of bichir. As most people know, the mentifact is that you should keep a flowerhorn alone in a 75g + tank. My question is: could I put a middle aged SD fader flowerhorn in with a 4-4.5 in. Gulper catfish? If they grow...
  10. K

    New wet pet ideas

    Hi Everyone, I'll start by saying the I've only used the forum once before so apologies if this is in the wrong place.Admins please feel free to move it. Last year I asked everyone for advice on picking a personable/interactive wet pet that could live comfortably in a 3ft tank ( Interactive wet...
  11. Nilsafeller

    Post your flowerhorn

    Just thought it be nice to see some beautiful flowerhorn... here is my big boy monzie before he passed R.I.P.
  12. D

    My first flowerhorn breeding.

    This is my first time breeding flowerhorns. Male blue thai silk and an unknown (wild?) Female that I purchased at a lfs. I will be removing the eggs to a separate tank tonight. What and when do I start feeding the fry? Thanks for the help
  13. Nilsafeller

    Your are NOT the father

    Feel like I need to bring my fish on Maury or something... I'll start off with asking my question before getting into a whole story so I dont bore people before they read everything lol! Has anyone ever had a tank with say 3 or more cichlids and ended up with a female laying eggs and...
  14. islandguy11

    Kinda gruesome wound recovery

    *Long post warning* :) So my beloved Kamfa-Red Texas is in the process of (hopefully) recovering from a pretty gruesome wound that I'm going to present as kind of a photo journal I've been taking each day during the process. Background: Drakaris is about 10.5" and resides in a bare bottom...
  15. C

    Sick flowerhorn

    My 5 inch flowerhorn started to sink to the bottom recently and it had gotten worse these few days. He had been laying on the bottom and unable to swim above 10 inches from ground. He is still quite aggressive and he still follows your finger around ,he also still eats well.I had him for around...
  16. F

    Flowerhorn SRD breeding project

    Just picked up some new flowerhorn! Hope they can be a match and make amazing fry !!! Think they will make beautiful fry !!!
  17. F

    flowerhorn growth thread (Mix kamfa and srd)

    Personal growth 2 1/2 inches Mix kamfa and srd Opinion welcomed .
  18. F

    New flowerhorn fry , did I pick up a beast ?

    New flowerhorn fry , did I pick up a beast? New to flowerhorns . Little guy has a tiny bump and some good blue markings witch I like alot . What do you think ? Don't really know what people personally look for .
  19. A

    Flowerhorn Fins are Fading?!

    Hello, So I recently came back from a 2-day vacation and my flowerhorn looks different. I noticed the kok seemed to be fading along with the fins. She seems to still be eating well and no loss in activity. The only thing that has changed is the color, the kok seems to be gaining back it’s color...
  20. Q

    Help With Red KML Selection

    Hello everyone, I searched the web using keyword "flowerhorn" and found many threads in this forum so I hope this is the right place to ask. I contact Flowerhorn Supply via Facebook for a flowerhorn. He sends me the pictures of 11 "high quality KML" that he currently has. I'm a newbie to FH...