
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. O

    Dat disease or just a scrape?

  2. E

    Geophagus is spinning out of control. Help!

    Hi everyone, I’m reaching out for help with a strange case involving one of my Geophagus sveni. For context, I recently moved across the state for college and brought my fish with me. My breeding colony of G. sveni was temporarily moved from their 180-gallon tank to a 75-gallon holding tank...
  3. H

    Was winterizing the koi fun they realized this guy was sick please help!

    Any idea what it can be? He's the only one with it? Just took him down stairs thinking about treating with Seachem KanaPlex?
  4. H

    Viewing panel glass thickness help!

    So I'm making an outdoor pond and I'd like to install viewing panel. The dimensions are 8 ft by 12 ft and 22.5 tall. I'm also digging a foot away from the edges probably down 30 in. I would like to use a old 75 gallon tank as a viewing panel. I know the glass thickness is only a 1/4" and is...
  5. S

    Flowerhorn bumps

    Hello, my flowerhorn is kinda weird in terms of behavior it's been banging itself on something in the tank from my guess, because there's always this raised area on its body and sometimes it looks fresh as in reddish and bloody-ish. In the vid you'll see the new raised area it's blistered Like...
  6. Bean Jonkus

    Jack Dempsey with pop eye, will he get my loaches sick?

    Hi all, I just noticed today after I got home from work my jack Dempsey I have had a little over a year has major pop eye. (didn't have last night and is only in 1 eye at the moment) I am concerned because he is in my main tank with my shoal of 47 clown loaches and I absolutely can not lose any...
  7. A

    300 Gallon Disaster

    Hey guys, long time user but created this new account as my old email got lost in a void. I recently bought a 300 gallon glass tank from a local guy in town. Awesome deal on it, and beautiful tank, but it had a problem. Guy said the tank was filled last year up to the 3 overflows with no issues...
  8. M

    Oscar lethargic, not eating, slightly bloated. Need help diagnosing and treating

    I have a ~10 inch Oscar (6yrs old) that has been in excellent health forever. Over the past few weeks he has gradually become more lethargic and in the past week he has stopped eating any food and barely moves. I do weekly water changes of ~25% and have not changed anything in the aquarium. He...
  9. S

    Need help decided beat size tank

    Hi , I have to upgrade my tank here soon for a zebrina pike, hes only about 6-8 inches currently but growing fast. In a 75 now , looking at tanks from 200-300 to maybe combine my some of other fish aswell into one tank. would a 6ft 220 be enough for a zebrina pike , an Oscar , delhetzi bichir ...
  10. All Sev

    I need help Guys Urgent info required

    I need severum vent pictures. If anyone have those venting pictures please comment here. Thanks for advance
  11. L

    What would do well in this tank and is it big enough/ and species problems so far

    440 gallons, 1 Fly River Turtle, 1 Giant Gourami
  12. X

    Suggestion regarding air pump

    Hey folks, I recently got a hold of resun mpq 903 dc pump, which is 12v 35w. I’ve used 12v 4amp AC/dc adaptor with no luck. I used 12v 3amp AC/dc adaptor, same thing. has anyone used this airpump successfully with adaptor or with any other ways on AC line. I really don’t want to spend a...
  13. S

    Bumped scales on FH

    Have you tested your water? No If I did not test my water... ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems. Do you do water changes? Yes What percentage of water do you change? 51-60% How frequently do you change...
  14. S

    Bumped Scales on FH

    Hello, I really am not a monster fish enthusiast so please bear with me guys. So, I thought I was doing good for a whole year but then I noticed just this yesterday that my lil girl (not so little) has bumped scales on her right side. I didn't notice since the bumped scales were the same color...
  15. S

    I think I just panicked and made the situation worse.

    I got a flowerhorn a month or so ago and everything has been going great. I'm trying to do right by him so he had a 75 gallon to start with sand bottom and a fx6 as a filter, heater on an inkbird, lights and all the basic stuff. I have a second tank for a few blood parrots and I had to seperate...
  16. S

    Suspected Pets Dumped

    I'm at the Jersey Shore and these poor fish don't seem like they're native here. Google hasn't been very helpful, but they almost seem like baby Flame Angelfish. They turn pale but are otherwise bright orange with some striping. They appear to have had their tails nibbled off. Can someone ID...
  17. L

    Help! MBU puffer sick

    Hello all, I am worried I actually poisoned my precious MBU puffer. Quick stats: 400 gallon tank plus sump Daily 10% water changes with a large water change every weekend Water parameters are pristine and tested regularly. My MBU puffer is 12 months old and approximately 16" in length. It...
  18. B

    Help asap

    I just recently bought 8 black bumblebee cichlids 2 inches, 2 convict cichlids 3 inches, 1 pink kissing gourami 5 inches, and 1 opaline gourami 5 inches from someone off market place he had them all together which i thought was weird as there water conditions were ridiculously below par, i just...
  19. N

    Bay Snook Red eating their eggs

    Hi, I had two Bay Snook Red which recently bred but they are eating their egg. It's been few hours since they laid egg. There was one bristlenose in the tank which I took out after suspecting it was eating egg and making snooks thing their egg are in danger. I think that's the reason why they...