So if I got one of these Amazon pool waterfalls say the 24'' one and its rated for 2000GHP.
If i cut more holes in it/ or the hole back i should be able to increase the GPH and Gravity would do its thing?
This is for a raised pond pretty much making a sump hang on the back of the pond boarder...
hi so i have these two RTC’s in a 1800 gallon pond with some gar oscar and irredecent’s and i just recently noticed red abrasion marks on both my rtcs none of the other fish seem to be bothered but the rtc’s are seeming more lethargic than usual water parameters are good the bottle just looks a...
So I had a old pre Drilled 110 tub hanging around and decided to fill it for some baby koi Im getting on Tuesday and the treads on the gasket were a bit chewed up and it was leaking. I didn't have tape on me the other day so i used Gasoila Soft-Set on it and it stopped the leak been holding for...
I got this little guy about 3 weeks ago. Swimming and eating. Being normal. About 5 days ago I did a water change. He seemed alittle stressed because probably our first one together. 2 days after I got hit with the ich bad. All my fish got it besides my bichirs and my eel. I had two...
hi so i’ve had these three arapiama about a week and a half and they’ve only been staying in that same corner just swimming against the shorter end of the tank i tried adding cover and plants and put some ghost shrimp for them to hunt but they just stay in that corner is that normal behavior for...
i have a couple barramundi with some tarpon and other fish, 1 barra is swimming head up with they’re mouth open and the other is swimming in an almost snake like pattern the barramundi are the only fish in the tank out of 5 different species that are acting up what can i do to help them get better?
I just recently bought 2 albino arowana from a eBay seller for $130 they are 3 inches both so should be fun. I have ordered off of eBay before so i know how the deal is with fish coming through the mail. I have owned a arowana before but he jumped a when he hit the ground it messed him up pretty...
I have just gotten 2 2 inch flowerhorns and right now they are in a quarantine tank together separated by a mesh one showed signs of ich so I treated the whole tank with salt and heat. Fast forward a week, The same fish still has ich and the other does not so I deduce it to be stress ich. Today...
Hello I really need help with my tiger shovelnose I have had him for about one week and he has not ate anything but seemed to do pretty good but recently he has been always been at one spot of the tank but at the top at first I thought of oxygen levels so I but a bunch of air bubbles in the tank...
Hey! I've been trying to find some answers online but decided I wanted to get peoples responses who have personal experiences with them too. I have a young ornate bichir in my tank with some other fish, and recently he's been acting a bit strange. I'm pretty new to fish keeping and have been...
i just recently got two 5 inch piamas from predatory fins and had issues with shipping and feeding since they were so little i’m not really trying to go thorough all that hassle again, so im looking for an arapiama over 10 inches in or near colorado or california if shipping is possible that’d...
i just recently got two baby arapiama’s about 6 days ago ones about 2.5-3 inches other is around 4 and i haven’t been able to get either to eat they’re in a 50 gallon long with two bichirs i’ve tried cut shrimp, cut tilapia, ghost shrimp, guppy fry, blood worms, larva, pellets, and krill they’ll...
Hey guys, I have some questions about my fire eel. I can’t tell if there is something wrong with him, or that is just how fire eels act. Basically, I have noticed him laying on his side, laying sideways on branches, and swimming funny sometimes. What’s strange is that sometimes we will act...
Bad News
I just went on a vacation to Costa Rica and returned to the worst possible news, the power went out overnight when nobody was home, all of my fish died besides a dither giant danio. 😢 I’m really heartbroken, I had those fish since they were tiny. I had a (Ornate Bichir, Oscar, Flagtail...
I have my koi in the pond normally all summer but I took three of my favorite ones out to put in my 300 gallon tank since I recently took it down and has been sitting empty. All the koi in the pond are eating and they seem happy. But when I took these three out I've noticed they have red...
Hey, I've been looking into getting a large acrylic tank (anywhere from 300-700 Gallons), but I have been struggling to locate one at the right price and right area. Are there any suggestions or recommendations on where to look or to go to acquire one? I know MonsterFishKeepers is a great option...
Good afternoon everyone! Can anyone help ID this fella, thanks in advanced! Also I apologize if I submitted the post in the wrong thread. Thanks again!
I recently switched my fish into a 40 breeder tank. We had a handful for bala sharks, two spiny eels, a tire track, and some black skirt tetras. We added in a pleco, cat fish, and some killifish. They’ve all been doing fine until this passed week, all the sharks died for no reason, same with the...