
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. stevbo200

    Dovi sexting help

    Haven’t posted on here in quite some time. I picked up this dovi few months ago having no idea what sex it was, now that it’s have grown a bit I’m leaning towards a female from the gold color and lack of spots on the tail. Just wanna see what kind of trouble I’m looking at as it grows seeing...
  2. C

    Pond Filter vs Canister Filter

    Good morning all, I'll currently in the process of setting up a drilled 270 (84x24x31) and as much as I'd love to do a sump the weight constraints of the tank location won't allow me to put another 1200 pounds of weight on floor. Long story short this will be the forever home for my Fahaka...
  3. hproxy07

    What is this on my pangasius?

    I recently did a 70% water change and noticed this white film on my pangasius, like it's shedding skin. Is this normal?
  4. E

    Longterm Oscar bloat - what can be done?

    I have a Oscar fish who has gotten pretty bloated as of the last month. He behaves normally, eats normally, etc. Today he was very sluggish, but ate normally yesterday. Fasting did not result in bloating going away, tried this for 4 days without food, then a week at 30% feedings, and then 70%...
  5. C

    Potential Malawi Bloat on one Saulosi and Sunken belly on other?

    Hello all! I have had these saulosi for a little over a year. No issues whatsoever. Have always fed a high quality flake (Yourfishstuff brand veggivore flakes) I just want to check with you all and see if this looks normal to you or if you think the male saulosi in question has bloat and the...
  6. H


    My fahaka puffer is probably about 6 7 in size I've never seen them with ich before but yesterday after coming home from work I noticed he has little white specks all over him All the other fish in the tank seemed to be ich free. He is eating great still I raised the temp up to 80° and added...
  7. E


    Hello everyone, I have had this Oscar for a couple weeks and he was doing great in the tank. He loves to eat and always comes out when I get close. I saw 2 days ago he had some white spots and I immediately thought it was ich. I was told ich spreads fast so I waited a day to see if it was ich...
  8. L

    stocking ideas for a 135 gallon?

    Hey y’all, this is my first post here but I’m a lurker. I have a 135 gallon acrylic tank I just picked up dirt cheap and buffed out. I’m upgrading from a 75 gallon and am really rethinking all my stocking. Need help! for now I have: 1x Oscar 4 inches 1x green terror 4 inches 1x Gold Severum...
  9. E

    Help! Fish dying and I don’t know why!

    I’ve been keeping fish for a while and have kept pretty much everything under the sun yet I have no clue what’s going on in my 75 gallon biotope. About 2 weeks ago I lost three juvenile red head tapajos each 2 days apart from eachother, all eating well, fully colored up, healthy looking fish...
  10. D

    Motoro stingray help

    Looking for some help. I’ve owned my four motoro stingrays for about 4 years. 2 boys and 2 girls. We lost one of our females, because a male got her pregnant and we lost her during birthing. That was a year ago, they were all in a 700 gallon tank. When we lost her we took the other female Luna...
  11. H

    Help ID?

    I just wanted to no if anyone has seen this before or have any idea what these are.? They don't move so I think, but I noticed one of them on a rock months ago and now there allover my rocks. I just want to make sure it's not a type of worm that could harm my fish bc my arowana has been acting...
  12. H

    Arowana not eating!!??

    Hello so my one foot arowana just stopped eat for no reason it's only been two days but he normally will eat twice a day. He seems skittish in the tank as well. It's not like he doesn't have room it's a 300 gallon tank! But there are 9 angel fish in there with him my thoughts were maybe he's...
  13. A

    New - Stock my 190 gallon

    Hey everyone. I need some advice stocking my new 190gal. Ive been reading on this site for years, now i need your help! I have been a fishkeeper for 8 years. I have kept a little bit of everything, in the last couple of years i have been into American Cichlids. I currently have: 1 Cuban cichlid...
  14. C


    Hello today my golden aro has died, he had been perfectly fine all day long then I come back and he's dead. Tank parameters are in pictures. Prior to this big 2ft silver aro died looked beaten by cat. Water parameters checked normal levels, did water change. Next day peacock bass does, water...
  15. H

    How to treat bichirs with Columnaris?

    I have two bichirs that are showing white spots on their tail that are beginning to gradually grow. There is no fuzz so I’m 99% sure it’s Columnaris. I can’t get a lot of the good fish medications due to a bunch of restrictions, but I have aquarium salt, stuff called fungus clear that has some...
  16. J

    FREE Need help rehoming my spotted gar, Jacksonville FL.

    Hey Guys! New to Monster Fish Keepers and so far love it! I made a mistake and I deeply regret it, as I do love fish and would never want to make them miserable; but I ended up impulse buying a spotted gar without doing my research as I usually do.? If anyone or if you know someone that...
  17. C

    i think my fish may be sick but i am not sure

  18. G

    Injured arrowana, missing an eye

    Hey everyone, unfortunately my arrowana suffered an injury last night. He’s in a grow out tank, and he is a baby. He is missing an eye, looks like it got picked out by a tank mate, and his fins are extremely damaged. I put him in a quarantine bucket in the tank to separate him from the rest, and...
  19. C

    Redtail Catfish FinRot

    My 500 gallon stocked with 4 aros 2 RTC and a peacock with the weather recently had a bad spike in ammonia and nitrate, prior to spike ammonia .5, nitrate 20ppm. After spike (overnight) ammonia over 8, nitrate over 160, 2 arows dead, prior day had eaten normally and night time had shown no signs...
  20. L

    American cichlid tank with a peacock eel?

    Wondering if my idea would work. I have a 95 gallon tank but it has a looot of decor so practically a 90 with an 8inch Red Devil, 3inch and 1nch firemouths, and 4.5 inch convicts and wanted to add a Peacock eel. Fish get along great together, I’ve had the tank for a year. Thoughts?