
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. P

    GSP help they are dying don't know why

    They are all floating at the top of my tank not moving one has turned yellow lost one earlier same symptoms did water change and they seemed alright now they back at it
  2. Vikkram

    Stocking suggestion for my 240 gallon

    Dear Monsterfishkeepers, I have added below fishes to my 240 gallon (96 inch length, 24 inch wide, 24 inch height) Please advice me whether my stocking is acceptable. I know it's overstocked. But I love all those fishes. Kindly someone suggest whether I can keep all these fishes happy. Tinfoil...
  3. J

    Texas cichlid HELP

    I have 1 male and 1 female texas cichlid alone in a 4 foot tank and the male won't stop trying to kill the female . They are divided at the moment and no matter how long I wait ( they've been divided for months ) he still tries to kill her . The water parameters and temp are all perfect . What...
  4. T

    Flowerhorn is sick but I don't know what he has!

    Hello, I got a new blue diamond flowerhorn about a month ago and just about three days ago he stopped eating and is just sitting at the back of the tank with a slightly swollen belly, white on the edge of his fins and his kok shrunk significantly. He is in a 75 gallon at 78 degrees with 0ppm...
  5. E


    He has been losing pieces of his tail/fins everyday I thought he was being bullied so I separated him but he keeps losing more chunks of his tail. PLEASE HELP.
  6. P

    Advice On My Situation?

    Okay, so I've recently got ahold of 4 55G, 5 10G, a 40G and a 5G. I also have 14 1G each of which holding betta fish (They are fairly small, I know betta should be in at least a 2G)... Anyways, I spent $200 on the aquariums all together, along with each filter, lid, stand, etc. (Got a good...
  7. M


    Im in a tough spot. My LFS has two 6” orb pups in store that he ordered in a week or so ago. Haven’t had confirmation of them eating yet, and one has stringy white poo which I’m guessing means internal parasites. That same ray is also amazingly skinny. The second ray seems to be a little...
  8. Addi_13

    New Flowerhorn Not Aggressive

    Hello guys, So i purchased a 5-6" Male SRD Flowerhorn from a reputed shopkeeper. He is in a 50 Gallon barebottom tank by himself with a canister filter. I have a little cave too where he can hide to make it feel more comfortable. I bought it 2 days ago and the shopkeeper...
  9. I

    Need experience!

    I want to get experience so I can breed red tiger motaguense. Before I drop 108$ to get them shipped in, what's a good, widely available, cichlid to get experience. Im not new to fish by any means and know a decent amount about community fish but I'm looking to get into central/south american...
  10. Night owl

    Questions about fire eels

    I just bought a fire eel for my 33 gallon it seemed normal at first but after a few hours I noticed these weird white dots on it I assumed ich when I added the does I usually add for scaless fish about 5 minutes later it turned almost a white I was wondering if anyone could explain this as he is...
  11. C

    How do you ship a lungfish?

    I've been trying to find out how to ship a lungfish but have not found any conclusive posts showing how. Would the shipping container have to be heated? Do I ship it in water? Or do I ship it in moist paper towels and foam? Would I poke air holes, or would the lungfish be able to breathe pure...
  12. viper0397

    Looking for advice please

    Looking for some advice please. I have 2 retics 3 and 4 years old that have really slowed down considerably on their eating. Of course they are retics so what they eat is very limited. Extremely picky eaters. I have 3 other rays in the same tank that still seem to be eating quite well. 1 retic...
  13. Y

    New flowerhorn questions

    I got a flowerhorn about a 2 weeks ago. I don't know much about it. It's it male or female? Does it have a hard or water kok? What kind is it? Is it high quality? Any help would be great. Thanks, Austin
  14. B

    Help! Power will be out for 3 days!

    Hi, I am the Biology teacher for a small Montessori school, and I am in charge of running our four fish tanks. They will be working on the electric over the weekend, and we will have no power! What should I do for each of the following: 55-gallon Cichlid Water Temp: 76-78 Fish: Loach, rainbow...
  15. D

    Help with 5 empty tanks that need filled

    Hello all, I've been on this site years ago when I was in college, but it has changed a lot in a few years. I just started my career of teaching Biology to high school students and was looking for some advice on stocking. In the past I have experience keeping CA/SA cichlids, Malawi Cichlids...
  16. cichlidsickness

    How to Rid Aquarium Worms?

    Hello all, I've recently discovered that Ive got some sort of worm thriving in my aquarium gravel. I don't think they are harmful to the fish but I dont want them in my tank cause I think its been turning some of the fish into picky eaters. I started noticing them a couple months back and to...
  17. R

    Electric Blue JD with Black Spotted Eel?

    Hello, I am thinking of setting up a 75 gallon tank with an Electric Blue JD and a black spotted eel. I am going with this eel as it is one of the only true freshwater eels I could find. Others needed brackish water. Does anyone have experience with this/ think it will work out?
  18. Larryfish

    What is this ??!?!

    so I was at the bait shop. Buying minnows. For my native tank. I bought 8 dozen crappie minnows like I always do. But they sold me this mixed in with the crappies. And I don't know what it is ! Please help me ID this fish. I don't have a clue !
  19. Alec Hales

    New to MFK, getting married and I need your help!

    My fiancé and I signed up for a competition, with our local news (KSL 5, Utah), to win a free all-inclusive wedding at an amazing Aquarium here in Utah! We both love fish (I'm obviously obsessed), and just animals in general, so as you can imagine this would be amazing! We are officially one of...
  20. W


    Hi everyone. New to this site so appoligise if i put this in the wrong area etc. Seems abit confusing to me I was wondering if someone could help me with stocking. I beleive it it quite heavily over stocked now ( will be in the future) I have 8 silver dollars, 1 silver arowana, 1 SB...