
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. PGJE

    100 gallon stocking?

    I am going to get a 100 gallon tank in a month or two and i was wondering what i should stock it with? There will be two turtles (that can never catch fish, Iv'e had them for a while and want to upgrade their tank), a place and some large comet goldfish. are there any large fish that can go into...
  2. DanielAro501

    Overflow filter problems/ Need Recommendations

    So I recently received a 72’’x18’’x24’’ tank that was for saltwater so it is drilled and has the pillars around the tubing, it has 3 sets of grates, but only the top ones are open, making it a overflow filter. I understand this great for saltwater because of the current thats always in the...
  3. W

    Food through my Wolf Fish gills?

    So I was feeding my fish Liver like i always do because hes too big for goldfish/ wont eat them. He ate two livers and i dropped another small peice in the tank for hi to eat later or for the Gulper/pleco/ or Oscar that lives with him. I come back to take a look at my big fat boy and hes got...
  4. D

    Ammonia spike help please!

    I have a 75 gallon bowfront. I currently have a LMB about 4”, a 5-6” peacock bass, and a 2” bluegill all from a breeder. I cycled the tank for alittle over a month with a HOB 75 gallon aqueon quietflow and a HOB 40 gallon filter at the same time. Gravel, some rocks and a mix of fake plants and I...
  5. C

    Can someone help please?

    Hi my names Mitchell. I have been keeping fish for over ten years on and off. I'm currently raising a small dovii a small flowerhorn also a small convict cichlid. Anyways I cannot find a way to post questions in other forums other then this one here hat gave me an option to post.. I'm lost...
  6. R

    Black Ghost Knife Fish - Split Fin?

    I recently bought a BGKF and the long fin below has a few splits in it? I bought it like this and it was in a bit of PVC pipe when I selected it - I have ordered a few hideouts for my fish who hide - but is this a normal occurrence in BGKFish or could this be a condition eg fin rot? please help...
  7. R

    New aquarium set up - freshwater - first time: Help!!

    This is my first time getting an aquarium, I’ve always been interested in fish and I have finally got my own - I have a 58L tank with 4 guppies, 1 black ghost knife, 1 male fighter and 2 red tail sharks. I’ve noticed a white marking on the tip of the dorsal and anal fin, as well as the pectoral...
  8. C

    Flowerhorn Bloat

    I was just wondering if anybody could tell me if my flower horn has bloat or if its just his shape. His tank parameters are normal. Tmep is at 80. He also swims normally and is active and is eating. Here are some pics I could get of him. I forgot to add the owner before me fed him grand sumo red...
  9. PGJE

    How long until my cichlid is excited to see me???

    I have a 5 inch texas cichlid that is in a 30 gallon tank and he always hide when people are around. I bought him 3 giant danios for dither fish, and they seem to be working. the cichlid is slowly getting better and inches out of hiding while i'm around. I am wondering how long it takes from...
  10. Feesh4life2000


    I have a little bichir in a 10 gallon grow out tank (don’t worry 125 gallon is on stand by) and he just started freaking out he swims frantically around the tank jumping and swimming into things and then he just sits still for a little while and starts doing it again when he sits still he looks...
  11. Manas

    Red tail catfish HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!

    Help! I bought a new RT-Catfish 4 days ago. He's 4 inches and not accepting any pellets or dried shrimps. I tried to put some shrimps near his mouth and he dosen't eat it. But when i get an earthworm he rushed at my hands and snatched it. Area near my house dissent provide live foods. I got...
  12. PGJE


    Hi, I am new to this forum, and I have a problem. I have a 5 inch texas cichlid in a 30 gallon tank, and i have had him for nearly a year now. I moved him just a few days ago, he used to be in a 50 gallon fishtanks with two turtles and a pleco. In that tank, he would eat and swim around, but...
  13. F


    So I don't have much time, or so I believe and I'm really freaking out. This has been going on for the whole day now. From since I woke up today I noticed my Dad's Silver Arowana threw up his meal from yesterday. I did a 30% water change yesterday. 55gal tank. Yes I know it was a lot but I've...
  14. GiantFishKeeper101

    What happen to my B. Fila?

    Within 24 hours of water change, I got off from work to see my B. Fila and this happen. I thought he jump out and got scratches while I'm gone. But he didn't jump out. It looks like he developed some white spots over his dorsal and head. Also one of his barbels looks damaged. Can anyone give me...
  15. Addi_13


    Hello guys, Guys I have a Jaguar cichlids which is about 5” - 6” in a 300 Gallon. Please can you help me identify it’s sex as it’s growing up and I want to know if it’s male as they get very aggressive towards other fishes. Regards, Additya
  16. L

    pH Spike in Established Tank

    First off, sorry if this is in the wrong thread but it's the closest I saw since my Pleco is the only one involved. But basically I got a new 55 about a month and a half ago (43 days according to Reddit), I went through a cycle which I sped up by adding old media from a filter I ran in a cycled...
  17. M

    polypterus ill, please help, urgent

    Hello.. I am a research assistant in the ichthyology dept at the American Museum Natural History. We have an aquarium behind the scenes, and we have 2 african lungfish, each in identical tanks. We have had them for years and there have been no problems until now. One lungfish is perfectly...
  18. M

    lungfish urgent help needed

    Hello.. I am a research assistant in the ichthyology dept at the American Museum Natural History. We have an aquarium behind the scenes, and we have 2 african lungfish, each in identical tanks. We have had them for years and there have been no problems until now. One lungfish is perfectly...
  19. R

    Help Oscar Fin Rot..

    Okay i have 2 Oscars. They are under 6in so i had them in a 55 by themselves. ( Yes i have 120 not set up yet for when or if they get larger). Anyway i bought a 3in channel cat for my pond but figured id grow it out with the os in the 55 for the winter and then it would be in the pond 500 gall...
  20. L

    Arowana pool idea/need some help

    So ive wanted an arowana since ive started fish keeping. I think they are just a beautiful fish that i really want to keep. So heres where the fun starts. Im looking to buy a arowana thats about 4-7 inches(might get smaller) in length that im just gonna have in a 125 until i can get what i...