• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. Audaxcity

    Is my convict a hybrid?

    It's been a while since I was last active here. This is my female convict that I've been keeping for the last few weeks now. She was getting beat up at the LFS by a much larger Red Devil so I took pity on her. She's coloured up significantly since. The odd thing is that she looks almost too...
  2. W

    Dovii Hybridization

    Here is a hypothetical: Dovii x Convict Cichlid hybrid. I know, I know, these are very different fish that will never get along. Again, this is just hypothetical. I just read a thread on cichlid crossbreeding, and it sounds like almost all Central American cichlids are genetically similar...
  3. Mr geophagus

    How to breed flowerhorns?

    How do I breed flowerhorns? I’ve recently bought two small flowerhorns and I’m pretty sure it’s a pair. How do I breed them when they’re old enough?
  4. Mark Pogarasteanu

    breidohri x convict cross

    Hello, I have some breidohri x convict hybrids growing up. They are all stripey now (about 6 to 8 weeks old). Any idea what they might end up looking like? Can't find anything on the internet...
  5. Nilsafeller

    Flowerhorn ID

    Hey guys! I consider myself to have decent knowledge with flowerhorn but have only kept srd... alot of the names and terms for flowerhorn seem silly to me and just gimmicky... question I have is for 2 "flowerhorn" I had bought about 2 months ago at 1 inch from my lfs in a mix tank of FH and red...
  6. D

    Possible Jack dempsey hybrid?

    The first couple images are of the jack Dempsey that I believe is possibly a hybrid? And the last couple images are of my regular jack dempsey that I purchased at the same time, from the same store, and was in the same tank as the other. Both were labeled as jack dempsey. Any thoughts?
  7. Nilsafeller

    Post your flowerhorn

    Just thought it be nice to see some beautiful flowerhorn... here is my big boy monzie before he passed R.I.P.
  8. S

    Sulpherhead hybrid?

    I took in a hybrid that appears to be a sulpherhead mix but in not entirely sure just trying to gather some outside opinion
  9. Piscavores:)

    Trying to Breed a GT with a EBJD

    Right now I’m in the proscess of looking for a good male EBJD (electric blue jack dempsey) to breed with my female green terror (GT). I’m open to any other fish up for suggestion that u guys and gals think would look cool or be personable I’m jus a:newbie: so explain things fully please:tropicalf
  10. AquaScape

    Check Out Our Stingray Stock!!

    https://www.aquascapeonline.com/prodList.asp?item=Hybrid Stingrays&idCategory=509 Each of the Hybrid Stingrays have videos of the actual Ray itself
  11. HybridFinatic

    my new petco flowerhorn growth progress thread

    This is him a couple weeks after I got him. he is showing awesome personality just like most flowerhorn and great color. I think he is an SRD. Please let me know if you think different. I will update his growth over the next few months on this thread. Feel free to post your Petco/Petsmart...
  12. HybridFinatic

    Flowerhorn stomach cramp?!?

    a couple weeks ago I got this fh from petco and seems to have a lot of potential and all and I take great care of it but something on its left side of it’s stomach is bothering me and I wondering if you all knew anything about it. In this picture you can see in indent in its stomach or tightness...
  13. S

    Black convict/ possibly hybrid identification?

    Hey guys, i ordered a few black convicts from liveaquaria a while back, as they matured both developed orange on the sides so I assumed they were female, well one day I noticed one of them was starting to pick up some odd coloration I've never had on a convict, especially not a female. Well now...
  14. R

    Question about Flowerhorn's oral cavity

    Hi, monster fish keepers, I am now keeping a SB Flowerhorn - August. I brought him from a LFS last month that's why I name him August. Today I've noticed that there is an object inside his oral cavity and I am sure that is not the teeth. It looks like some kind of cartilage to me. I am...
  15. Iamfish

    What did I catch

    So a few years back my dad and I took a trip down to the potomac river to catch some catfish. Overall it was a great trip i caught my pb fish (23 pound blue catfish) and a 15 pound blue cat on a trout rod. We were using a mix for cut sunfish, white perch, gizzard shad, and when we got bored...
  16. AquaScape

    Stingrays, Stingrays & Stingrays! (BD's & Hybrids)

    We have some beautiful stingrays currently available here at the store! BD 5"-7" - $750(M)-$800(F) Show Hybrids 5"-6" - $800 Hybrid 4" - $250-$300 GET THEM WHILE THEY'RE HOT!!!!
  17. B

    Jaguar x Cuban cichlid hybrid female

    Just thought id shoe my female jag x cuban hybrid. Havnt seen any more out there on the internet. She has paired up with a blue flowerhorn i have but i fear he may sterile. The photos arent the best but you can see her pretty well.
  18. C

    Can a Salvini and Jack Dempsey produce a hybrid together?

    My salvini just layed her eggs with a jack Dempsey and I was wondering if it’s possible for the jack to fertilize the eggs.
  19. AquaScape

    Show Quality Hybrid Stingrays!!

    We got two handsome show worthy hybrid stingrays here at the store that are already stunning at their size!! These guys are currently feeding on live blackworms daily, and are being fed on occasion frozen blood worms, and F/T de-shelled raw shrimp. The big spot is about 6" and is going for...
  20. F

    Potamotrygon scobina hybrid

    Do scobinas crossbreed with other ray species like black diamond or p14? Im searching like forever but i cant find anything...