
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. adamjavaguy

    Id this catfish please

  2. D

    Electric Blue Acara x Green Terror Hybrid?

    Hi guys, so I have a Electric Blue Acara and a Green Terror. They occasionally show breeding behaviors. Especially the Green Terror. He would shake like crazy and sometimes bite on something and shake. Meanwhile, the Electric Blue Acara seems like it's mimicking the Green Terror. Is it possible...
  3. Dgmannn412

    Hybrid sexing and id

    This is my big orange fish. It is 4 years old. It has been alone in a 75 gallon tank since the day it killed everything in the water. I have tried both bigger and smaller red devils Midas and undesirable flowerhorn of both male and female with no success. It will relentlessly chase and kill...
  4. 901MFKer

    Texas/Mayan Hybrid Update-4 years later

    So, 4 years ago I posted my Texas/Mayan hybrids. Since then, only one of them has survived. The surviving cichlid killed the other and is the most aggressive fish I've ever owned. He's my favorite fish and he has become a beautiful specimen! If anyone else has this cross, share pictures.
  5. Cowturtle

    My first black ray Leo X Hen

    Just got my first black ray pup so far he's pretty awesome. When I first started looking into getting a black ray I expected to get a low quality half black hybrid. Shoutout to @murray8698 for helping me find one as well as quarantining it for me to make sure it was healthy. He was also super...
  6. joegriggs

    Help ID Flowerhorn

    I recently purchased this Flowerhorn from my LFS listed under Thai Silk. Had him about a week. Just wondered if you guys/gals could give me more of an insight.
  7. G

    Purchased a "Dovii/Managuense Hybird" for $15

    Hello I am new to MFK. I would like to show you guys a bad picture of one of my fish I had purchased a Month ago. I purchased it for $15 from a local exotic fish store in Connecticut. I was told it was a Dovii managuense hybrid (Wolf / Jaguar as it was labeled) but I'm not a Dovii or...
  8. B

    Tank stocking

    So my question is if have 1 125 gallon W/ common wolf fish 6 inch Endelzi bichir 6 inch Cuban cichlid 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 8 inch The Cuban and jaguar are a mateing pair I also have a 150 gallon W/red wolf 6 inch Fire eel Black diamond cichlid 4 inch...
  9. I

    Texas and Red Texas?

    I was wondering what size of tank I would need to house a Texas and a red texas cichlid. And I'm not that experienced with plants. Could I get a few plants to root on some drift wood and would they survive? And how would the two cichlids interact?
  10. kdogg420

    Pink con x Rd flowerhorn

    I'm gunna divide my tank so my male pink con and my female red dragon can be separate from the other fish but this is in the hopes of getting some pretty looking fish :) wish me luck will post updates as they come!
  11. baxtor_lex

    Meet George (Offically) Progress Thread :-)

    Hi everybody, hope your ok? Now George is settled i thought it was the right time to start a official thread of him, so i can post updates about him and *hopefully* any future spawns with him. I also will tell you all abit more about him, and his personality, which at the moment would be deemed...
  12. K

    Hybrid community/breeding.

    So as of recent i have acquired many different cichlids from people. In doing so and putting these fish in my tanks they have paired off with others. As of right now i have 3 pairs of ca cichlids in my main tank of 150gallons. I didnt plan on having them breed but now that its happening im...
  13. ShanerBock888

    Hybrid TSN?

    Found this on Ebay labeled as a TSN, but it doesn't look like the baby TSN I've seen... Is it some sort of hybrid?
  14. baxtor_lex

    New Hybrid Midas/Devil X Vieja

    Hi guys! Iv been out of the hobby now for quite some time but decided to snag myself a 5 foot tag, so when I went to get some fish, (Iv generally had cichlids or flowerhorns in the past) I saw a tank full of what I believe to be Red Devil X Synspilum. I think that the breeder perhaps tried...
  15. ZidanSanz

    Endlicheri or Lapen?

    I bought this guy yesterday from one member in my local poly lovers group. He labeled it as '18cm Highfin Endlicheri' and set price at $5. After I bought it and put it in my aquarium I just realized that some of its morphology looks like a lap. Is it pure endli or hybrid lapxendli? What do you...
  16. ShanerBock888

    RTC hybrid? black and white

    Just left the LFS, where they had a few baby fish they had labeled as RTC x Colombian catfish, which I've never heard of. I googled the name in every variation I could think of and found nothing. They Look almost exactly like RTC's, but no red at all, just mostly pitch black with a...
  17. C

    odd couple

    First, I would like to state that I had absolutely no intentions of breeding any of my cichlids.... I have a 215 gallon tank with 2 Oscars, a green terror, a flowerhorn, a Texas cichlid, a channel catfish (which I know will outgrow the tank but we have a friend with a pond), and a...
  18. C

    odd couple

    First, I would like to state that I had absolutely no intentions of breeding any of my cichlids.... I have a 215 gallon tank with 2 Oscars, a green terror, a flowerhorn, a Texas cichlid, a channel catfish (which I know will outgrow the tank but we have a friend with a pond), and a...
  19. weston

    Breeding flowerhorn

    Hi so my idea is this, if I were to get some of the not so desirable looking flowerhorn that come from every batch "still coming from good breeding lines" could they produce fry with show quality features such as large koks, bright patterns, and short face/body's like the grandparents? My pair...
  20. B

    Electric Blue Acara x Green Terror = Blue Gene Blue/Green Terror?

    Got a little electric blue acara about 3" now, believe it to be male. Waiting on special order from LFS to arrive with a green terror believed to be female about the same size. Looking to hybridize the two to get offspring with green terror traits that's may posses a 'blue gene'. I don't have a...