
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. L

    Mouth almighty white on face, a bit skinny and other fish itching

    sorry for the super long post. Its a bit of rambling but I want to give any and all info possible in case of any causes outside what im guessing. Background: I normally have these various fish in different setups, but a few months ago lost my apartment and so am living temporarily with family...
  2. S

    Is it Ich?

    I have a 75 gallon tank with 1 convict cichlid, 1 jack dempsey, 1 "flowerhorn hybrid", 1 pleco and 7 emerald cory catfish. I realize this is not an ideal community and I have other large tanks for future transfers. My fish have been flashing semi-regularly for the past several weeks. Mostly my...
  3. Y

    Help! My jardini arowana looks sick

    Hello, I got this little guy about 3 weeks ago. Swimming and eating. Being normal. About 5 days ago I did a water change. He seemed alittle stressed because probably our first one together. 2 days after I got hit with the ich bad. All my fish got it besides my bichirs and my eel. I had two...
  4. G

    Please help!!!!!!

    I recently switched my fish into a 40 breeder tank. We had a handful for bala sharks, two spiny eels, a tire track, and some black skirt tetras. We added in a pleco, cat fish, and some killifish. They’ve all been doing fine until this passed week, all the sharks died for no reason, same with the...
  5. H

    Sick Red Wolf Fish

    Hi guys. This is my first post so I apologize if Im posting in the wrong thread. About a month ago, my red wolf fish came down with a sickness. Before this he was extremely active. Looks like it was either ich or epistylis (photos of the spots is attached). He isn't new to me and I fed him...
  6. H


    My fahaka puffer is probably about 6 7 in size I've never seen them with ich before but yesterday after coming home from work I noticed he has little white specks all over him All the other fish in the tank seemed to be ich free. He is eating great still I raised the temp up to 80° and added...
  7. E


    Hello everyone, I have had this Oscar for a couple weeks and he was doing great in the tank. He loves to eat and always comes out when I get close. I saw 2 days ago he had some white spots and I immediately thought it was ich. I was told ich spreads fast so I waited a day to see if it was ich...
  8. MetalRavioli

    Help with Ich!

    Hello there MFK! So, I have a 90-gallon tank with a Leopard Ctenopoma and 6 Keyhole cichlids, all of which are around 5-7 months old. Everyone has been growing great, except for one Keyhole cichlid who has barely grown, if at all. His cichlid friends are about twice his size now, and I'm not...
  9. djsaltynuts

    Mudskipper diseases

    Hey i was looking to gather any information on illnesses in mudskippers. I know that theyre very resistant to illness and poor water quality and waa wondering if they were affected by standard fish diseases. Anyone whos had a mudskipper id be interested to hear if you dealt with any diseases...
  10. K

    My gulper is acting weird, and looks awful.

    Got this gulper for about a week now, beem fine up until today. never fed him feeders or anything live. So yesterday, fed my gulper a tiny frozen shrimp after watching him do laps and swim against the filter current. Looked perfectly fine, and energetic. Off to bed i went. Next day went to work...
  11. S

    Ich or Epistylis?

    A month ago I got 3 clown loaches. Recently we had changed the substrate of the tank. A few days later, white spots started showing up on the loaches. We assumed it was Ich but didn’t have any medicine on hand. So we raised the temperature to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and placed an order for Ich-X...
  12. The Masked Shadow

    Ich? Fin rot?

    Does this flagfish have ich? It’s on the back of his dorsal fin.
  13. C

    Fish with ich

    So I just ordered some blood parrots online and they showed up with ich. I have them in my quarantine tank and I’m thinking of doing the heat and salt treatment for them. I have successfully used copper treatment in the past but I would like to try a different treatment method this time I worry...
  14. BlueJacks

    Fish orders online

    One down fall is when they arrived peppered with ich. 9 redhead tapajos and 9 albino threadfin acaras looking like they were dipped in a box of salt. Seachem must love these vendors….treating with cupramine, aquarium salt and 86 degrees. 4 days and hopefully they’ll be good. Still eating like...
  15. C

    Help with white spots on my Oscar’s eye!

    So for the last 2 weeks I have been battling ick in my tank which I have been treating with copper and I have finally got to a point where there are almost no spots left on any of the fish except I’m noticing now white spots on my Oscar’s eye. initially there were white spots all over their...
  16. J

    Baby electric eel ich

    Whats the deal with meds and baby electric eels? I hear salt is a nono and also that they're very sensitive without much specific info. Whats a safe approach here? Dude is only like 3-4".
  17. N

    Pleco poisoned by ichX treatment??

    Pleco sick from treatment??? 125gallon freshwater, partially planted, river rock substrate (sparsely covered) currently: (see below for prev details) I THINK the plan is to get a new carbon filter since the water changes seem to upset him and use that to clear the water giving a few days for...
  18. N

    Comparing products: ich-X, microbeLift, fritz copper safe

    First off thanks to everyone here! We have learned so much in the past 3 years being members! NEED TO COMPARE: Ich-X (can order would arrive feb 14) microbeLift (can order would arrive feb 14-16 fritz copper safe (have) full details and questions: looks like Goldie has ich his buddy the 15”...
  19. M

    Transfer of ich from tank to tank

    So I’ve been treating my new 125 with a blueish green liquid (premixed bottle from behind the counter no clue what it is) from a really great lfs near me. I kinda freaked out and didn’t even ask what it was. I also forgot to ask about transferring ich/ick from the python siphon I use on most of...
  20. B

    Flowerhorn Help please** White fuzz/dots?!

    Hey everyone ... Tank 55g - only fish is this FH. Aquaclear HoB & Marineland C360 for filtration. Tank has been running for a year. Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, Nitrates 50ppm (come out of the tap at 40) For maybe 2 weeks my Flowerhorn has been pretty itchy .. didn’t think anything of it as I have...