
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. A

    Seachem Paraguard and inverts

    So I have a 10 gal aquarium with a pleco, a betta and two cory cats, recently I have noted ich on my pleco and do not want it to spread but I do not have another tank to quarantine it in. I have seen paraguard but know it is bad for inverts, and there is also a snail, a crayfish, and some ghost...
  2. Oscar Mike

    Injury or illness?

    Hello can somebody please tell me if this is an injury or illness? I purchased this 4" flagtail a few weeks ago and noticed a mark on his face that looked like a damaged scale. He was kept with two other flagtails and some small cichlids at a reputable store so I thought it was from liplocking...
  3. D

    Disease Identification- Bluegill/RedEarSunfish

    I have a 60 gallon in which I recently placed a Bluegill and a Red Ear Sunfish. The morning after adding the fish, the bluegill showed signs of what looks like a severe case of ICH. The "white spots" have turned into what looks like large growths which has me thinking it may be a case of cotton...
  4. Jakec96

    Ram cichlids with ich

    Hi all! I have a 30 gallon tank with a pair of German Blue Rams, 25 (ish) Neon Tetras, and 1 Powder Blue Gourami. For filtration I'm using 2 AC 50s and 1 AC 30. Heating with the new version of Aqueon pro set to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The tank is newly setup maybe a few weeks but is completely...
  5. Vertigon_z

    Cleaning Buckets and Siphon ICH

    So I have been in the hobby for over 15 years. Battled ICH 2 times throughout my life when I first started and cleared it succesfully. Now my fish room has expanded to about 5 tanks all large, but I have not gotten new equipment. 1 of my tanks came down with ICH. Current inhabitants (2 indo...
  6. J

    Flowerhorn Infected teeth/gums and white spots that break to form ulcers.

    Hi again. My large male Flowerhorn wasn’t been eating for the past 2 weeks. About a week ago I noticed his gums were red and swollen almost like they were bleeding. Then he started to form white zits on his face and body that would burst to form ulcers. Can anyone help me diagnose him and...
  7. LCT8

    Ich on clown loaches

    My clown loaches recently got ich, I quickly went to my local fish store to get a heater and some aquarium salt and ich medicine with blue liquid. I put my clown loaches in another tank to treat the ich. My clown loaches doesn’t seem to have ich after a day of treatment, do I put my clown...
  8. Balake2424

    What the hell is this ?

    I got 2 fire eels 3 days ago one is perfect and the other has these white spots kinda like ich but I’m not sure if it is can anyone help me ? Water seems great I only used the test strips to test it though, and I’m not sure how reliable they are. I really want this to go away it stresses me out...
  9. K

    Flowerhon sick

    Hi recently been treating my flowerhorn fish for ich for about a month now with daily water changes of 50% and added salt 1tbsp per 5gallons as well as methylene blue medication. However it seems nothing is working. I notice his skin has some layer of mucus.
  10. T

    Fire Eel SOS HELP!!!

    I bought a 3-4" fire eel a month ago. I have a 30 Gal tank with 2 black molly, 2 dwarf gourami, 1 pleco, 1 african dwarf frog, 1 cory catfish, 1 male betta, and my fire eel (All fish are small right now). I don't have any sand on the bottom but I do have small gravel (I was gonna get sand soon)...
  11. H

    Nox-Ich Instruction

    Good day, My 3 bettas have Ich and I was told to use the Nox-Ich product. The instruction is clear, yes, but I have some questions: - Do I add drops (drop / gallon) each day during the treatment? - Do I change the water each day during the treatment? Or only at the end of the 3rd day? Thank...
  12. Zak03

    I got ICH

    Alright guys. So just several minutes ago, i noticed that my two small (2-3") oscars (red and tiger) have white spots on their fins. I researched it out how to diagnose ich, and realized that 1. they have been spending more time near the bottom of the tank, 2. the tiger's appetite is almost...
  13. Rensille

    Are plastic boxes safe as quarantine tanks? and Ich questions

    For some reason my fish suddenly showed signs of having ich on my tank i think it was because of the stress caused from moving the tank to another room I couldn't pick up some bare tanks today because i was busy on a trip and the stores are close and tomorrow they will probably be closed since...
  14. Rensille

    Are plastic boxes safe as quarantine tanks? and Ich questions

    For some reason my fish suddenly showed signs of having ich on my tank i think it was because of the stress caused from moving the tank to another room I couldn't pick up some bare tanks today because i was busy on a trip and the stores are close and tomorrow they will probably be closed since...
  15. Silverroo

    Flowerhorn white spot?

    I got this flowerhorn before a couple of days. What breed is he.and does he has ich? He is eating fine and active.he didn't have these spots when i braught him. If this is ich, how to treat it?
  16. M

    Flowerhorn I REALLY Need Help!

    Hey guys I really need some help, My FH is in a really bad spot. I’ve had this guy for just over a year now and a few days ago I noticed a couple small white dots/ scales on his head. (First pics). I turned the temp in his tank up to 89 degrees and started treating the tank with salt. Over the...
  17. N

    Curing ICH without meds

    Is it possible to eradicate ich with increased water temps and water changes? I’d prefer to not use any medication...
  18. C

    How to get rid of ich

    how can I get rid of ich. My dovii has it.
  19. Bonytang

    Solar Salt + Curing Ich : catlocarpio siamensis

    2 ways my fish got ich - * feeder tank transferred disease * stress & immune system The 1st time the tank had ich was when I 1st got my Jardini Arowana & the feeder tank I kept was poorly maintained. The white spot was so minimal though I was able to get rid of it within 2 weeks & never saw...
  20. itrebebag99

    Warning to Everyone against Feeder Fish

    I know that almost everyone here knows not to feed goldfish, but for those who don't, here is my lesson the hard way: