
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. B

    Disease Identification (Ich?)

    Okay I will post several pictures of one of my new Silver Dollars (2 weeks in the tank). I suspect this may be the beginnings of ich but I am not so sure. The spot is white but appears to be a little larger than ich spots. Also no other fish in the tank appear to be affected at all. Also...
  2. M

    Flowerhorn thrashing?

    Finally got a big tank for My new flowerhorn. He’s about 5-6 inches and ever since I got him I’ve been dosing paraguard and ramped up the temp to 86 and have added salt to fight a nasty case of ich. I’ve had him for one week now and yesterday he really started to seem better after adding the...
  3. P

    Ich on rope fish??

    Today I noticed white spots on my smaller rope fish. It’s only on his head and I’ve had them about a month in a tank with my cichlids. I’m not sure if it’s ich but I want to jump on it before my other rope fish gets it. The one with it is Slinky and he’s the one on the bottom
  4. F

    1 month salt/heat, ich won't die

    First two weeks at 86f 1 teaspoon of salt p/gallon, then the last 16 days at 91.5f & 2 teaspoons of salt p/gallon, ich won't succumb to method, ich hasn't got out of control since discovery, I thought I was beating it since it had been 4 days since I last saw flashing & 6 days all fish spotless...
  5. M

    Yellow Lab with ich

    I am almost positive a new yellow.lan we got has ich. We do not have a medicine tank. Is there a safe product we can purchase to treat the ich on the yellow.lan, but is also safe for all the other fish in the tank? I will be livid if all my fish die...
  6. B

    Question about my oscar

    So my oscar has spots all over him the last couple days that look like sand.. I have a sand substrate and there is some that was floating on the top until I just bought a new filter... so I don't think it's ich because he seems perfectly healthy and isn't rubbing against anything.. is it...
  7. O

    Serious issues going on.. SOS

    I'll try to make this quick and as to the point as possible.. Recently moved my well established 90g back into my house. Was so excited about having it back in my possession, that I got excited and went and bought 3 opaline gouramis and two small clown loaches to add to the larger 4 I already...
  8. xDestro

    Gulpers have white spots

    Had my gulpers for about 2 weeks now and their finally starting to be active, today I noticed they were covered in what looks like white spiny stuff. I don't really think it's ich but you guys tell me. (Pics are bad sorry) When I first got them I noticed they had it a little bit but I figured...
  9. J

    Feeder fish have ich.. Is it ok to feed?

    I have a bullseye snakehead that has a tank all to himself but my goldfish tank has developed an ich problem. Is it ok to feed the ones still alive to my snakehead?
  10. C

    Guppies itching. What do i do?

    Hi. Im new here and have read quite a bit about ich. My guppies just started itching off of tank decorations today (I only got the guppies 3 days ago) and there are no spots as of yet so I just wanted to make sure that it is in fact ich before treating. I'm planning on doing the temp raise and...
  11. xDestro


    I noticed a few days ago my zig zag eel had a bit of discoloration on him, then today I did a water change and noticed 1 of my clown loaches and a few ruby red barbs have like very small bubble like thing throughout their body, is this ich? If so what is the best way to treat it and how...
  12. B

    Ich ehhhh!

    Hello there, I have just gotten back into the hobby of fish keeping, and was graced with the bane of the hobby, Ich. So here is a breakdown of my tank. 55 gal acrylic set at 82 degrees F. Sand x Gravel for substright. no live plants. 1 Blue Gourami (now 1) Sail fin Molly 3 Sunburst Plattys...
  13. Angelphish


    I returned from my lfs with an Angelfish a couple days ago. The fish looked fine, it had good colors, and it was pretty active. A couple hours after acclimated the fish, I noticed it had a cloudy eye. At this point I should have moved it to my QT tank, but it wasn't running. Instead of doing...
  14. Kaia

    Help! Velvet? Ich? Parasites?

    75 gal set up in January using the filter and water from the 35gL fish were fine until added the 4 new rainbows I received for Valentine's Day - which I added without quarantining ;( big mistake never had a bad fish from this store before and didn't have a quarantine tank set up at our new...
  15. N

    Pleco ID and Breathing Issues?

    Hey all, this is my first post to MFK, my roommate referred me here, if I'm breaking any forum rules by posting in here I apologize and please direct me to the right section. I've got a 55 gallon tank, my first one, with a few black skirt tetras, a lungfish, black ghost knife fish, and a pleco...
  16. RVP


    I'm new to this..and am a rookie i really need some expert's advices regarding my flower horn, It was affected by ICH/ICK a day before yesterday I treated with high temperature of 30'C Now it is seems to be alright no white spots visible and it s active, BUT its KOK SHRINKED...