The internet seems to be full of different ways to differentiate between Spotted and Florida Gars, such as snout length, markings and body shape, but in reality these ways are all false or too nuanced to definitively ID them.
In truth, there are not really any true Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus...
Got this fish a couple years ago from a coworker who had it (along with an oscar and jack dempsey) dumped on him by a friend that moved away. He looks like a hoga but it just doesnt make sense that the guy (who had them all in a 20g) would have such an uncommon fish. Pics are all within weeks of...
so I was at the bait shop. Buying minnows. For my native tank. I bought 8 dozen crappie minnows like I always do. But they sold me this mixed in with the crappies. And I don't know what it is !
Please help me ID this fish. I don't have a clue !
Hey all,
For any of you that keep South American fish, there is a massive field guide coming out for identifying fish from the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas regions. This should be a major upgrade from books focusing on only the commonly-imported aquarium fish. Really, nothing this in-depth has...
Well don't actually guess, I want you to tell me what species of Bichir this is and give me a good reason to why you think that (besides "it just looks like it.")
Be descriptive! Think of features, markings, shape, colour etc. this will help you when it comes to identifying Bichirs :)
If it...
Well don't actually guess, I want you to tell me what species of Bichir this is and give me a good reason to why you think that (besides "it just looks like it.") Be descriptive! Think of features, markings, shape, colour etc. his will help you when it comes to identifying Bichirs :)
If it...
Hi everyone, im currently in the process off setting up my first flowerhorn tank and came across this little guy for sale. Fish is roughly 2". Just wondering if anyone can sex it & I.D what type it is. Any info and opinions are appreciated. Thanks.
Hello guys.
I have recently reworked my 90g tank, and is preparing to introduce new fish this weekend. Currently, the tank is home to 14 lemon tetra, 2 emperor tetra, 4 bristlenose pleco, and 2 Corydoras trilineatus.
Here is my stocking plan:
30 lemon tetra
12 Emperor tetra
4 bristlenose pleco...
Ok so I have a jaguar cichlid that I would guess is between 10-12" in length and pretty girthy. In a 75 with about a dozen cons. I'm thinking I want to give him (I think he's a he) a mate. He's been through a rough life...well, more so a rough childhood. Anyway, I'd like to know for sure if it's...
Hi everyone.
I bought a channa gachua about a week ago and the shopkeeper promised that it would be a tropical gachua but after some reading I'm not sure if he was right :(
I saw in a other tread in the forum " snakeheads keeping conditions by pallestopheles " that gachua from india...
Sorry for picture quality. Saw this on a YouTube video. It kinda looks like a TSNxRTC. I feel like it's something else.maybe I'm wrong. The head looks flatter than it is in the pic. #ID
I was at my LFS and saw this super cool fish and forgot to ask about it, I'm dying to know what it was. It had
-white body
-long, gar like body/snout(?)
-inch or two long
-in a 5 gallon planted tank
-with other fish so I assume not aggressive
If anyone has a clue what this fish is, LET...
I recently bought this super healthy ray that looks identical to this one,
I knew it wouldn't be a hystrix when the LFS told me he had a hystrix...