
  1. PoissonRouge

    Bichir ID help please!

    Hi, I am new to this forum but am finding I need some help. I just recently purchased a new tank from Craiglist and the guy that sold it to me wanted to rehome his bichirs. So he told me they were an ornate, endilicheri, and delhezi.. but other than the very obvious ornate I am not so sure or...
  2. S

    ID this Star Polyp

    Hey guys. I snagged this white starburst the other day and I was wondering if anyone new exactly what it was, or if it had a common name. Note that the tips are actually green, my phone camera simply doesn't do well with the aquarium light. My fighting conch is tasting the thread I used to...
  3. NHKG

    ID Crenicichla

    Mine local distributor is selling this fish as Crenicichla inirida, approximately 30$ each. They should have 15cm (6inch). I don't think they are Inirida. They look like young Crenicichla sp. Atabapo Red II. Can you please ID this fish? I want to ad this fish (male and female) in mine 450l and...
  4. G

    ID help please

    This fish was sold to me as a red texas almost 5 years ago. I gave it to sister inlaw 2 years ago. Just got it back today. So it was sold to me as a red texas, not that. I thinkin its not one thing so any ideas. Any info is appreciate . Thank you. Sorry they are phine pics and a little blurry
  5. H


    i bought a few polypterus for chirstmas today, i found this one with a few endli's and decided to buy him for cheap. i wasnt paying attention, i found out when i finally released it into the tank, poor fish didnt have eyes. im looking to id it, my money is on guinean bichir. but it might just be...
  6. M

    ID? Info?

    New here...Ive been told its a sp. maldonado by some online. I cant find much about it...any help? Thank you!
  7. Truetommy

    cichlid ID

    I just got back from the fish store and picked up two intresting looking cichlids. They were losted as green hornets, however I havent been able to find any information on them. One of the workers at the stores said they were related to severums, if any one knows any info on this fish it would...