jack dempsey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Bean Jonkus

    Jack Dempsey with pop eye, will he get my loaches sick?

    Hi all, I just noticed today after I got home from work my jack Dempsey I have had a little over a year has major pop eye. (didn't have last night and is only in 1 eye at the moment) I am concerned because he is in my main tank with my shoal of 47 clown loaches and I absolutely can not lose any...
  2. Ace of Honey

    Jack Dempsey cichlid

    Hey everyone, hope you guys are having a great week! So, I've started noticing a problem with my Jack Dempsey.... Oh boy. I just can't seem to keep this fish happy! He is my FAVORITE! but won't let me love him lol. I just don't get how to care for this guy. Background: my brother passed away...
  3. V

    My jack dempsey cichlid keep breeding and all these eggs going unfertilzied

    My pair JD breeding and laying eggs then 1-2 days later eggs turns white.(unfertilized) females have no problem with laying eggs, i tought male dont fertile over the eggs because eggs always turns white and not succeed. Any suggestion,advice?
  4. S

    Help Identifying this Cichlid

    It was sold to me as a firemouth, I've always thought it was a Jack Dempsey. It has beautiful red eyes but I haven't been able to confirm its species. Concerned for tank mates and future issues.
  5. M

    JD 30 gallon starter tank

    So I recently acquired a 29 gallon tank of a family member and I was planning in starting a cichlid tank. Would a 29 gallon tank be enough to start for a Jack Dempsey, firemouth, bushy nose pleco, and a green terror? The plan would be to upgrade to at least a 55 in about a year. Thanks for any...
  6. TheTerminutter

    Haven't changed water during JD's growth spurt

    I've been away for a month in rehab, and when I came back my 3.5 in JD became almost 4.5 in. The water was also 30 ppm nitrates, (my parents were feeding him but not changing the water) which was the highest it has ever been. I usually do 95% water changes weekly on my 75 gal so that the...
  7. Jtank

    For Sale Monster fish sale

    Fish for sale. Pickup only Milwaukee, WI 53224. All fish are eating pellets, shrimp, scallop, freeze dried krill. Jardini 14-15” $300 Ornate 14-15” $150 Ornate 14-15” $150 Ornate 7-8” $100 Endlicheri 11-12” $100 Endlicheri 10” $100 Delhezi 7-8” $60 Jack Dempsey 5” $10 Jack Dempsey 5” $10 Jack...
  8. Z

    Recommended fish to put with my current inhabitants on my 150 gallon

    Hey there! I recently purchased a 150 gallon aquarium along with all of the filtration and setup required, which is a huge step up considering I've only ever had a 55 minus the larger DIY ponds I've built lol. I currently have 4 silver dollars, a common pleco, and a Jack Dempsey in the tank...
  9. B

    Advice on new cichlid tank setup

    Hi, first time posting here, after some advice on a new tank setup. It's a brand new 600L tank, 60"L x 24"W x 30"H. Completely empty at the moment. I'm thinking... 1 or 2 Oscars 1 Jack dempsey 1 Green terror 1 Texas or carpintis cichlid 2 birchirs. Probably armoured bichirs Some catfish of...
  10. MooseTheWizard

    Jack Dempsey w/ discoloured lump on head

    I noticed this morning that my Jack Dempsey has a discoloured lump on his head. I do not believe this was there last night. Behaviour is normal aside from a bit more rapid breathing. I did a water change a couple of hours ago to make sure things are as clean as can be in there. Tank is a 75g...
  11. WOLF2013

    Show me your Jack Dempsey cichlids,

    I am doing a video care guide on Jack Dempsey cichlids tonight! If anyone has a video or some photos of their jack dempseys that they would like to share and I will be happy to put them in my video please post them below. I will give you full credit. Thanks.
  12. A

    RTM Cichlid with poly. Delhezi and JD

    I currently have one delhezi and JD in a 55. Both are juvies and my fish store just got some RTMs in. Would it be worth a shot to try ONE juvie RTM??
  13. W

    Female jack dempsey hybrid

    Possible JD hybrid but I have no idea what she could be mixed with
  14. Benthebassmaster

    Electric blue jack dempsey

    Would you suggest for me to get a electric blue Jack Dempsey. I hear they die a lot. Is this true
  15. Benthebassmaster

    How much fish In a 125 gallon tank

    Can a gt, jd, Oscar and a Bichir be in a 125 gallon tank. Also if their is anymore fish to keep with it what would it be
  16. 504 Fish Keeper

    75 gallon jack Dempsey

    JD, Salvini & convict in a 75 what kind of schooling / Dither fish can I put in with them? I was thinking tiger barbs, silver dollars or Buenos Aires Tetras.
  17. R

    Shy cichlids not coming out! Ideas to solve this?

    Hey, I have a bit of a problem in my 60 gallon cichlid tank, in this tank I keep a jack dempsey, a red Texas(it’s basically a hybrid between a parrot and a green Texas) and just for the fun of it I keep a rainbow shark as well. My problem is that all these fish seem to be pretty scared of me...
  18. Y

    Jack Dempsey - Lip Injuries

    I have a pair of Jack dempsey's, first time parents and my first time breeding them, they laid eggs about 3 weeks ago. There are about 10-20 babies still alive and the mother is protective of them but the male is lip locking with her and they both have some bad mouth injuries. I put in a...
  19. R

    HELP!! sexing my JDs

    I believe this guy to be just that a male electric blue gene maybe?
  20. A

    Can anyone help with the sex of my Jack Dempseys??

    could anyone help with the sex of these two?? They are inseparable and look a lot different from each other yet also look a lot alike. Any help would be appreciated.