jack dempsey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. A

    New Jack Dempsey Tank Setup Help!

    I am in the process of setting up a 60 gal tank with sand substrate decorated with rocks and driftwood. I really would like to get a Jack Dempsey, but also wanted to add some other fish to the tank. I wanted to ask opinions on if my stocking list would work, as depending on which fish I get is...
  2. K

    Electric Blue Jack Dempsy

    Can a EBJD live with a sengal Birchir? I have a cycled 55 gallon and I would get both at tiny sizes.
  3. E

    Help sexing Juvenile Jack Dempseys

    Hi! Can anyone help me sex my two juvenile JDs? The lower gillplate markings and body shape/fins might be indicating two females? I was hoping someone could prove me wrong here, as I am hoping for atleast one of them to be male.. The first 3 photos are of the smaller one, the last two is the...
  4. alecrromine

    Just scored a gem

    A lfs here in town. Had this girl for 8$
  5. Teke left

    Thoughts on stock?

    First allow me to say that I know most will not agree with what I am about to say lol .. All I ask is to not be rude about it .. Well after being in the saltwater hobby for a few years I suddenly want to be a American cichlid hobbiest .. Over the last few months I have been researching many...
  6. Sizzy905

    Firemouth cichlid

    I've just added a 4-5 inch firemouth to my 75 gallon. Other than that I have a two jack dempseys 4-5 inches Two oscars about 6-7 inches And one black convict 4 inches I am looking for a new home for the oscars atm but they are not my concern as they are completely docile same with my convict. My...
  7. Sizzy905

    Aggressive cichlid tank

    I'm thinking of starting another 75 gallon tank, I actually wanna get a larger one but due to limited space now since I already got a 75 recently, I think another 4 foot tank is the way to go. I want to stock aggressive cichlids in this one. I really love jags but I know 75 isn't enough for...
  8. Sizzy905

    75 gallon cichlid tank

    ive changed the stock in my 75 from angels/gouramis to cichlids now. I've gone withe one jd roughly 2 inches, one firemouth roughly 2 inches, and one convict about an inch, and planning to add some dither fish. Is there any other cichlid that i can keep? I would also like suggestions on what...
  9. brittneyelz

    Need Help with my Canister

    i have Ehiem 3 canister filter in my 120gal. I have never had a canister filter before and my tank is starting to smell a little and im not sure how to fix the issue. there is a green tint to it that I cant seem to get rid of with weekly water changes ect. im sure there are a lot of different...
  10. Truetommy

    Jack Dempsey with Red head

    Just wondering if anyone knew if a red head on a JD was anything significant. I did some research and found nothing on the subject, and had never seen a JD with a red spot this prominent on its head. The fish is only about 3"".