jack dempsey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Jacob6556

    Red Texas and Jack Dempsey tank part 1

    So I’m not really sure how long this will last but I’m gonna try something new. I’m going to start a series following the progress on my 60 gallon jack Dempsey and red Texas tank. I’m not to sure how often I’m going to post but I plan on trying to post at least once a week. In these post I plan...
  2. W

    Appropriate size before adding growouts

    Currently I have a full grown Jack Dempsey that I would like to keep with other fish. Most pet stores near me don’t sell adult cichlids so I will have to grow one out. I would like to know at what size do I need to grow the other fish out to live with him? The tank has a large cave structure in...
  3. W

    Help sexing Jack Dempsey

    Hi this is my Jack Dempsey who is about 2 years old and somewhere between 8-10 inches could someone help me determine if it is a male or female? thanks!
  4. Jacob6556

    Will this tank setup work? Opinions needed!!

    So this is a follow up from my last post for a great stocking idea for my new 60 gallon tank! My tank has two rock caves, a pot, and two pieces of drift wood. I also have a large filter under the tank and a power head to provide a good current in the water. So my stocking idea I got from my last...
  5. Jacob6556

    Will this 60 gallon setup work? Please help!!

    So I got a empty 60 gallon tank, it’s a little over 4 feet long and yes I cycled it threw and put a few small fish in it for the time being. So my idea was to buy a Jack Dempsey, a green terror, a convict, and then two African cichlids! This would be a dream setup as I been looking into moving...
  6. Jacob6556

    Jack Dempsey tank idea! Does this work??

    So I now have a 60 gallon tank, and ofcourse like all new tanks it’s empty. I was just wondering about what fish I should get. First I was think about just an Oscar but then I realized that one would just be to big and to much water cleaning required as the have a huge bioload. So I had an idea...
  7. Rishab

    Frontosa and EBJD tank open top or closed lid

    Hi all I was wondering if I can continue to keep an open tank top with a hang on filter for my five frontosa juveniles and electric blue Jack Dempseys
  8. D

    Overstocked 55 Gal ~ Ca/Sa Mix

    I'm looking for some advice on my first Cichlid Tank. I've currently got a standard 55 gal aquarium 4ft x 1ft x 1.5ft (H). Its a planted tank, currently housing 6 Congo tetras and will need to house a 5-6 inch Rainbow Shark. The shark is pretty quick and aggressive so it should fit in with...
  9. YankeeJack

    Want to Buy Female Jack Dempsey 3-5 inches in size

    Hello Forum, I'm looking for a female Jack Dempsey, 3-5 inches in size. Might you have a regular or gold (leucistic) female for sale and have experience shipping larger fish? Thank you! YJ p.s. ignore the price, I had to put in something there.
  10. E

    Male or female jack Dempsey’s?

    Thanks in advance. I have 2 jack Dempsey’s and from why I have read tail fins look like females, but fin markings look like male.
  11. R

    For Sale African Cichlids, Clown Loaches, Jack Dempsey, Pleco

    Hey guys. Looking to unload some fish. Willing to deliver in the NYC area. Please see below. I'll text or email some pictures if interested. ~ 35-40 African Cichlids all ranging from 3-7inches. Includes huge 7 inch male Frontosa. Mainly Mbuna, however there's a nice mix. Take the lot of...
  12. C

    Jack Dempsey Sexing and pair

    I was wondering if this a a male and female jack Dempsey. Trying to get a pair going.
  13. C

    3 - 4” to 5.25” Electric Blue Jack Dempsey $40 each - 91752

    I’m going a different direction with a tank, so I need to clear out 3 electric blue jack Dempseys. They range in size from about 4” to about 5.25”. I am estimating measurements as I haven’t pulled them out for the exact measurements. They are all healthy with good color. I think they are all...
  14. A

    Green Terror tank mate suggestions?

    Hello, I am looking for some suggestions for potential GT tank mates, Gold Saum variety. My tank details are as followed: Brand - 55 gallon Ciano Measurements - 40”L x 15.5”W x 24”H Filteration - Fluval 406 External Filter My GT seems to be the odd relaxed one. He’s currently in with...
  15. D

    Possible Jack dempsey hybrid?

    The first couple images are of the jack Dempsey that I believe is possibly a hybrid? And the last couple images are of my regular jack dempsey that I purchased at the same time, from the same store, and was in the same tank as the other. Both were labeled as jack dempsey. Any thoughts?
  16. K

    New wet pet ideas

    Hi Everyone, I'll start by saying the I've only used the forum once before so apologies if this is in the wrong place.Admins please feel free to move it. Last year I asked everyone for advice on picking a personable/interactive wet pet that could live comfortably in a 3ft tank ( Interactive wet...
  17. K

    Picking a new Wet pet

    Hi Everyone, I'll start by saying the I've only used the forum once before so apologies if this is in the wrong place.Admins please feel free to move it. Last year I asked everyone for advice on picking a personable/interactive wet pet that could live comfortably in a 3ft tank ( Interactive wet...
  18. B

    Stocking a 125g

    Hello, I'm new to this forum. I have a 125g tank that currently houses a jack Jack Dempsey. I would like to stock it with other cichlids, I tried adding my firemouth wich is the same size as the JD but they fought too much so I removed him. I've decided to add multiple cichlids at once to reduce...
  19. RubyRuby234

    My New Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!!

    Say hello to Turquiose!! She is my new Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!! She is beautiful and a little stinker! My other fish were following her all day yesterday it was so cute! She ate right away, and seems to be fitting in well with a sub group of my fish in the tank! So happy!! Happy Birthday...
  20. M

    Mature Jack Dempsey Won't Eat please help!

    I have a 55 gallon aquarium. I have 1 mature Jack Dempsey, one mature Convict, and one mature bristle nose pleco in the tank. All of the fish are around 5 years old. I have never had issues with any of them eating, the jack Dempsey being the most voracious of the bunch. He has always preferred...