
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    Advice sought to help Oscar heal after HITH

    This albino Oscar, Tina (we think its a she), has had a pretty bad bout with HITH. She's been treated with Metroplex laced food, API general cure in the water, and 3% epsom salt laden food. She also seems to have some fin rot going on as a secondary infection so the final treatment in the tank...
  2. mybirthdateisfake

    Prove my dad wrong on oscars

    I had a 10in oscar which was originally in a 30gal grow out for my 400gal pond. Today it took enough attacks from my jag in the pond and died. My dad blames me for putting the oscar out the 30gal while I obviously, just tried to do the best for it. I've already told my dad to add structures to...
  3. A

    For Sale Fish for sale

    3 Oscar’s all between 5-7 inches 1-lemon Oscar $65 1-Ruby red Oscar $50 1-albino tiger $50 Don’t know sexes of any fish 1-mono peacock bass about 8-9 inches $175 1-redtail catfish about 10 inches $100 located in Colonia nj Text me at 201-620-1643 thanks
  4. sophaba

    Oscar Not Growing

    Hi all, I know most people say that their fish isn’t growing, but they are just being impatient, but my Oscar has not grown. He is about 2 inches and I’ve had him for 2.5 months, he has grown 3/8 of an inch in the time I’ve had him. About him: He is missing one eye and completely blind in the...
  5. Rainkaj

    Oscar EBJD and Raphael

    Hello, I’m pretty new to the forum and personal fish keeping in general. My family has always had fish around and I finally decided to set up my own tank. My mom loved raising Oscar’s and said I should get one for my 55g I found on Facebook. After doing the research I found that this is just...
  6. sophaba

    Baby Oscar with odd eyes

    Hello all, this is my first time posting here so sorry if anything is wrong about this. A week ago I was at a local fish store and saw a baby Oscar with strange eyes and mannerisms. Of course I was instantly drawn to him and got him. I put him in 10 gallon grow out tank with some platy fry (I...
  7. pinfish

    Oscar Tank Set Up Ideas

    Hello All! I am thinking about revamping my Tiger Oscar's Tank and wanted to get some opinions and what everyone would recommend for the guy. Right now I don't have any substrate in but I was thinking about changing that. I have had substrate in before and when I do he does enjoy digging...
  8. S

    Help with a future set up - Currently being built

    Greetings peoples of MFK!, finally took the plunge and joined the forum after doing much of my searching lead me to this great plethora of information, To start off I'm a proud keeper of many cichlids and have been for the last 2 years, its only in the last 8 months I decided to go down the...
  9. T

    Injured Arowana

    My 5” Tiger Oscar tried to eat my 5” Silver Arowana. This is my first Arowana so I’m looking for advice from experienced keepers on treatment. They were in a 125g but I have since separated the Arowana to a 75g by himself. The pellets are from trying to get him to eat.
  10. Stanv03

    125 gallon monster stocking idea?!

    Hello everyone, so I have a 125 US gallon fish tank (LxWxH/72”x18”x21”) and I currently have 2 Oscar’s, 6 silver dollars and a Rhino pleco. I have 2 FX6s running on each end of the tank. And I was considering getting an Ornate or Delhezi bichir, would I be able to do both?
  11. CaptainAquatics

    Possible Cataracts in my Oscars Eye

    Hello All! BACKSTORY: So if I am to post here I must admit my faults before I start. For the last year or so I have majorly been uninvolved in the hobby and have been slacking on doing proper care for my aquariums and fish - which I regret and am trying to make right. I have been fishkeeping...
  12. E

    Longterm Oscar bloat - what can be done?

    I have a Oscar fish who has gotten pretty bloated as of the last month. He behaves normally, eats normally, etc. Today he was very sluggish, but ate normally yesterday. Fasting did not result in bloating going away, tried this for 4 days without food, then a week at 30% feedings, and then 70%...
  13. E


    Hello everyone, I have had this Oscar for a couple weeks and he was doing great in the tank. He loves to eat and always comes out when I get close. I saw 2 days ago he had some white spots and I immediately thought it was ich. I was told ich spreads fast so I waited a day to see if it was ich...
  14. V

    oscar hunger strike

    I had a 12” Oscar an 8” goldfish and several guppies in a 75 gallon tank and everything was good. Guppies never got eaten. Then I got a 14” pleco free with a 30g tank, who I moved to the 75g. Wow can they poop! It was almost impossible for me to keep the nitrates down. Oscar got a white fluffy...
  15. Oscar_Dad

    Oscar Experts: I Need Your Brains

    I have a big old beast of an Oscar who's about 3 years old and has lived his entire life in a 220. We just lost his companion Oscar/main squeeze and he seems bored without another Oscar. The full grown sailfin pays no attention to him - and since he figured out he can't bully the sailfin, he...
  16. U

    For Sale Monster Fish (Chicago)

    Peacock bass (kelberi) 10-12” : $350 Peacock bass (kelberi) 6”: $150 Black diamond (75%) hybrid female 6”: $600 Tiger Oscar 10”: $30 Albino Oscar (95% white) 10”: $100 Dovii (mated pair: male 12” and female 6”): $200 Kamfa Flowerhorn male 6” (aggressive): $250 Red dragon/zz hybrid Flowerhorn...
  17. A

    Confused New tank owner

    Hello, i have a question here. I just got a new tank with 1 tiger oscar, 1 albino oscar, 2 albino pleco, 2 african jewel cichlid, 1 giant red tail gourami & 2 black pearl parrot in a 96gallon tank. messy fish i heard is oscars and pleco? how often do i need to gravel vacuum?
  18. That Trinindad Pleco

    Thoughts On Petsmart Minimum Tank Size Change

    Hi, my LFSs are a Petsmart and a Petco. The Petco had no tank size labels in front of its fish, but the Petsmart did. I Remember when I first walked in their and it said Oscar minimum tank size 40 Gallons, and I thought oooof. Bala Shark was 40 as well, Anglefish 20, Common Pleco 55, and Koi...
  19. That Trinindad Pleco

    135 Gallon Predator Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I am planning on getting a 180 Gallon (96x18x24) in about a month, and I will be moving my fish out of my 135 (72x18.5x23.5) into the new tank. I will have an empty 135 gallon that I would like to try something new with. I have a Red-Eyed Red-Tailed Dwarf Puffer in a 45 Gallon, and I wanted...
  20. That Trinindad Pleco

    120 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I may be getting a new 120 gallon 48x24x24 tank soon and it will be my second biggest, and my 6th tank that I currently am using. I was wondering about any stocking ideas, if you want to say community fish, please list some unique species as I have 3 community tanks. I was wondering if an...