
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Tyler_Wentworth_150

    Brutus' new digs

    Got my big boys new house set up! He may take awhile to adjust but it seems he's starting to settle already. I built the stand, needs paint still hence no pics. Custom plumbing on both canisters, fluval 404 with zero hours on it till now. Fluval fx5 freebie that didn't even turn on when I picked...
  2. Sizzy905

    Firemouth cichlid

    I've just added a 4-5 inch firemouth to my 75 gallon. Other than that I have a two jack dempseys 4-5 inches Two oscars about 6-7 inches And one black convict 4 inches I am looking for a new home for the oscars atm but they are not my concern as they are completely docile same with my convict. My...
  3. O

    New Oscar

    So I've had my tank set up for quite sometime. I was torn between a couple Severum and maybe some Blue Acaras or an Oscar. Well I decided to go with the Oscar I'm going to attempt to post a picture of. She/He (I'm saying she) was listed as an albino but I have never seen an albino that looks...
  4. Sizzy905

    75 gallon cichlid tank

    ive changed the stock in my 75 from angels/gouramis to cichlids now. I've gone withe one jd roughly 2 inches, one firemouth roughly 2 inches, and one convict about an inch, and planning to add some dither fish. Is there any other cichlid that i can keep? I would also like suggestions on what...
  5. P

    Please Help! Foggy Water

    Please Help! I recently setup a brand new 125 gallon freshwater tank. I installed a Fluval FX6 canister filter and put in 12 Zebra Fish to get the tank cycling. The water was crystal clear for a week. After testing my water I added 3 fish (1 Oscar, 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Needlenose Gar). My tank...
  6. Sizzy905

    Filtration for one Oscar

    I have a new 75 gallon tank. It's already cycled and is running an aquaclear 110. Is that filtration enough for just one full grown Oscar? And maybe (that's a big maybe) just one other cichlid that can go with an Oscar. I've seen in a lot of posts people suggest keeping a lot more filtration but...
  7. Fishpony

    Oscar with some-what severe fin injuries

    I came home today and looked at my oscar. His fins are destroyed. His tail is chopped in half. So it looks like a way thicker version of a swordtail. I would like to know if it will heal or be scared.
  8. brittneyelz

    Need Help with my Canister

    i have Ehiem 3 canister filter in my 120gal. I have never had a canister filter before and my tank is starting to smell a little and im not sure how to fix the issue. there is a green tint to it that I cant seem to get rid of with weekly water changes ect. im sure there are a lot of different...
  9. Fishpony

    Severum freaking out

    Hello, I have a old severum, got him from a lps when he was 3 inches and had him for over 5 years. He was raised in a bare bottom aquarium and has a little bit of a eye droop. So today i decided to add some gravel so he can dig a pit, and now he is freaking out over the gravel. He is just...