peacock bass

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. G

    Azul Peacock Bass and xingu I pike cichlid??

    Hello new to the forum… and bass. I have an Azul that’s about 8” in a 55 grow out. He’s moving to a 150 (72” x 18” x 29”) next week. I found someone who is getting rid of a xingu I pike cichlid that’s 9”. Anyone have any experience keeping the two species together? From what I can gather online...
  2. C

    FREE Looking for exotics around bay area

    Looking for any big exotics for offers The ones for sure im looking for are Temensis or fogo bass Tigrinus cat Goliath tiger fish Mbu puffer Atlantic tarpon Thanks let me know
  3. mtuttle02

    For Sale 14” Jardini Arowana $200 Tacoma, Wa

    Hello- I’m looking to rehome my Jar and possibly Peacock Bass. All are eating shrimp soaked in vitachem and pellets. The Jar has turned aggressive in the past 2 weeks so that is the reason for rehoming. Local pick up only. Jardini 14” $200 Azul 13” $50 Ocellaris 10” $25 Motivated so please...
  4. T

    Want to Buy Looking for peacock bass and Geophagus in Oregon or Washington

    Looking for peacock bass or geophagus preferably butterfly or royal peacock bass but open to others! Cash on hand. Give me your price and location
  5. V

    For Sale Peacock Bass and Atababo Pike for sale or Trade

    I have a 8-9" Peacock bass and a 10-11" Atababo Pike that have outgrown my tank. Had both since they were small. Both are extremely healthy and beautiful. They need a larger home. Currently in a 200g and would love to see them go into something larger. I am asking $125 for each or $200 for both...
  6. bassinmike85

    For Sale Peacock Bass Mono's

    Selling 1 1/2" - 2" Peacock Bass Mono. Pictures below are of current stock and of parents. 1 1/2 - 2" $20 each or 3 or more at $15 each No holds, First Come First Serve. Pick Up Only - No Trades
  7. M

    Peacock bass vs largemouth bass?????

    Hey. Im thinking about getting a bass but dont know if it should be a largemouth or peacock and what Species would be coolest??? Hope you can help. // Mr. Crocodile
  8. C

    Want to Buy Looking for fogo, temensis, goliath, big ornate

    Im looking for whats in the title anything around 8 to 14 inches. Any other extremely rare fish im open to the possibility as well. Phone is 7073043090 and norcal
  9. K

    For Sale 12”-14” Monoculus Peacock Bass

    She is eating frozen shiners and shrimp. I unfortunately don’t have space for her anymore.
  10. C

    For Sale Arowana and 2 Kelberi Bass

    24 inch silver arowana -24 inches 2 kelberi bass - 12 inches Reducing stock Pellet trained. Will eat anything you feed them.
  11. D

    Newbie Tips

    Hello, so a week ago I got two baby mini peacock bass (2 inches) and two baby parrot chiclids (2-3 inches). A week has passed and one of my chicla unfortunately died (believe from choking on a feeder). I currently feed my fish once a day on frozen bloodworms and shrimp and were able to get them...
  12. M

    For Sale 6"-7" Peacock Bass $65 and 3" Yellow Flagtail for $90

    Not sure what of type of peacock bass. I'm no expert. 6"-7" Peacock Bass $65 and 3" Yellow Flagtail $35 or take both for $90. Healthy eating pellets and shrimp. Not interested in trade. Venmo or exact cash pls. Not free. my bad lol
  13. L

    For Sale 5-6" Pinima Peacock Bass

    Looking to sell my group of 3 Pinima, ive had them for about 3 months from fry, raised on pellets and will accept anything they eat like pigs. 250 for the trio, 100 each.
  14. J

    For Sale Leucistic peacock bass

    This is rare beautiful leucistic peacock bass that was caught in Coral Springs florida
  15. J

    For Sale Leucistic Peacock Bass

    This is rare beautiful leucistic peacock bass that was caught in Coral Springs florida
  16. FuriousFish

    220G Update Thread

    In this thread, I will post updates and track the progress with my 220-gallon tank. I have had this tank going on 10 years now and it has gone through a lot of changes in that time, especially since I was still very young and naive when I got it. With that being said, the current state of the...
  17. P

    Cichla Monoculus, PeaCock Bass

    Hey guys, i just started raising pea cock , its totaly new for me this specie, i have 5 of them!. Can somebody tell me how Tell if it's a mâle or female? Sorry for the bad quality pictures..?
  18. aquaticeye

    Cichla Collection (Fogo and Orino Meta)

    I went from ZERO Cichla 6 months ago to 9x Fogo and 9x Orino Meta. I can definitely understand the fascination with these fish now. Just got in the batch of 9x Fogo from @mrdee about an hour ago. Perfect packaging. Fish all came in super alert and energetic. Expert shipping. They'll go...
  19. LBDave

    PBass Action

  20. Blakewater

    For Sale 7x 4-5”Fogo Peacock Bass BAY AREA

    Going a different direction so I’m parting ways with my collection of hand raised fogo peacock Bass. All eating Omega One Super Cichlid Pellets and in perfect condition, not a scratch on any of them. Just $125 each. The best deal you’ll ever see for these of this size. I’d like to sell them in...