peacock bass

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. gotin20

    For Sale Short body peacock bass

    Selling a rare short body peacock bass around 10 inch big You don’t have to worry for a big tank with a fish like this!
  2. P

    Want to Buy Looking for peacock bass in nyc area

    Looking for peacock bass in nyc area
  3. V

    Fish Room Build Thread

    So it begins A long dream of mine is realizing in front of my eyes as we speak. After a couple of years planning, buying a new house and not least hard negotiations with my significant other I can finally commence the building of my new fish room. General overview Large tank - 750 gallon...
  4. Blakewater

    Cichla Feeding Schedules?

    Just wanted to hear what people are using as a feeding regimen for their Cichla. What're you currently feeding? How big are your bass? How long have you been following that food plan? How does it compare to other feeding patterns you've used? Or anything else you can think of sharing in the...
  5. DanielKeepFishes


    Someone help me identify my peacock bass. Was told it was a shortbody Orino. Any objections? Can someone also help me sex it? Male or Female? I know sexing pbass is hard at a young age, but im guessing its a female ?If you need more pictures just tell me. Thanks lots.
  6. jackthefishmaster

    Is my peacock a Cichla Temensis or Cichla Azul?

    It was sold as a Cichla Temensis but the coloration and some blue colors in the fish are making me wonder whether it actually is a Temensis or an Azul. I attached the picture, it had a massive meal just before the picture that's why its so fat. The coloration of the fish in real life is...
  7. agent1207

    Peacock Bass ID Help?!

    Can anyone help ID the peacock bass in the pictures? His temperament is much different than my other peacock bass. For example this guy is extremely fast especially when feeding is that normal? (fast as in, when I put food he has an explosive reaction and snatches up the food before any other...
  8. P

    Cichla bunch

    Very new here and just wanted to ask a few things to beef up my cichlas. Been giving them chicken heart and shrimps since day 1. Just wanted to ask a few other options to maximize their growth and enhance their colors? Attached their pictures ?
  9. Blakewater

    Broko/Pinima Update

    Just posting a little update of my bass in the 550g. I’ve once again gone through another round of thinning out any growouts and bass I was not fully dedicated to. The final four will be my long term projects but I’ve also left a bit of room for an intermedia pair, (if the moon and stars align...
  10. Jush

    African Tiger Fish & Peacock Bass

    Hello, I write this post with a mashed brain. I have owned a total of 5 ATF, in specific 1 FATF & 3 VATF. I own 1 currently because the other 3 were attempts at previously keeping them that failed & 1 I sold. My bass always seems to have a problem. It starts about 8months ago when I got my...
  11. Paradox2296

    Cichla id?

    Same fish displaying different colors I'm thinking mono but I'm not 100% what do you guys think
  12. perun28

    For Sale Monster cichlids and gar

    Hi guys. I'm shutting down my tank and have for sale :
  13. S

    Dither Fish for peacock bass HELP!!!

    Hey everyone, I just moved a few days ago and I'm faced with a challenge I did not see coming. I have a peacock bass who is about 4' right now and he is extremely shy and frantic after the move, it been about 5 days. When I first got him he was about 2' and had the same shyness as he does now...
  14. C

    What kind of peacock do I have?

    Just got a 5 inch peacock and was wondering if anyone could tell me what type of species it is.
  15. Cichlids keeper

    Rio Travessao Peacock Bass Availability

    Are rio travessao peacock bass available in the hobby? I like them since they have a Nuchal Hump and I am into Flowerhorns, but I really don't see much about them so I don't know if they are in the hobby. Here's a pic if anyone is interested in what they look like.
  16. Blakewater

    For Sale 8-9” Cichla Orinocensis SanFrancisco

    Helping a buddy sell his bass. One 8.5”~ Orino looking healthy. Nothings wrong with it he just wants room for other fish. Eating shrimp. Fish for sale is the one in the front of the picture. text me at 510-421-1o75
  17. Blakewater

    My Little Punk Rockers

    So far my Pinima are growing out and fattening up nicely. When I first got them I got so worried thinking their fins were all nipped up. But I realized after a minute Pinima just have some intense little mohawks. Naturally, I named my guys Sonic and Punk. Glad to see they’re maintaining that...
  18. Blakewater

    The Magnificent Seven

    Welp, as of last week I finished my thinning. Bringing down my bass school from 13 to 7. The trade off is the water looking crystal clear even after a week without a change and the new hierarchy and space had made all the cichla grow and color up even further in almost no time! Especially the...
  19. S

    Help Feeding :(

    Hello! this is my first post on this site and I'm making it in disparity. I recently acquired a peacock bass and everything has been going great so far other than one thing, feeding. He's only about two inches big and won't eat anything other than frozen blood worms. I have tried pellets, krill...
  20. Blakewater

    For Trade 12"+ C. Brokopondo For Pinima/Intermedia BAY AREA CA

    Looking to see if anyone would be interested in trading bass. Im open to trading one of my 11"~13" WC sp. Brokopondo in exchange for a Pinima over 4" or a nice Intermedia over 6". May consider trading for a very nice azul. Im willing to drive up to 2 hrs to meet up. I live in 94928 / North Bay...