
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Josh's Fish

    Biotopes of Bichirs

    Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted in here, I've missed MFK (I've needed a bit of a break from being online; aren't Facebook groups just so mentally fatiguing?). A lot of my work has gone into print these days (Practical Fishkeeping, Amazonas, Fish etc., along with books), and I've been...
  2. FuriousFish

    Good source for WC polypterus in 2024?

    Is there a go to source for wild caught lower jaws anymore? I remember back in the day Jurassic Aquatics was the best but they seem to have shut down the operation long ago. Searching online it seems like availability is generally a lot lower than it was ~10 years ago, which was the last time I...
  3. sp_palmas

    Polypterus palmas succesfully sapwning today.

    Today, they succesfully spawning. PS. This is my 2nd breeding on 2024 (August 19) This is my 1st on 2024(March 19)
  4. C

    WC or CB?

    is this wc? it looks like nigerian or guinean lap wc for me but the eye looks like cb
  5. C

    Need some help! is this some kind of fungus and how to treat

    I had notice my Lapradei had this white stuff on its body a few days ago. i only did 50% water change and add some salt.. Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this issue? or what should I to medicate with?
  6. C

    For Sale Ornate bichir 16 inches

    Hello yall I have a big ornate bichir for sale, he has simply outgrown my tank. I got him when I was an inexperience fish keeper and I now would prefer to move in a different direction as the fish he will not eat have to be huge. He eats pellets frozen fish and anything else you could think of...
  7. C

    Update on Bichir and Pike compatability

    I have a 125 and have had my tank sectioned in half for months in fear of my Ornate Bichir possibly eating my zebra pike cichlid (very expensive loll). My bichir is only getting wider and longer, probably at the 15-16 inch mark and my pike is only around 7-7.5 inches. Should I look at getting...
  8. sp_palmas

    Body pattern generation of P.palmas with some pirctures

    That black tadpole becomes palmas First. white~yellow spots occurs around it's body Few days later, we can see horizonal lines their body. From now on, we can see dorsal fins with white edge. Like this! And about one week later, I can see secondary horizonal...
  9. T

    Bichir died

    My first bichir a Delhezi just died because another fish ripped off the pre filter and my bichir got his head stuck inside the hose which was a siphon so he was vacuumed onto the end. The seal was so strong I had to cut the pipe to get him out. I tried to revive him by allowing oxygenated water...
  10. M

    Spotted by my bichir, Ilomba

  11. T

    Delhezi bichir and blue phantom Pleco?

    So I got a Delhezi bichir recently he’s like 6 inches now in a 150 gallon tank with an Oscar and parrots since all these fish are quite messy I wanna get a Pleco as I like them in general and blue phantoms look cool. When I found out that large plecos eat bichir slime coats and end up killing...
  12. M

    For Sale Bichir sale

    Selling off my bichir collection Ask for pics of anything you're interested in and I'll reply as soon as possible For inquiries reach me as 305 219 2887 Willing to ship most fish STOCKLIST 15" teugelsi (kink tail) 130 10" teugelsi (missing eye) 90 WC 14" lapradei 100 11" lapradei 80 WC 8-9"...
  13. rayoddballfish

    What’s in the Box 2.0 🤩

    Hey y’all, Hope everyone is doing well. I got some more bichirs (it’s starting to become an addiction!). Can y’all guess what they are? Here are some pics :). Thanks for viewing 😎 Cheers, Ray
  14. rayoddballfish

    New fish :)

    Hey all, So recently purchased 2 new fish and they just came in today. The first is a 4-5 inch lapradei bichir (looks wild caught nigerian but correct me if I’m wrong) and the second is a 2-3 inch fire eel. The bichir is currently in a 5 gallon quarantine tank and the fire eel into my 10 gallon...
  15. rayoddballfish

    Bichir ID?

    Hi All, One of the local fish stores near me listed this as a PBB bichir. Can someone verify this? Looks like a normal lapradei to me butany insight is appreciated! Cheers, Ray
  16. rayoddballfish

    Keeping a pair of bichirs?

    Hi all, question regarding bichirs. Currently have a 15 inch female Nigerian lapradei. Would it be a bad idea to add another 8 inch male lapradei? They would be the only bichir in the tank. Always wanted to breed these prehistoric fish and wanted y’all thoughts on compatibility. Any input is...
  17. L

    How long can I keep them for?

    Hi, sorry about the super long post This year I rescued some bichirs that were going to be euthanized (because they were unwanted, had small bites on the fins, or other dumb reasons) and I have been meaning to sell and/or rehome them. I thought I would have sold them by now but have been too...
  18. neko1

    bichir sick?

    Hello my senegal is in a hunger strike for already a week. He does look fat and i see a red spot on his belly. Could it be septicemia / blood poisoning? I feed tilapia, hikari and sometimes meelworms and crickets. He appears to be more at the surface of the tank. Sometimes even laying half on...
  19. E

    Bichir and Kuhili Loaches?

    From what I understand, the moment you put a kuhili with a bichir it’s as good as spaghetti. I’m not about to try it for myself, but I’m curious if there’s a single person here who was brave enough to try and found success. Love to hear, thanks!
  20. B

    Ornate Bichir brackish?

    I recently read that ornate bichirs can live in brackish and even saltwater. Anyone know if that's true?