Here is a quick vid of my new Upper Jaw Polypterus 180g tank. I want to thank @Hao for several awesome fish as well.
Current Stock: Polypterus Senegalus Platinum 7-7.5 inches, (An assumed WC) Polypterus Weeksii ~7 inches, (An assumed WC) Polypterus Mokelembembe ~ 9.5 inches, (An assumed WC)...
So... my 7 inch senegal bichir just jump from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor of my house (13ft). I was trying to feed my bichir with a goldfish. after my senegal get the goldfish in its mouth, its just suddenly jump and slip through my house railing straight to the 1st floor. Then i rushed to...
I am planning a Polypterus sp. tank and going for all upper jaw species. I was wondering if these species/subspecies would all work out together. The only bichir I had experience with is a P. ornatipinnis a few years ago that dropped dead one day, possibly choking on a plasic piece of a...
Hi, I have a 12 inch (+- 30 cm) endli bichir in a 180G tank. It has always lived alone with an oscar.
My local petstore has an endli bichir for sale and it looks to be exactly the same size as my current one.
Is it generally safe to add a second bichir to the tank or is there a high likely hood...
360 gallon (8’x38”x25”)Aquarium w stand and canopy- GLASS $2,000
Wolf fish- black, mala (many avail, several sizes)
Tigrinus- 5-8” $175-$200
Jardini- Giant $200
**SOLD**Odoe pikes- 6”/14”
Red pike- 8”/12” $75
Payara-5”/8”. $125
Bichirs- 4”-20”+ Several of each (laps, endlis, ansorgii...
Hey everyone!
I recently purchased my favorite species of fish, polypterus senegalus, or the Senegal Bichir! He will be the star of my 90-gallon tank I’m setting up, which will be a kingdom for him at first because he is very little! I’ve decided to name the little guy Arsenio, and I am already...
So some of you know I made a thread about CB Albino Senegal tankmates in my 40 Breeder. Some people suggested African Butterflies but by that time (about a month ago) my Bichirs were too small and I was afraid they would get eaten. Well they have grown now, a significant amount too. I was...
What is this?
I have had him for 2/3 years, water seems fine. I got sand so he isnt hurting him self on stones or anything.
Is it parasites??
and what can i do?
pls help, thanks in advance
I just wanted to document my Albino Senegals growth and share it. Here are the first of many bad quality shots. This is Gojira, I will take the pic of my other guy/gal when he decides to cooperate.
So I am pretty new to keeping Bichirs so sorry if this is a stupid question.
My baby Senegals have been acting weird lately. I keep seeing them swimming against the current of the filter and even breaching and jumping out of the water a couple of times. Now I have a lid so not worried about them...
today I noticed my female polli has a darkened and swollen anal fin.I do have assassin snails in my tank and am wondering if this is an impaction. I have noticed her arch her tail up (kinda making a banana shape) multiple times this evening. Any advice would be much appreciated. I plan...
Well hello there, If some of you remember I made a post about my 40 Gallon Breeder and the Senegals inside it. There have been some fish tank mate suggestions, and I wanted to collect all of them under 1 thread. Here you can reccomend me fish that can live alongside a Senegal Bichir, without...
Hey MFK !
I am planing a new Tank !
The plan is a large Paludarium for my Polysand other fish.
The floor of the Tank will be complete water with a wood / stone stack in the middle reaching the surface forming a small island.
The Backwall and the island will be planted.
Why a Paludarium? I like...
I am looking for some medium size bichirs.
polypterus mokelembembe (preferably large)
Polypterus palmas (preferably large)
Polypterus polli (preferably large)
Polypterus Delhezi (maybe)
If I did do shipping, I would rather have it from a store.
Shoot me a pm and we can negotiate prices.
I have two of each of these that I have been growing out for my main tank, but decided to add only one of each, so I will sell the smaller ones.
Polypterus Teugelsi (CB), 5.5" - $80. got this one at 1.5" in late June. growing like a weed.
Lepidosiren paradoxa (WC), south american lungfish, 6"...
So i got 6 tanks right now and I need to move out my parents house.....
Bassicly i need to rehome a lot of fish. But if its possible i would like to keep most. :) I have had most animals for more then 6 years or even longer.
So what i have right now:
-polypterus ornitapinus. (1x)
Hey guys, so I recently got an ornate bichir. He’s very active and has been swimming around just fine, but has a big curve in his spine. Do you think he has a broken back? I haven’t noticed this before yesterday