
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    two juvenile ornate bichirs for rehoming

    I have two, I know they are still small to know for sure but I do believe one is a male and one is a female because of their fin differences. They are both about 6.5" and very happy healthy fish but my daughter is disappointed in the tank because we have a 100 gallon long and she never gets to...
  2. F

    New Stock April 19th 2016

    We have tons of fish came in recently. See below list. Please call in or message me on Facebook for any shipping quote. Please mention that you saw price list on Monsterfishkeepers. For pictures please go to our Facebook page. Or PM for more pics. Tiger Scats 3" $150 5" $250 NTT Datnoid 6"...
  3. mattybecks

    Tank size question

    Hi guys, just wondering if I would be ok with this size tank for a while - or indefinitely ? 98cm x 38cm x 48, about 200l. (50gal) Pics below - I have: two polyptrus senegalus, (just about full grown and a little under 25cm each) One upside down catfish One bumblee catfish Two butterfly...
  4. P

    For Sale 20-21 Inches Ornate Birchir.

    Reducing Bioload. Selling this WC est 20-21 inches Ornate Birchir. Very fat piece. Price: $270 Diet: MP and feeders. Gentle and non aggressive. Keen buyer can contact me at 92286266. Thank you!
  5. Pedram

    Bichirs wanted

    I'm collecting bichirs and I'm lacking these species, If you have small size of any of these for sale, please PM me or send me a text at 2139866662, Thanks in advance: Polypterus Ansorgii Polypterus Weeksii Polypterus Teugelsi Polypterus Meridionalis Polypterus Bichir (Nile) Polypterus Katangae...
  6. H

    endli is sick :(

    hi, i bought an endli about 5 or so months ago. he's gotten much bigger since then, and thicker. up until recently hes been eating well, often getting a nice bulge when he eats. recently, he has been coming up for air differently. its like he cant move his fins properly and he wobbles from side...
  7. Red_Man

    Poly floating????

    Looks like my Senegal ate one of the cherry barbs last night and now he floats. I have a quick video but am waiting for it to transfer.
  8. MorningStar

    Fish for sale. Dats, Clown Loaches, Endli, Delhezi, etc.,

    Hello Everyone, I am selling a few of my fish and giving away. I'm located in SoCal area in the 92551 area. Here's whats up for grabs; * 5 - IT Dats. (2-4" eyeball) $30 for all 5 * 6 - Clown Loaches. (2" eyeball) $20 for all 6 * 1 - Delhezi (3.5" eyeball) $5 * 1 - Endli (6-7" eyeball) FREE *...
  9. Chi-Chi

    Help with lapradei ID

    Hey all! First off: it's been, oh, about two thousand years since I posted here, and I've missed you. Second, I was super excited to walk into the LFS the other day and spot a 7" lap sitting on the bottom of the oddball tank. He was labeled P. palmas, and priced at $75, so I got him for a...
  10. H


    i bought a few polypterus for chirstmas today, i found this one with a few endli's and decided to buy him for cheap. i wasnt paying attention, i found out when i finally released it into the tank, poor fish didnt have eyes. im looking to id it, my money is on guinean bichir. but it might just be...
  11. SawickiB

    Polypterus Teugelsi

    Mods remove if not allowed! Im in cape coral and i need to rehome 5 teugs all at about 8-12" pm if youre interested.
  12. E

    My new bichir is sick please help!!!!!

    My new del seems to have gotten sick..I'm still pretty new to these guys. Can someone please help me try to save him
  13. Sizzy905

    Delhezi bichir eat Convict cichlid?

    I have a 3.5-4 inch con right now and I have my eye on a 12 inch delhezi bichir? does the con have any chance or should i forget about the bichir? any experience with these two fish? tank is 75 gallons. the convict is all i have right now.
  14. T

    3" Delhezi feeding ideas

    I have a young 3" Del and I was wondering what everyone thinks about keeping a healthy supply of guppies and/or African dwarf frogs in the tank with him? I want the tank just dedicated to my Del but I think having 25(ish) guppies or dwarf frogs swimming around would help make the tank a bit...
  15. P

    Polypterus endlicheri sp. "Tikinso Guinea"

    WC Polypterus endlicheri sp. "Tikinso Guinea"
  16. superbuddha

    Tankmates for 3 Senegalus

    I'm sure this is a semi common topic but i'd love to here what everyone thinks I have mostly finished setting up my 75 gal planted tank. My 3 Senegalus will soon be home sweet home. 1 male and 2 females between 7 and 10 inches. Is my tank size ok? atleast until the possible ghost knife gets...
  17. T

    Where to find teugelsi?

    I've been looking for one since may, I've called called or emailed 6 stores in my area and Toyin doesn't have any in a size smaller than 10 inches. Anyone know where to get one, preferably small and captive bred?
  18. N

    My polypterus just died.. can anyone tell me why?

    I bought a very pretty white polypterus and he had been with me for almost 4 month. He was very healthy and very active. He loves to swim around his tanks. Everything was normal yesterday. He eats and swim around normally like what he does everyday. Until today when i woke up, he was dead and i...
  19. JustMFKhere213

    7-8" Purple wolffish $80 & 2x 8-9" Senegal $70

    I have 7-8" Purple wolffish for $80 very healthy eats anything from floating to sinking pellets, shrimp, tilapia and blackworms. I also have 2x Senegal bichir 8-9" $70 for both and 40ea. You can buy all for 130 So-cal pick up only or could possibly deliver if you're around DTLA at your own cost.