
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AG458

    I've Waited for This!

    Finally! A couple of shots with the mouth open!
  2. W

    Similar to Hoplias

    I am trying to find a species similar to Hoplias. Similar in every aspect. The only hang up is, Hoplias, Channa (obviously), and Macodon are prohibited species in Oklahoma. I want this species because my son wants a "dinosaur" and I love ancient aggressive fish. (Probably because I, too, love...
  3. Jacob._.merc

    senegal bichir with callichthys catfish?

    Has anyone tried putting a callichthys catfish with a senegal bichir? I have both that are about same size, 5 inches.
  4. AG458

    Pics of my Endlicheri Hiding...

    ...in plain sight. Enjoy!
  5. AG458

    Just a Question...

    My endlicheri loves eating shrimp pellets, and because my bass can't fit them in his mouth, he's having his fill. However, my pbass is coming REALLY close to swallowing the shrimp pellets before they even hit the ground. I'm at the point where I have to put in more than one Hikari pellet at a...
  6. AG458

    My First Endlicheri

    When I bought my endlicheri, I'd been eyeing bichirs for a while. My LFS had senegals, baby ornates, albino senegals, delhezi, and, of course, endlicheri in stock. I loved the look of the endlicheri species; I guess I liked the look of lower jaw species. The ones visibly for sale were selling...
  7. AG458

    Bichir pics + ID?

    I took these at my LFS; they are all on my list for my future upgraded tank. What kind of bichirs are these? The name started with an E.
  8. rayoddballfish

    Polypterus tank mates and setup

    Hi guys, I have a lapradei bichir and am making a thread to document the tank mates and tank setups from the beginning to the future. This will be a cool learning experience for both me and those who are new to the poly hobby like me.
  9. AG458

    Ornate Bichir in 60g tank + tank mates?

    I know I've been told that I shouldn't add any more fish to my current stock (a juvenile peacock bass, small Clown knifefish, small pleco, smallish black ear pangasius) but I would like a bichir as well. This won't be my first time; I had a dinosaur bichir in my old tank who had quite a...
  10. P

    Is this a platinum Senegal?

    Hi guys. Does the fish in the attached pics look like a platinum to You? All pics are of the same fish, just different lighting etc. Considering buying it from an online supplier. Also what is the going rate for one currently? This guy is about 5/6" Thanks for any help you can offer.
  11. ong88

    One mfker of an Endi. 15 inch platinum P. endlicheri endlicheri

    14-15 inches estimated. Got it five years back in Jakarta. Outstretched fingers are 7" Platinum endi. Rare sized. One of the biggest platinum bichirs I know of.
  12. FishBeast

    My Bichir Gang

    Hi everyone! Would like to share some photos of my bichirs! They are in a 4 foot 120 right now getting used to each other. It is bare with no decor or substrate. They will be going in a 210 that I'm currently setting up. Stock list: 1 x Lapradei - Koloton 1 x Lapradei - Faranah 1 x Lapradei -...
  13. Josh's Fish

    Feeding video for HUGE (18 inch) Black Ghost Knifefish and other Ancient Fish

    Thought I'd share a video of feeding the Knifefish, Lungfish, Gars, Eels, African Arowana and Bichirs some carnivore pellets. Enjoy! :) Tank is 7x4x2ft
  14. Josh's Fish

    Guess the species! - Part 2

    Well don't actually guess, I want you to tell me what species of Bichir this is and give me a good reason to why you think that (besides "it just looks like it.") Be descriptive! Think of features, markings, shape, colour etc. this will help you when it comes to identifying Bichirs :) If it...
  15. Josh's Fish

    Guess the species! - (ID Practice)

    Well don't actually guess, I want you to tell me what species of Bichir this is and give me a good reason to why you think that (besides "it just looks like it.") Be descriptive! Think of features, markings, shape, colour etc. his will help you when it comes to identifying Bichirs :) If it...
  16. Josh's Fish

    Bichir Breeding Information - Post your experiences!

    As many of you know, hobbyist breeding Bichirs can be difficult, but raising them can be even harder. I hope this thread can be a collection of information on breeding requirements for them. How do you sex them? Males have a wide, muscular/fat anal fin and sometimes a pointed tailfin tip...
  17. Josh's Fish

    7x4x2ft (1400litres) Prehistoric Predator Tank

    The tank has a 16 inch tall open Riparium canopy with sliding glass doors, so emersed plants can grow and the fish can jump without hitting a lid. At the moment I keep: x2 Polypterus bichir lapradei x2 P. endlicheri x1 P. congicus x1 P. ansorgii x1 P. polli x1 P. senegalus x3 P...
  18. Josh's Fish

    All Bichir (Polypterus) Species - Updated

    In 2010 there were some changes to Bichir literature not many people have been aware of. The following are described species only. The giant variant of P. senegalus has now been described as a new species, a subspecies to P. senegalus, forming the Senegalus complex. Both are now: Polypterus...
  19. B

    ABF with UpperJaws

    Does anyone have experience keeping African Butterfly Fish with smaller uppers like Retropinnis, Mokele-mbembe and either a Polli/Dehlezi/Palmas/Senegalus? There will also be an African knife and 3 ropes and a few other 6" Middle/top swimmers. It will be in a 150 paludarium with around 20" of...
  20. the fine flip

    The lovely Congicus

    Just sharing some pics of the Congi. It is in a 340 gallon tank and is shares it with a small Endli, a Senegal, Delhezi, Polli, and another Congicus