
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Ansorgii

    Is this pond big enough ?

    Hello, I have a pond wich is on average 1,5m deep and has an approximate surface of 3000-4000m^2. It has a very high population of crayfish, shellfish, insects, larvae, frogs, perches, carps and many other nonpredatory fish from two to 30cm in length. I am thinking of adding a small school of...
  2. Vandyfan13

    My dads girlfriend is bulding a koi pond

    Thoughts? Concerns? Opinions?
  3. L

    Pond Newbie

    OK guys I need some help. I need some advise on how to design a filter for the pond. I am thinking about basically making a traditional sump like for a aquarium but buried underground. I am gonna use a bottom drain system with the pump after the filtration. I have some ideas but would love to...
  4. B

    Wild caught pond UK

    So I had this idea to buy a small pond for my garden around 100 to 1000 litres (20 to 200 gallons) And keep fish I catch in rivers and lakes like freshwater bullheads,sticklebacks and one carp or trout and a eel if it's legal to catch and keep European eels so is this legal and would you...
  5. B

    herichthys cyanoguttatus in a pond?

    I'm working on putting a small pond (around 500-700 gallons) in my back yard in the Dallas fort worth area. I was wondering if some herichthys cyanoguttatus (true Texas cichlids) could over-winter without the need for heat. I've read that they can survive temperatures all the way down to 45 f...
  6. T

    bottom drain

    I am trying to retrofit a "dome" or a cover on top of an existing bottom drain. The current one as I can see at the bottom of my concrete pond is a 12" square opening with grate, which eventually connected to a 2" pipe. Pond came with the house so I don't have details on design. I am thinking...
  7. T

    4' x 8' glass

    Debating to build a monster tank with single side display by 4ft x 8ft or similar sized glass. Questions: It would have to be tempered glass, right? What would be the ideal thickness? 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", or 1"? Assuming the water height would be 36" to 42". Cost? Would silicon be the sealant...
  8. A

    Advise - Cold Water, Open Tank in Sunroom

    I have mostly experience with Angelfish and Bettas. I was curious if anybody can give me any references, suggestions or help with an idea I have for my sunroom? I was thinking of maybe doing something like in this picture (but maybe not quite as fancy or as large) for cold water fish in my...
  9. GamerChick5567

    Cheap Ghetto Pond Ideas?

    Hey guys, need some halp. A bit confused on what direction I should go. The baby common goldfish I rescued off of craigslist need to come out of that 10 gallon quarantine. No luck finding a home for them yet and I don't want them to get stunted since they seem to have grown a little even with a...
  10. B

    EMERGENCY! heated cave in outdoor pond for rtc

    Hey guys I have an issue and I need help fast. I have an 18 inch RTC in an outdoor pond. I live in san jose california and winter temperature ranges from 55 F in the morning-75 degrees highest( outside temp). sometimes the high is 65F. My Pond is very big and I dont know if the RTC can survive...
  11. greenerinks

    My humble outdoor pond :)

    Just sharing my humble outdoor pond of which I hardly have time to take care of. Surprisingly though, the inhabitants flourish in there regardless of the lack of filtration. All I have in there is a 2.5hp water pump for constant water flow over some japmats for bio. Other than that, a bi monthly...
  12. Fishpony

    Wintering tropical fish in Arizona?

    Hello, I am in the process of creating a 900 gallon pond, and would like to know if I can keep tropical fish all year round, or will I have to move them back into my tank for the winter. If it is the latter then I'll just raise some koi and goldfish. Thanks
  13. koizilla714

    FTS | Mag drive 24 return pump | $150 | Santa Ana CA | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Mag drive 24 return pump What are your prices?: 150 Where are you located?: Santa Ana CA Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Too strong for my needs, Shipping method: Acknowledgement: I have read and agree to...
  14. Fishpony

    How to obtain native fish in arizona?

    Hello everyone, I would like to know how I could keep a channel catfish in arizona. I know you can use a stocking license for aquaponics (That's what I think, please correct me if you know). I would like to keep one or two of these guys inside my pond that I'm creating this september. I have not...
  15. B

    Pond revitalization ideas

    Hey guys, been a while since I was on here, moved cross country and have three old ponds each about an acre. I don't know if anything is in them but I'm assuming that they are smaller than they use to be and have a lot of plant growth, they're pretty much empty. They are in southern Oklahoma, a...
  16. Fishpony

    900 gallon monster pond stocklist

    Hello all, My father and I are building a pond, which is 10 ft in length, 3 ft deep, 4 ft wide. We are currently in the planning stage but we have the area it will be in. We plan for 1 foot of the pond to be in ground and 2 feet of it above ground. We are trying to keep it as cheap as possible...
  17. C

    Jardini in community pond

    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFK and would appreciate any and all help. I've read a lot of threads about keeping Jars alone as they are the most aggressive species of arowana. However, I've also read that keeping them in groups of 6-10 tends to subdue aggression. Can anyone confirm this? I want to...
  18. Diesel Street

    Transferring Taco the Pacu. A LITTLE ADVICE HERE!!!!

    Okay........Hello to all (by the way)! Pretty new to MFK's.com but been keeping fish since the 9th grade (im old as F**k, now!). Taco had been in a 29 gallon for thr 1st 6mo's of his life, then a 55 gallon for the next 12-14 mo's up until now. Taco's next move is the 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock...
  19. O

    RTC setup

    Hi guys, I would like to keep a redtail catfish. I have two options with this - my plan right now is a 12' intex pool, RTC, TSN, 3 silver aros, and then a few filler fish (4 oscars, 4 plecos, 3 silver dollars, 2 jags). Would this stocking list work? Can pbass and stingrays be successfully...
  20. S

    Pond Temp. Control Help!

    I have a small stream that runs through my property in Georgia, USA (temps here change seasonally from 30-90 degrees farenheit). I have dug a hole and built a dam, creating a pond which i intend to use to house a small group of channel catfish. It isnt very large, only about 4,500 gallons. I ran...