red devil

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    Barred Red Devil Nuchal Hump Shrinking?

    I have a single barred red devil cichlid housed in a 110 gallon aquarium. As seen in the first photo, taken when I got the fish 6 months ago, it has a rather large nuchal hump. The second picture is the same exact fish 6 months later: it has massively improved colors and has grown around 2...
  2. All Sev

    Identify my fish

    Hi guys I bought this fish 6 months ago. The shopkeeper said this fish is red devil but i have some doubts on this i thought this is a midas or midevil Please comment on this thread if anyone knows about this fish
  3. C

    For Sale Cichlids For Sale *** SoCal

    Let me know if you’re interested. Trying to make some room for growing fish. Located in Burbank CA 91506 Text me if interested 818.599.5010 Two 6 inch synaspilum viejas ($50 each) One 8 inch pike (most likely xingu 1 maybe a red pike)($130) Two 14+ inch azul peacock bass ($200 each) One 13+...
  4. midasman714

    For Sale 8" Midas

    Like most Midas/Red Devils, there comes a time when they decide to take over the tank so I have to let him go. Beautiful fish, his hump seen in these photos is smaller than what it normally is. $60 92708 Pickup
  5. N

    FREE Red Devil/Midas Fry

    I have about 20 Mideval fry (father is red devil, mother is a midas) that are roughly 1 to 1.5 inches each. Looks to get rid of most or all of them as I simply do not have the tank space, $1 each or $20 for all, thanks
  6. L

    American cichlid tank with a peacock eel?

    Wondering if my idea would work. I have a 95 gallon tank but it has a looot of decor so practically a 90 with an 8inch Red Devil, 3inch and 1nch firemouths, and 4.5 inch convicts and wanted to add a Peacock eel. Fish get along great together, I’ve had the tank for a year. Thoughts?
  7. Mofo fish

    Want to Buy Seeking female Red Devil

    I am seeking a female red Devil fish for my male that is pictured below. My male is medium aggressive and is currently in a 125 by himself. I am aware of the dangers with trying to pair fish later in life and I do have a spare tank up and running if they need to be separated. If anyone has a...
  8. C

    For Sale Amphilophus Labiatus

    Amphilophus Labiatus Isle Zapaterra fry 2.5-3 inch available off CHICKEN-ON-A-CHAIN proven to produce some of the biggest lipped devils seen or owned in the hobby. Everybody who has acquired these is ?%satisfied Father is last years champion red devil or monster fish at the 2019 keystone Clash.
  9. C

    And I thought Dovii and Flowerhorns were unstoppable!?!

    Sad videos, but really shows what can happen if a Piranha and cichlid ever fought for territories! Frightening, I worry the Flowerhorn is blind, did it's eye get bit?? Poor dovii too. How often do you think this happens in the wild? I always thought dovii's and Amphilophus are top dogs of the...
  10. Cichlids keeper

    Full grown Pure Red Devil Photos

    Wondering if anyone has pictures of a full grown Pure Red Devil?
  11. Cichlids keeper

    Red devil Dovii hybrid?

    Is a Red Devil Dovii hybrid possible and if so does anyone have any pictures?
  12. DMD123

    Ideas for an all Amphilophus tank....

    Been thinking of trying an amphilophus tank. Currently have 3 hoga at about 5" that are being raised out. They were little jerks when first put in the tank but have settled down now. Looking to maybe keep just one of these and add some 'midevil' mutts or other amphs. Tank has some current...
  13. BillyinPA


    I picked up this fish at a LFS he was about 1". The tank he was held in had a ton of Flowerhorn/ Purple rose queen hybrids babies. And he was the only different looking fish in the tank. I figured he was more of a Rose queen. He was spotted black, yellow etc. He was in the middle of fading he...
  14. F

    Red Devil Diseases

    Hey guys, I own 2 red devils and only recently has 1 started to grow a large white spot on its jaw (see photos attached) I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it is and how to treat it Thanks
  15. Twonvito

    Creamsicle Red Devils

    I have learned to observe the behavior of cichlids to sex male and female. I am pleased to say I have picked up a male and female Red Devil. Two days ago who are now in mode.
  16. jag14

    new red devil question

    Hello everyone, I've been gone for quite a while, but am getting back into this. I just got a "red devil", or at least it was sold as a red devil. I understand from reading other post that it may be a hybrid. It is about 2 inches long and very shy at the moment. It hides in the plants and I...
  17. C

    Red Devils sp.Zapatera Isle

    Red devil fry growing out showing good characteristics big lips and barred patterns which more than half will retain as adults. Parents F2's
  18. S

    Red devil and oscar help

    So i have a full grown red devil and yesterday i tried introducing a full grown oscar. The oscar is bigger then the red devil but the red devil keeps bulling the oscar.. so my qustion is if i have a 110 gallon tank will the fish live fine if i order a dark peice of glass or get some kind of...
  19. C

    Amphilophus Labiatus sp.Zapatera Isle

    1 inch 4 weeks old Red Devil galore gonne have to feed some of them to the Umbee
  20. N

    Overstocking Agressive CA Cichlids

    Is this possible like with Africans? Was thinking of buying around 70 juveniles (species that are aggressive but stay around 12-14”), raising them together, selling off the most aggressive ones and hopefully ending up with a community of maybe 15-20 pcs for a 180 gallon. The idea would be to...