red devil

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. C

    AMPHILOPHUS LABIATUS sp. Lago Nicaragua

    Labiatus with 5 day old fry SUNSET SHERBET & CHICKEN-ON-A-CHAIN
  2. I

    New Cichlid Keeper looking to expand! Advice please!

    Hi guys, so I've always had a love of animals from a young age and after seeing a beautifully aquascaped tank at a friend's house I was hooked on the hobby. I started out with a 60l juwel tank which I kept a male Betta in for several years. After having success in keeping him happy and healthy...
  3. Aicdt97

    150 gallon tall with fish pictures

    Ok the tank
  4. A

    Red Devil X Dovii

    Hi all. I have recently discovered a little surprise in my chiclid tank. I had a male RD whom was quite nasty and couldn't find a tankmate for him, until I popped into my LFS and asked the dude what he had and he told me that he had one juvenile Dovii left. I'd been looking for one for a long...
  5. C

    Whats your top 5 AGGRESSIVE MONSTER Cichlids?

    this a little fun video of some of my current and past actual stock except the monster Dovii my pic but he was a the zoo in a million gallon tank naw just kidding but my guess no less than 50,000 gallons probably closer to 100,000. These tank up there in aggression let me know what's your...
  6. baxtor_lex

    Midevil Sexing

    Hi again guys, so quick transition from community, to convict, back to a nice "midas" But this one is throwing me, it was twice the size of its "siblings" and the forehead (i thought small kok growth) instantly made me think male, so very excited i bought it, but now a tube has appeared and i...
  7. Tsdamian

    XXL Red Devil food

    Sup Finally managed to get this red devil I've been trying to buy for a while now from the owner of a fish shop not far from me, it was his baby but the big fella wouldn't breed with any female he offered to him so he finally sold it to me. He showed me the weird Asian pellet food he feeds it...
  8. RicoTheRedDevil

    75 gal tank setup help

    Hi everyone, first off I'm new to MFK but I have a Red Devil named Rico. He's about 6-7 inches right now and I have him in a 75 gallon tank by himself. I'm just looking for tips and ideas to help me better my tank. Filtration: I have an AC110 with everything that came with it. Please tell me if...
  9. Dgmannn412

    Hybrid sexing and id

    This is my big orange fish. It is 4 years old. It has been alone in a 75 gallon tank since the day it killed everything in the water. I have tried both bigger and smaller red devils Midas and undesirable flowerhorn of both male and female with no success. It will relentlessly chase and kill...
  10. Teke left

    Male & female?

    So I picked up another devil sold as a male .. but I'm not too sure so I wanted another opinion on the sex of these devils or middevils
  11. wiegand


    I decided to get back into cichlids after being cichlidless for a few years. I got this Devil on December 6th, 2016. It's housed in a 90gal by itself. I figured that I'd share some pics as the time passes. More pics (spanned between December 9th & 10th)
  12. joegriggs

    New Red Devils - Amphilophus Labiatus

    Hi everyone, I got two new additions of Amphilophus Labiatus. They are the true red devils, not Midevils or Midas. Love the lips they have in comparison. Let me know what you guys think and any experience you've had with them. Hoping to keep this thread updated as they grow.
  13. Dgmannn412

    Devils and tankmates

    I have what I believe to be a large red devil midas cross. It has had tank mates in the past and I'm going to say that tank size sexual maturity and nature of the beast is why it is currently on its own. I am referring to it as it because gender is unknown by even the best. My question is what...
  14. baxtor_lex

    Meet George (Offically) Progress Thread :-)

    Hi everybody, hope your ok? Now George is settled i thought it was the right time to start a official thread of him, so i can post updates about him and *hopefully* any future spawns with him. I also will tell you all abit more about him, and his personality, which at the moment would be deemed...
  15. Twonvito

    Picked up two Red Devils (Amphilophus labiatus) from Monster Aquarium inc.

    I picked up two Red Devils from Monster Aquarium Inc. For the 4th of July sale. Buy 1 get 1. Amazing!!! Not aggressive as my other, but kinda skittish.
  16. baxtor_lex

    New Hybrid Midas/Devil X Vieja

    Hi guys! Iv been out of the hobby now for quite some time but decided to snag myself a 5 foot tag, so when I went to get some fish, (Iv generally had cichlids or flowerhorns in the past) I saw a tank full of what I believe to be Red Devil X Synspilum. I think that the breeder perhaps tried...
  17. Twonvito

    Sad Day in the 125 grow out tank.

    I woke up to half my tank dead. 1 Parachromis friedrichsthalii 2 Amphilophus Lyonsi 1 Amphilophus Labiatus 1 Amphilophus sagittae I had did a water change 9 days and Added API Quick start yesterday because i didnt have any solution. I followed the instructions to a T. It ended in a massacre.
  18. rdKirby

    My Midevil Turned 3

    Just wanted to post a couple pics of my midevil and how far he's progressed in the three years that I've had him. This was my first aggressive fish purchase and I couldn't be happier...of course I'd like him to have a couple tank mates but he decided he liked being an only fish. Anyways, enjoy...
  19. Brock11

    FS | Red Devil cichlid | $35 | New Glarus Wisconsin | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Red Devil cichlid What are your prices?: 35 Where are you located?: New Glarus Wisconsin Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: I have a 8 inch red devil that I am looking to move. Getting too aggressive for me...
  20. the animal guy

    FH and Cichlids

    3.5" FH - $160 5" Red Devil- $20 6" Texas Cichlid- $50