red devil

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. gregkarr09

    Cincinnati Cichlids??

    Does anyone know of a good store around Cincinnati Ohio that sells, central and south american cichlids? I am in the market for a Red devil, Midevil, Green Terror...I can't find any stores around worth a S*%#! Also I am in the market for a 75 gal Tank with stand (fliter and extra's welcomed)...
  2. J

    Inherited Red Devil, need help on tank shape

    Hi all, We inherited a large male Red Devil who is 11-12" long. He was living in a 38 gal tank (12" x 36" 24H"), which is clearly too small for him. We've had him a bit in his 38 gal tank now and love him!!! We were looking at larger tanks to get for him, but I am limited by our available...
  3. Teke left

    Thoughts on stock?

    First allow me to say that I know most will not agree with what I am about to say lol .. All I ask is to not be rude about it .. Well after being in the saltwater hobby for a few years I suddenly want to be a American cichlid hobbiest .. Over the last few months I have been researching many...
  4. Sizzy905

    Aggressive cichlid tank

    I'm thinking of starting another 75 gallon tank, I actually wanna get a larger one but due to limited space now since I already got a 75 recently, I think another 4 foot tank is the way to go. I want to stock aggressive cichlids in this one. I really love jags but I know 75 isn't enough for...
  5. Ihsnshaik

    Large water change???

    I am wondering if it's okay to do a 80-90 percent water change in a 200 gallon tank. I have a 50 gallon sump with a sponge filter in it ( Just incase I need to setup another tank) and one inside my tank. It has an overflow system and was wondering if a large water change will impact my fish. My...
  6. Sizzy905

    75 gallon cichlid tank

    ive changed the stock in my 75 from angels/gouramis to cichlids now. I've gone withe one jd roughly 2 inches, one firemouth roughly 2 inches, and one convict about an inch, and planning to add some dither fish. Is there any other cichlid that i can keep? I would also like suggestions on what...
  7. aGiantCichlid

    Can I get help id'ing this fish

    Bought under a red devil but I have no idea what this actually is now ahah could anyone take some guesses?
  8. aGiantCichlid

    red devil questions

    questions about my red devil/midas how big are they when they get there characteristic orange/yellow/red colours? mines 2-3 inches atm and is still the grey colour babys have. Already quite aggressive attacks me through the glass and such a very neat lil fish.
  9. aGiantCichlid

    Midevil tank size

    Can i keep a single midevil in a 55 gallon? if so what should i put in tank for the fish? like rocks wise and driftwood wise, caves?