
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    Oscar Aggression

    I have a 5 in or so Oscar, I posted about him a few weeks ago when he had larger tankmates huddling in the corner. I got him a 90-gallon tank to get him out of the 55 gallon. I also decided that I wanted to try him out with a bigger tank mate in it. So, I choose a gold severum that I've had for...
  2. All Sev

    I need help Guys Urgent info required

    I need severum vent pictures. If anyone have those venting pictures please comment here. Thanks for advance
  3. G

    Stocking My First(ish) Non Nano-Fish Tank

    Hello everyone! I am new to MFK, and mid to large sized fish. When I got into the fish keeping hobby 3 or so years ago I immediately gravitated to nano fish and have a number of tanks ranging from 5.5 to 55 gallons filled with them. So far I have stuck to nano fish in all of my tanks except for...
  4. G

    For Sale 60g aquarium with everything and Fish

    60G glass aquarium (standard dimensions) for sale with black stand, lights, lids, marineland 350 HOB filter, and 300W heater with external LED temp display. Also have a 1 year old marineland C360 that I planned on keeping for the future but would sell for extra $75. Can include all decor, food...
  5. T

    For Sale 120g tank for sale

    Full freshwater fish tank setup available. Tank is in excellent condition and currently full/well maintained. Please don’t inquire about individual fish. ONLY selling as a complete setup. 1 Fluval FX6 canister filter 1 Whisper AP 300 bubbler 2 Eheim thermocontrol e300 heaters 1 Hygger...
  6. C

    For Sale Breeding Pair Severum

    Selling Breeding pair Red Spot Severum Felmae $100 for both. Local pickup only. SoCal
  7. W

    For Sale 3-3.5 Red Shoulder Severum

    selling 3-3.5in Red Shoulder Severum for 35 each have 3 left for sale location: Pittsburgh PA 15221 can ship or pick up shipping fee cost $25
  8. C

    New tank questions

    Hi, I just bought a new 55 gallon tank yesterday and I am very excited about this second tank. But I need advise on two things: 1) I have got two severums for the new tank - one turquoise and another red spotted. Any chance that they might breed in a small tank like this? 2) Seems I have...
  9. V

    For Sale Severum Heros Liberifer

    5 inches - really pretty, but have too many severums. Paid $60, selling for $20.
  10. M

    200 gallon stocking

    Hello, I'm almost finished plumbing my 200 gallon to its 75 gallon sump. Sump will have 2 7" sock filters, sponges in the baffles, and 1/4 to 1/3 of the sump will hold bio balls. I'll have an fx6 on the 200g as well. For stocking I'm definitely going with 2 oscars. For tankmates I was...
  11. HenryC

    Agressive severum and blood parrot, tips please!

    Does anyone have experience with severums and blood parrots? I read that they're mostly peaceful, but I got one severum that always chases/bullies around a smaller one, and he fights with the blood parrot, to the point of locking jaws. I wonder what I can do to reduce aggression, or if I should...
  12. C

    For Sale FS: red spot severum and leopard ctenopoma

    Looking to downsize my bioload, have two female red spot severum and two leopard ctenopoma. I am located in the Philadelphia/ suburbs location and is pickup only. All fish are in the 6-8 inch range and OBO 2x Redspot severum, both female: $50 each, one is blind in one eye 2x Leopard ctenopoma...
  13. C

    Severum fins healing.

    So maybe a month's ago I bought a badly beaten, and possibly stunted severum that was missing most of his fins. They are growing back nicely, sonsidering even the ribs of the fins were broken in many places. As the fins regrow, will the ribs fill back out?
  14. riuqlav

    Sexing severums red spotted and rotkeil

    hello everyone, could you guys sex them on this size?
  15. C

    Best tank size for a 3rd Floor apartment (Severums/Uaru)

    Hi all! New to the site here, and keeping big fish in general and want some opinions. I’m going to be moving soon and will be capitalizing on it to do a necessary upgrade from a 55 gallon to hopefully a 90-125 gallon tank. Issue is I’m moving to a 3rd floor apartment. The fish I have right now...
  16. PrymeTyme-716

    Planted 180G

    Will update as often as possible
  17. U

    Compatibility questions + please help identify + Bala Shark in 70Gal?

    Hello, I have an ***h0le blue texas (25cm) and a common pleco(30cm) in a 45gal (obviously a nano tank for this fish, I know, please don't trow rocks at me, I water change religiously) with a bunch of snaks (guppies). I'm buying a 70 galon this weekend as an upgrade. The problem is , there...
  18. AquaScape

    New stock! 01/20/20

    Motoro Stingray (Potamotrygon motoro) 4”-5” $200.oo Ea. Hybrid Stingray (Potamotrygon sp.) 4”-5” $225.oo -$450.oo Ea. Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) 3”-4” $50.oo Ea. Albino Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bichirrhosum) 4”-5” $225.oo Ea. Marbled Pike (Crenicichla marmorata) 3”-4” $85.oo...
  19. ptgabrys

    For Sale Tarpon, pearl stingray, vaft, etc.

    All fish for sale are extremely healthy and eating a variety of foods including hikari, massivore, blood worms, tilapia, and market shrimp. I am only selling them because I am going a different direction with my tanks. Many of them have been in my care for a couple years or more, I care a lot...
  20. cichlidfan77

    New scape for 125 with sandfall

    It's been a while since I have posted anything done alot of work on both tanks. I finished my sandfall I have been working on and changed the scape it is still a work in progress. I want to get rid of the cave on the left but I think my vieja will freak out thats his spot. Any thoughts