
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Fonzi42

    Heros Notatus: Male or Female???

    Greetings MFK'ers! I have 2 Heros Notatus around 4" and the colors are really starting to pop. Would like to have some input as to if I have male or female fish. One is always getting chased by the other... Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks! Feel free to share photos as well! Really...
  2. A

    Severum keepers help

    I have a 180 gallon set up and I added TSS and some bloodfin tetras and serpaes to cycle instead of fishless cycling because I wanted to see some action in the tank since I've waited so long. The problem is, I am not planning to keep these fish long term. I wanted to take them back to the store...
  3. R

    265 finished (mostly)

    Picked up a 265 a few months back for 400 bucks due to a leaky seal. After resealing it and months of selecting what fish and what kind of setup I want to run I am finally about complete. Fish are in it and they are happy but I am still fine tuning for the next few weeks. Guess I should list...
  4. H

    FOR SALE: Datnoids, Polypterus, Geos, Red Severums

    I am looking to go in a different direction with my 125 gallon tank. All fish in good shape. FOR SALE NTT Datnoid - $60 - healthy but he's been eating krill and hasn't taken pellets, about 6-7 inches. Indo Datnoid - $60 - eats everything, very healthy, about 5 inches. 2 Seremensis Geos -...
  5. kody929

    Rare Compatibility question

    Hello everyone how's the fish lol I had a question a few advanced SA aquarist Can answer. I recently received 3x Herichthys bocourti(Golden Mojarra), 3x Caquetaia myersi, those beautiful new Red Tiger Severums, 4x Astratheros/Criboheros robertsoni and some wild Colombian Oscars. They are all 1"...
  6. Snowflake311

    Baby Severum with Chocolate ?

    Here is my Chocolate in her tank. I think it is a girl? She is so cool and so laid back. I got her for free from a guy that was moving. I have only had her a yeah. I just love her. Before I got her I started growing out 2 Severums. One born with a deformed gill plate. I was going to put...
  7. jamntoast

    hith? bacterial pitting? whats going on here

    hey so my severums are showing some abnormal pitting or marks on the "face". on the smaller one in particular I've noticed its gotten worse with some areas whitish but not fuzzy at all. no redness or open sores from what I can tell either, the sensory pitts just look bigger. the tank is a little...
  8. Hendre

    Uaru or severums

    Hello guys and gals of MFK, Hendre here. I have done some reading on fish to keep if exodons don't work out for me. I have snooped around and quite like the look of uarus and severums. The tank is a 250 L long and is gonna be black sand and driftwood. I would like to get a pair of one of these...
  9. T

    Lyonsi or Super Red Spotted Severum

    I am trying to decide between breeding lyonsi or red spotted severum. Personally, I like the idea of lyonsi but I think red spotted severum might have a larger number of potential buyers. What do you think?
  10. Angelphish

    Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more...
  11. OK PLAY3R

    Looking For New Tank With New Stock

    I'm purchasing a 125 gal, or a 75 gal depending on what fish I may get. Relocating a 7 inch JD, 5 inch BRP, and a young 4 inch flower horn into the tank Should I put some silver dollars in as dither? I could purchase these two Severum that are about 5 inches. I have a Severum but its in a 25...
  12. Bianca Luna

    Eartheaters and Severums

    Most of the Geophagus species that I've been researching are listed as peaceful and many of the Severums that I've been looking at as well are listed as semi-aggressive. Is there a possibility of these two species co-existing in a peaceful community tank or no?
  13. jamntoast

    Heros sp. Curare grow out thread.

    I grabbed 4 of these guys a couple weeks ago. They are still very small, ~1.5". I've noticed they are just starting to show some red in their fins and in a couple pics in a couple pics I'm starting to see some colour in their faces. Can't wait to see these grow up.
  14. Truetommy

    cichlid ID

    I just got back from the fish store and picked up two intresting looking cichlids. They were losted as green hornets, however I havent been able to find any information on them. One of the workers at the stores said they were related to severums, if any one knows any info on this fish it would...
  15. SeymourAndHisCat

    Stocking Suggestions South American

    Hello, I have a 50 gallon tank with Fluval 405 (100 US gallon) canister filter Current fish; 1x Banded cichlid (Golden Severum) 8-8.5 inches 1x Torpedo Barb (Roseilene Shark) 4 inches 1x Electric Blue Crayfish 1x Some sort of Geophagus 4 inches, sold under Red headed tapjos, however looking at...
  16. Fishpony

    Severum freaking out

    Hello, I have a old severum, got him from a lps when he was 3 inches and had him for over 5 years. He was raised in a bare bottom aquarium and has a little bit of a eye droop. So today i decided to add some gravel so he can dig a pit, and now he is freaking out over the gravel. He is just...