
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Adictd2Fsh

    Will My Arowana Eat Pellets?

    I Just bought a new Silver Arowana about 6", its with a beautiful little Red Spotted Severum about 3" and an Electric Blue Jack Dempsey about 3". The severum and jack are eating hikari gold baby pellets (floating) and hikari gold mini wafers. The arrow don't want anything top do with them, he...
  2. K

    Interactive wet pet & appropriate tank size

    Hi everyone, Long time lurker, Lots of wet pet questions out there but hopefully this one gives me all my answers. Sorry if the post gets long or if its in the wrong spot, feel free to move it mods :) There's a tl;dr at the bottom I'm planning on getting a larger interactive fish as a wet pet...
  3. TheMoneyTank(TMT)


    So today I went fish shopping and whilst looking round at the oddballs they had (8inch gulper catfish £99.00) I was drawn to the cichlid section where I saw my dream fish I have been after for 6 years (hard to find in my area of the UK) A 4inch male dovii, I have been after a dovii for years and...
  4. Kelsicula

    Finalizing my 75g

    In my tank currently I have 2 Senegal Bichir, a regular that appears male and an albino that appears female, judging from its fatter body, both are about 4in. With them I have a gold severum and angelfish, along with a large sailfish pleco that I plan on trading in once my bristlenose gets a few...
  5. B

    Green Severum after losing spawn

    Hello everyone, we are currently on our 2nd batch of green severum fry, last time we left them in the community tank and the severum lost them all to the ropefish we keep (most likely during the night) this time however we decided to setup a breeding tank, ive read that the fry are...
  6. I

    Firemouth pair tank mates?

    I have a 90g where I'm planning on breeding firemouths. I want to add another species. I would love to add a severum, but I think it would be too much for the firemouths to handle or vice versa depending on size. Would a jack dempsey or a texas be too much for the firemouths even if they are a...
  7. S

    New Tank, rescue Eel tankmates advice

    So after a lot of financial distress over the past couple of years I am finally at a stable and comfortable point. I have bought a 125 gallon tank and it's currently cycling and will be for around the next few weeks. I got a peacock Eel from a friend who bought it on impulse and had neither the...
  8. Manas


    Hi guys, i have a 4 feet tank and i have a couple of cichlids including a firemouth, a tiger Oscar, an albino oscar, electric yellow auratus, stripped auratus, a golden Severum, a Convict cichlid a rainbow Shark, a pleco, 2 apple snails, a green terror, and a yellow parrot. Guys my issue is that...
  9. Zanson

    Zanson's Severum Tank

    I've been wanting to keep a log of my severums since i got them a few months ago, so i figured this would be a good place for it. I have been keeping a few Severum species in my tank and i want to document their growth and color changes over time. I also wanted to try and keep as much severum...
  10. Tomt37

    My friends parrot, vest, severum ... just cleaned and sorted their filthy tank :)

    My friends parrot, vest, severum ... just cleaned and sorted their filthy tank :)
  11. jamntoast

    Sexing my severums

    I'm fairly confident that one is male and I wasn't sure on the other. I pulled them out today and got some photos of their vents/tubes/underside. What do you think the sex of these fish are? Thanks
  12. R

    Severum bullying

    Hey guys I have two gold severum & two juvenile oscar in my tank but recently one of my male severum bullying other fish . This severum always try to push my other severum behind the river rock in my tank and dint let her out (actually i dont know its male or female) like he try her not to...
  13. R

    Fungus on severum

    I've noticed something wrong on my severum & looks to me its fungus but still need some help to identify it... Also need to know is it possible to cure this thing without medication ?? Please help out
  14. Fishnthehood

    Adding new fish to my 330 gallon

    So it's been a minute since I've added any new fish to my tank with consists of mostly wild caught Geo's and Severums. I'm currently thinking adding a group of 6 Geo Brasilenis, 4 Red Head Geo's, 3 Aequiden Diadema, 4 Biotodoma Cupido and finally 4 Pterophlyyum Scalare. I do plan to select the...
  15. S

    Pls help me identify the problem with my severum

    I noticed a red blister like dot on my red severums body. He is active and he eats normally water quality is also fine. It would be really helpful if someone could identify what is this blister or what is the reason behind this blister.It looks like it is water filled.
  16. Kelsi

    Geophagus options for my tank

    I'm revamping my 75g tank and am interested in adding geophagus to it. What I plan on currently keeping are my Gold Severum, my featherfin catfish, and my Senegal Bichirs (1 large and two small adolescents [pictured]). I am rehoming my standard pleco and remaining 2 silver dollars (the rest of...
  17. M

    How to breeding Severum?

    Hi How to breeding Severum perfectly? what i do? what the best idea? i have a pair yellow severum Thanks
  18. M

    Mates for Severum in Juwel Rio 180... is it real ?

    What about Severum's mates in a juwel rio 180 (50 gallons) tank. There are: Sumatra barbus - 10; Rainbow fish ((Melanotaenia praecox) - 9 (grows to 6cv long) Labeo bicolor 1 SAE (siamese algae eater) - 3 Botia lohachata - 3 And three Severums, which are small (about 7 cm) It seems like like its...
  19. Brittanirdh

    My trio chilling after breakfast

  20. I

    Green terror and Severum?

    I have a 55g long and am still green behind the ears. I was hoping to get some input if a male green terror and a severum would be compatible in a 55g.