south american

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. C

    Jaguar sexing

    i have around a 7 inch jaguar cichlid. When I vented it, it looked like this oO. Any guesses?
  2. C

    Identifying sex on 6 inch red devil

    Hi guys I recently put this red devil in my 125 was wondering if you could help sex it, thanks
  3. C

    Flowerhorn Quality Comparison

    which flowerhorn should I breed or which has a higher quality. Around 5 inches
  4. C

    Flowerhorn Grade?

    i have a 5 inch flowerhorn. Wondering if anyone will tell me what grade they think he is.
  5. C

    Flowerhorn Kok

    I was wondering if my flowerhorn will end up with a big Kok or just a average one. He’s around 5-6 inches
  6. C

    Flowerhorn Kok

    I was wondering if anybody can tell if my flowerhorn will end up with a big kok or not. He’s around 5-6 inches
  7. C

    Texas cichlid sexing

    i was wondering if my Texas is a male or female. Also is my Texas getting a hump on its head or is that a normal head shape. Really wanting a male. Heard the hump is a good sign of male.
  8. C

    Green terror sexing

    what gender is this fish?
  9. C

    Dovii Sexing

    i just bought three doviis and was wondering if any of y’all can tell what sex they are. The first one is the first dovii, the second and fourth pic is the second dovii, and the third and fifth pics are the last dovii.
  10. C

    How to get rid of ich

    how can I get rid of ich. My dovii has it.
  11. M

    Do African and South american cichlids can cross breed?

    If the answer is no, please explain why not. Thanks!
  12. C

    Salvani sexing

    male or female? Only around 2-3 inches
  13. C

    Green terror sexing

    I was wondering if you can tell if this is a boy or gir terror.
  14. C

    Jaguar cichlid male or female

    Can anyone tell if this jag is a male or female yet?
  15. Kingster

    New THREAD: Is this overstocked?

    SOUTH AMERICAN TANK 1 x Oscar 2 x guianacara gaeyi 4 x Silver Dollars 2 (3) x Pimelouds Maculatus Be too much for a 120 gallon dual overflew, with a trigger 36 sump? BTW need recommendations for cool natural substrate, plants, and rocks
  16. C

    Jaguar Cichlid male or female

    I got two jaguar cichlids the other day and one is darker than the other one. Does anyone know what gender they are yet? And also why is there color different.
  17. C

    AMPHILOPHUS LABIATUS sp. Lago Nicaragua

    Labiatus with 5 day old fry SUNSET SHERBET & CHICKEN-ON-A-CHAIN
  18. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Red ceder wood in aquariums ?

    So I've been doing some looking around for a while now trying to figure out if red ceder is safe to use, ( I have 2 large pieces in my 125 gallon setup) I found mixed opinions, some people saying no at all and some saying yes if it is old and boiled/ soaked properly. I have been having an issue...
  19. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Reverse Osmosis System

    I've been looking at starting up a Reverse Osmosis System to try and purify my tap water because I'm starting to think that my tap water contains high levels of nitrates and that is why I'm having a hard time keeping nitrates down in my 125 gallon setup. I've been looking at the RO unit that...