So as some of you know I have a nice 14 inch vulture cat that is by far my favorite fish and truly a pet to me rather than just a fish. The other day he was being a bit shy when trying to feed him which is not normal as he normally swims up the glass looking for food and will usually have no...
Post up your pics below of your favorite Pleco species!:D My favorite being the L025 Red scarlet pleco (Pseudacanthicus) I have yet to come across one but is on my bucket list for sure. (Photo below is not mine, not my credit.)
What’s everyone feeding there fish? What’s your favorite brand of food ?
- I feed a diet of omega one kelp pellets, omega one cichlid pellets, market shrimp, frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp with spirulina, and San Francisco Bay silver sides
I have an addiction for larger odd ball catfish and wondering what everyone is keeping or what’s your favorite. Post pics and info below :D
My current favorite is the vulture catfish or Calophysus macropterus.
-Got the opportunity to get one about a month ago and couldn’t pass it up been the...
Anyone have some good tips on breeding geophagus tapajos’ red head ? I have a group of 4 juveniles, 1 male and 3 females. Looking to breed them as they mature
Thinking of getting a large group of tetras, looking for a species that maxes out at around 2-2.5 inches and schools well. What’s everyone’s suggestion or what’s your favorite ? This stock will be for my current 125g setup
this a little fun video of some of my current and past actual stock except the monster Dovii my pic but he was a the zoo in a million gallon tank naw just kidding but my guess no less than 50,000 gallons probably closer to 100,000. These tank up there in aggression let me know what's your...
Hello guys,
Guys I have a Jaguar cichlids which is about 5” - 6” in a 300 Gallon. Please can you help me identify it’s sex as it’s growing up and I want to know if it’s male as they get very aggressive towards other fishes.
Hi guys, I currently have a 55g but I am looking to get a new 150g 5x2x2, looking to stock American cichlids so any stocking ideas are appreciated, thanks in advance
So yesterday I decided to create a SA community and brought the following
X10 black widow tetras
X5 Brazilian festivums
X2 apistogramma wilhemi
Immediately after adding the largest festivum (just under 4 inches) and a 3inch festivum paired off and became aggressive protecting a corner of the...
I want to get experience so I can breed red tiger motaguense. Before I drop 108$ to get them shipped in, what's a good, widely available, cichlid to get experience. Im not new to fish by any means and know a decent amount about community fish but I'm looking to get into central/south american...
I have a 90g cycling and I'm looking to get some high quality firemouth cichlids to breed. Problem is I'm having trouble finding someone in my club who can hook me up and my local store has some but they don't have much color to them. The question is does anyone know an online distributor that...
i am looking for a couple options for my 265 South American tank, it will be stocked with my oscar, orange shouldered severum, leporinus, and electric blue acara. Looking for some fish for the bottom area of the tank mostly but any suggestions will do!
Hey all,
For any of you that keep South American fish, there is a massive field guide coming out for identifying fish from the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas regions. This should be a major upgrade from books focusing on only the commonly-imported aquarium fish. Really, nothing this in-depth has...
Hello fellow Monster Fish Keepers!
It's been a while since I've posted much on the forum, other than lurking a little for the last month or so :rolleyes:
My family and I recently moved into a new house and while its been nothing short of a pain in the butt, it has been very rewarding! With the...
This will be the first entry of my progress/process of getting a group of 9 geophagus winemilleri in an attempt to get at least one breeding pair.
The setup is simple. 135 gallon custom tall tank i got for free from a friend. I have 2 Magnum canisters made by Marineland and a 130g HOB that i...
Well, hello there everybody! I have some questions about this very interesting cichlid, are they still very common in their countries of origin? From my little research I have done it seems that someone had the bright Idea to introduce all kinds of Tilapia. Has that hurt the Haitiensis...