
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. viper0397

    My new kids lol

    I just acquired a male pearl hybrid and a female mantilla hybrid! I really like the markings on the pearl hybrid!
  2. M


    Im in a tough spot. My LFS has two 6” orb pups in store that he ordered in a week or so ago. Haven’t had confirmation of them eating yet, and one has stringy white poo which I’m guessing means internal parasites. That same ray is also amazingly skinny. The second ray seems to be a little...
  3. G

    identification of potamotrygon motoro

    Hello I was thinking about buying this ray, but i was curios to see if anyone could id the ray in the picture and tell me the adult size of it? so I could see if my tank were big enough for I have a 900 liters aquarium with the messuerments 200cmX75cmX60cm
  4. Stillwater

    Back on MFK with my P. leopoldi and some others....

    10 captive bred P. leopoldi and some friendly tank mates.
  5. N

    Monster fish to small community fish

    I’ve been keeping monster fish and have a huge tank for years now Arowana, Gars, Bass, stingrays etc but have now sold as I’m moving house. I’m thinking of using this tank now as a community tank with small fish what doesn’t come with some of the stress these big fish sometimes give. My...
  6. viper0397

    Looking for advice please

    Looking for some advice please. I have 2 retics 3 and 4 years old that have really slowed down considerably on their eating. Of course they are retics so what they eat is very limited. Extremely picky eaters. I have 3 other rays in the same tank that still seem to be eating quite well. 1 retic...
  7. M

    Couple questions before I drill

    I have some final numbers I wanted to run by you guys. I have a 220 I am setting up with a 55 that I'm turning into a wet sump. I have a jaebo dcs-1200 return pump in route. I know it's not the best pump but if it gets me through a year I'll be happy. My overflow is a eclipse L from...
  8. viper0397

    Retic and Hystrix.

    My male rsetic trying to mate with my female hystrix. Kind of hoping he does get the job done. Would love to see how the pups turn out.
  9. M

    Orb question

    I've had my LFS on the lookout for a ray for a while now. He messaged me today saying his supplier got in "Colombian Hystrix." I'm incredibly skeptical but told him to give them a try. My question is if these show up and are actually orbs, how long does it take them to get bigger than 20"...
  10. viper0397

    Thai hybrid

    New Thai hybrid I got from Scott Yonkers!!
  11. M

    How to find captive bred rays?

    Hi. In my research to add my first freshwater ray to my household of fish I have learned quite a bit. I have decided that I want to find a histrix ray, and have subsequently been introduced to the CITES list that I am still trying to interpret. From what I can tell these rays are possible...
  12. Dieselhybrid

    The "Royal" Family (Galaxy P14)

    We acquired this gorgeous colony of Royal Galaxy P14 some time ago. I've had them under close watch. They have started to develop and show their full potential, I can't believe my eyes the way they have matured. Decided it was time to share with everyone. P14 have long been one of the...
  13. Vandyfan13

    How much K1

    I know Stingrays produce a lot of waste. Way more then most fish I'm trying to figure out how much so I know how much K1 they need. For those who know more then I do or use K1 what is your recommendation? Is there a way to calculate and thank you for your time.
  14. M

    First ray tank.

    Hi, I want to set up a ray tank and have a few questions for which I am having trouble finding answers. I have been keeping fish for about three years now and decided I want to set up a ray tank finally. I've been doing a lot of reading and watching videos and decided I want to start with a...
  15. Vandyfan13

    Stand is only 2ft tall

    It's a Ray tank what would you guys do for filtration? Already have K1 media so would like to incorporate that somehow.
  16. Vandyfan13


    I plan on buying a rubbermaid foam tank to use as my sump. I have K1 media I plan on using as the bio filter. My question is what could i use for mechanical filtration and do you think there is anyway i could add a wet dry to it?
  17. Vandyfan13

    Where did you guys

    Buy your stingrays or where do you recommend? I've heard of Tangled Up in Cichlids and the great reviews. Anywhere else?
  18. Z

    Silver Arowana acting very strange please help!!

    Hello, this is my first post on mfk. I purchased a 5" silver arowana yesterday and put him in with my 7" diameter motoro stingray and the arowana has been acting very strange. He is not swimming all the time. When I go near the tank, he will just hide and stay still on the bottom of the tank...
  19. Vandyfan13

    Rock and a hard place

    I'm getting a 75 gallon tank Thursday and I'm not sure what to put in it. It will eventually be the sump in my tank I'm completely at the end of summer. (7ft x 3ft x 2ft tall) I don't really have any filtration on me but could I use it as a grow out for a Motoro and Ripshaw Catfish? Opinions?
  20. B

    All glass 11ft

    Hi all I'm back, it's been ages I know, I think the last post I did was back in 2013 or 2014, I was originally going to have a 12x3x3 all glass aquarium built on site, now I've gone for 11x4x2.5.