So I decided to set up a 240 gallon I've had in storage for 8months or so now.
Thread will be slow as I am starting a new job, due to saving up for a much larger tank for the new house. Don't wanna talk to much about that right now, but it will be around 3 times more gallon age than this...
Have the opportunity to build a pretty big tank with a custom stand. 300+ gallons. 7' by 3' any suggestions on where to put overflows for sump and other recommendations you would like done or would do to yours if you could? I should mention it will be glass too. The sump I'm building will be a...
Have the opportunity to build a pretty big tank with a custom stand. 300+ gallons. 7' by 3' any suggestions on where to put overflows for sump and other recommendations you would like done or would do to yours if you could? I should mention it will be glass too. The sump I'm building will be a...
Tried searching for this info but didn't really find anything. I thought I would ask some ray keepers on here. My first question is can you mix ray species? The exact species I'm looking at are retics and hystrix. Also is there a male to female ratio that works best? I've seen a lot of people...
I've had my stingray for a little over one month. He's been acting fine up until a few days ago. He hangs out by the filter pump pretty much all day as of recently. He normally swims all around the tank or stays by the heater. A week ago I notice some fungus on his barb, but it has not been...
What type of listing is this?:
What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?:
Stand and Canopy for a 6 foot x 18" tank (Black)
What are your prices?:
Where are you located?:
SoCal, CA
Pickup or Able to Ship?:
Look what I found, wish I can pick up? Good Luck whoever gets it...
Hey Guys,
I was a member of MFK years ago, got into saltwater for awhile and my urge to keep and breed freshwater rays got the best of me. I just finished my tank and here are some pics. I have no idea what my Hybrid is mixed with, and insight would be great!
Building a tank around 320 gallons. sorry American haha
Will have a 75 gallon K1 Fluidized Sump.
Anyway I am going the Motoro Ray route, but I'm also getting a ripshaw catfish which I've heard grow slower then stingrays. Which should I buy first to make it safest. At the smaller size I would...
Hey guys,
I recently got baby motoro stingray like a week back. He's hardly eating and is housed with an albino bichir and an Asian arowana. He's housed in a 180 gal. The ph, nitrites, ammonia and nitrates are perfect. The bottom substrate is white sand. This morning I noticed a mark on his...
well I finally have the rays in their new home, its took 18months and there is still a bit to do but I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
I don't know why but this video didn't seem to record very well, quality seems poor.
the second tank was half way through cleaning and...
Hello all, I have purchased this guy for $175 from a LFS, the storeowner couldnt tell me which kind of ray it is but said he has had him there for almost 2 weeks. I have had him now for 5 days, the ray is eating bloodworms and slivers of shrimp. The ray is only about 5 inches across, eats well...
Ok he is the short story..... not sure that many remember me here but used to be very very active in this forum. Have had rays for the last 15 years. Was one of the first to ever breed retic rays (17 pups shipped nationally). At one point we had 9 adult rays in our 600 gallon tank. Over the...
Are there some rays that just don't pig out? All my rays are pigs except for 1. She just eats enough. I've had her for over 4 months and her appetite hasn't really increase. she is not as active like my other rays. is that a possible reason?
I just want to please know how many of you use bare bottom tanks for your stingrays and how your rays react to it?
I am thinking of going bare bottom for multiple reasons. I see that a lot of people do it, but every time I ask in the groups on facebook I get chastised for it.
Does anyone out there still own a pure Leopoldi these days seems like there out there but mixed with something and no one has a pure Leo. Just haven't seen a good looking Leo in a long time.
It was good to meet and just wanna say thank you to Scott S. For giving me the opportunity to pick up his male Leo Hen so I can start my breeding with my girls. Going to go have some good looking hybrids down the road. My females are Leo/mantilla,Mantilla, and pearlxmotoroxmantilla. I have a...
It's been a couple months and the BD/aparacio is feeding very aggressively. Looks like pregnant females sometimes. The tiger is stuck on eating only live and is out gunned by the other two for food. Still looking healthy with no protruding hips though. The BD male juvenile still has small spots...
After almost two years (easily over a year and a half) of reading and studying and more reading I have started a custom tank build for a stingray. Thanks to this site whom I've just joined but read over and over again I feel comfortable in taking care of theses beautiful fish. I just wanted to...